
Showing posts from June, 2015

Midnight: Chapter 5

I sat crossed legged, breathing deeply. Content in my wanderings of the mind and my soul. I was at peace when the first explosion happened. I was in my place of dreams. The waterfall splashing in my face. The breeze playing in the trees around the glade in my mind. Just peace was around me. I felt a small push. A force drawing me back to reality. I heard a roar! I jolted back to the present and opened my eyes to my Dragon trying to wake me up. I looked up as I realized what I was hearing. Explosions in the distance. "What is that?" I exclaimed. Looking to the North I could tell there was smoke billowing from the trees and blackening the sky. "That is the sound of battle, the Enemy has made His move." I stared in the distance as the smoke got thicker and thicker moving with the wind more north and away from us. I could make what appeared to be winged creatures in the distance dashing to the ground here and there and dropping objects into the trees and fly