Midnight: Chapter 5

I sat crossed legged, breathing deeply. Content in my wanderings of the mind and my soul. I was at peace when the first explosion happened. I was in my place of dreams. The waterfall splashing in my face. The breeze playing in the trees around the glade in my mind. Just peace was around me.

I felt a small push. A force drawing me back to reality. I heard a roar!

I jolted back to the present and opened my eyes to my Dragon trying to wake me up. I looked up as I realized what I was hearing. Explosions in the distance.

"What is that?" I exclaimed.

Looking to the North I could tell there was smoke billowing from the trees and blackening the sky.

"That is the sound of battle, the Enemy has made His move."

I stared in the distance as the smoke got thicker and thicker moving with the wind more north and away from us. I could make what appeared to be winged creatures in the distance dashing to the ground here and there and dropping objects into the trees and flying off. The dipped and dodged with precision and cunning.

"What are those things," I found myself asking.

"Those are Demons," the Dragon simply said.

"We are not ready for them just yet, we need to move before they spot us."

They were several miles north of us but if we could see them almost clearly you bet they could see my new over sized friend clearly as well.

"We won't fly. I think we should move to the trees and use them as some cover just in case they fly this direction, they seem to me to be looking for something and my guess is us." He said.

"Yea, I think they are, let's go." I said.

After my meditation into my mind, I felt like I was thinking more clearly and with more precision of my own. All of a sudden it was like I knew they were definitely looking for us and what I needed to do to keep us both safe and away from their radar, so to speak. It was like I had an Awakening, like I did this once before and failed. This time though I planned on not failing and doing my damnedest to keep us almost invisible.

I reached deep inside me, knowing what to do. I Cast a spell knowing exactly what it would do and for what purpose. I imagined being covered in a blanket of pure Light and created like a 'glass mirror' around us reflecting all Light and image. I knew this Casting was a Spell of Invisibility. It could keep us 'invisible' to enemies and averts their gaze without knowing it. This time it felt like I was stronger and it was more of a subtle Casting to keep their gaze from viewing us. I knew that I, somehow, had done something like this before and it hadn't been as subtle. Nor did it work the last time either.

"Very good this time." the Dragon said with a smile of approval in his voice.

"It's like somehow I knew how to do that better this time." I said with wonder.

"It is true you have done this before in a Past Life, now to be off." He said, as he turned to where I had come into the glad.

"Let us be off."

"Yes." I said, almost in a trance of sorts. I was so not sure how I felt about having done something before when I knew I had not done a thing like this ever. At least not in this life time, I thought. I didn't know what to think of any of this, so I followed behind my Dragon.

We made it to the trees as we turned one more time to the smoke and fire in the distance. The Demons seemed to have been enjoying themselves, for the sped up their pace. A few in the distance looked like they were hurling fire down onto the trees it was almost like they where trying to flush us out. We knew they were looking for us. They were doing a circle search pattern as they shot fire down from the sky.

I knew they wanted something and that somehow I had it. I looked to my hand where the new Wand was held. I knew they wanted this somehow and I knew that it was also my birth right to have it. So I gathered myself up with more confidence then I initially had felt and took my leave of the place. Turned, I walked next to the Dragon with my Wand in the left hand and my Staff in the right. My staff that I had forever not knowing until now that it also was my birth right to have. I somehow had an awakening of sorts with my meditation. I couldn't help wondering though it my new Guardian had helped that along, so I put it to the back of my mind for the time being.

I had more knowledge and practice to do. So we walked into the Forest and made our way South - East towards the next destination. This was truly a new world for me in a sense, and I was not sure what I would get out of it. I just wanted to go home, but I knew I had a duty to do. And I now knew that I could do it; and, maybe, with some fabulous help.


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