
Showing posts from February, 2020

Tarot Readers that Inspire Me: Part 3

Last, but not least, the daily tarot readers! This is part 3 and the last in our series for this month. These are general tarot readers that are on point! Watching these general tarot readings help you get in touch with tarot as a whole. This can help you improve your own readings, along with doing a daily tarot. In tarot you will never stop learning. No matter how of a seasoned tarot reader you become, there is just soooo much knowledge. Never stop learning! The first badass that I found was through Olivia and her name is Shonnetta from Shonnetta's divine tarot. She is PHENOMENAL! If I am having a bad day, I just tune in to a new video or re-watch the classics. She does several groups and tunes into that groups collective consciousness and uses spirit to provide that groups message. Some messages are not for you, but that one you needed might just be in there. She is super good! She even lists the cards she uses. That's actually how I found some of the cards I got! A fun v

Tarot and Witchcraft

My Altar Starting out in the vast journey we call life, I had no idea I can mix tarot and magick! You're probably thinking right now, "Wow." But I assure you my mind did not put two and two together, but maybe some of you reading had no idea either! Even after all of this, I knew that energy is just energy. It is all limited by your imagination. That leads into a whole other story time there. Why have you limited your imagination. Even if you grow up and are a writer, you still loose a piece of imagination that you had as a child when you grow up. What made you jaded to your imagination. Gosh! Stop me! Okay back into it! So this post ties into my review of the Witches Tarot, and from that post I mentioned the spell work in the back that you can do with the cards! I had two recent deaths in not even a month and I have felt some type of way. Initially I had the death of my familiar and best friend. I did the broken heart healing spell in the back of the book for tha

Tarot Readers that Inspire Me: Part 2

Welcome to part 2! Now I will discuss the other tarot readers/content creators that have inspired me to continue down my path. These got me wanting to try my hand at spreads. Spreads are like little life stories. It can be a spread for love life, business, spiritual, just depends on what you are wanting out of the reading. While I was watching Olivia's content creators that she loves, I came across Jessi Huntenburg. (Olivia's video is in the last post) Jessi is an awesome one that gets you involved! She has this engaging personality that just gets you out and doing something. She has a great positivity about her. The one video that got me wanting to learn more is below! This is the video that had me doing a spread and set me further on my course. The next YouTuber I followed and have obsessed over is Adela Lavine. She is actually not a Tarot reader, but an intuitive and medium. I actually followed her before Olivia posted her content creator video. She did an interview

Mystical Cats Tarot: Story time and Review

Mystical Cats Tarot Story time! So at first I thought I wouldn't like this tarot deck, but I got it anyway. Why you ask? Because it called to me. I had just had to put down my familiar and friend, Stitch. I was feeling some type of way because it was the HARDEST and EASIEST decision I have had to make. Why is it both you ask? Because he's no longer in pain, that was the easy part, end the suffering before it went out of control. I mean he was 20 years old! And the hardest because he is no longer laying in my lap, or meowing in my ear early in the morning because he wants food meow! He's not laying in his favorite chair, which he stole from me. Insert eye roll. That's why it was hard and easy at the same time. But, with that being said, back to the bookstore decision. Thank you Barnes and Noble for having Tarot on your shelves! I could NOT decide when I walked up to the shelf. I, actually, was going in to look for books, but for some reason my mind was hit like a M

Tarot Readers That Inspire Me: Part 1

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot This is going to be a 3 part scenario. First part is the Tarot readers, or the ones that gave me inspiration, to continue on with my path to reading Tarot. Second part of this is the ones that kept inspiring me to learn more and start learning spreads. The last part is the ones that I found doing general readings. These are the ones that you want to watch to see how to read in a spread setting. To get better acquainted with the Tarot and how to read a spread, because you want to see how each reader does a reading. So you can find a way that you want to do it and are better able to articulate a reading. It gets you more in touch with the cards to be a better reader. And just because you read for yourself, doesn't mean you shouldn't get a reading. Always get a reading for yourself this way you can learn more about yourself and how to read a Tarot spread. You want to get better acquainted. Have someone help you call yourself out on your bull shit! These

The Witches Tarot Review

Okay story time! I had went on vacation to California to visit with family and we decided to sit on the couch and google metaphysical shops. And when I say we, I actually mean just me, but that is besides the point. We all still went! I found this shop called House of Intuition in Long Beach California. I mentioned it and a day or so later, we all piled in the rickety van and drove to the shop! It was a wonderful time. We even wound up at the beach just before sunset, and damn that was beautiful!! But anyway, we made it to the shop. We walked in and it was a menagerie of crystals, books, incense, and anything else you want to imagine. It was a very hip place. It jived to it's own tune in the respect that it catered to tourists in general, not so much locals. It was a nice place don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't just go there again. I would just go for the tarot decks that they had. They had a bomb collection! But anything else? No, not so much. I would rather go to one

Tarot...In the Beginning!

A long time ago in a galaxy, far....far...away....there was tarot reader born! If you get my Star Wars reference then we are friends. If you didn't then you are dead to me! Just kidding! But seriously this is about my journey to getting into Tarot today, and how it has affected me in my spiritual practice. Tarot is a way for me to help others, but also to give reflection inward. I have been doing daily tarot for a few months now. Give or take a few days I forgot to, because I got to busy. I really have enjoyed doing it! I've even gotten in a few spreads that I've practiced. For the most part, I got into Tarot via oracle cards. I had never touched, let alone used a tarot card deck at this point. Not even an oracle deck either. I remember when I first started on this path to Cartomancy. It was a few years before I had met my husband. I was googling the hell out of anything esoteric at one point after what had gotten me started. I think it was about 11 years ago? My memo

War of the Gods: Prelude

The door to the castle was buckling. They were going to get in no matter what was done. A massive shield couldn't stop what was to transpire. All she knew is that they had to get their son out of the castle and off the island. There was no way that their way of life would be destroyed by this jealousy. This insatiable need to dominate all life. It wasn't that He wanted to destroy it, He wanted it mind, body, and soul. And what better way then to destroy everything that stood in his way. Like us, she thought. He knows that we will not stand for it. Gods and human's would not stand for it if they only knew the truth, but there was so much misinformation. Misinformation that He had started to drive forth using fear and lies with such confidence that the idiots would follow. They had to get out of here and fast! Bam! Bam! The door started to buckle. Her spell was almost finished. A last ditch attempt to transport her child across vast distances. There was not way that she