
Showing posts from November, 2019

A Tarot History

Tarot. What is it? Where did it come from? Today it has become super popular. Mainly because it offers mysticism and insight into yourself. So where did it originate? Well it originated as a card game, kind of like bridge, in Italy! It came about in the 15th century. Which begs another question...Why is it steeped in the Occult life, and why does it feel so ancient!? Let's start with the name, because these are a lot of questions that have come to my mind, as I have been delving into the Tarot. It has been an on going process, one part research, the other part intuition. It's original game name was Tarocchi (Italian word), and then it lost it's popularity around the same time, because it was leading people towards excessive gambling. Then in the 16th & 17th centuries it became a popular game in parts of Europe, but mostly in France. And in France we have the word English speaking nations use, Tarot. It later died down, but had another jump in popularity in Europ...

Creative Content

For the return followers, you can see that I have changed up my website just a smudge! (That was puny and you know it!) I have added a Creative Content section, with links to a Contact page, along with some inspirational people! I have been on this spiritual path for quite a while now and I have felt the need to find an outlet. I hope this new revamp will allow me to have the outlet, and some pretty sickening content for you! I am hoping this will also be a sage haven for people to leave comments and creative suggestions for others. I will still be writing my stories and poems; but, I felt the need to also add a few extra things to the mix. I will be adding some spells from my own Book of Shadows, along with some Tarot. I have been practicing and learning Tarot and wish to express that on here. And... Shadow Work. I have been binge watching Jessi Huntenburg (Link above, wink, wink) on YouTube for my shadow work, and getting ideas on what I want to accomplish for myself. For Tarot! ...