That One Dream Ritual

I mentioned I was doing a Dream Ritual right? If not, I did it. I did this for 7 days using the spell bottle I got from the Witches Box Subscription . I wanted to do this to talk to my Shadow Side and get to know him a little better. I set forth my intention every night before bed and asked to better communicate with my Shadow Side. So here is my journey! I JUST noticed this as I was reading through my dreams. I kept waking up and for the dates I kept writing the number 10 each night. Mind you, I did this ritual while it was a full moon in February! Not October! I was so confused, I crossed it out and wrote 2 instead of 10, but I had the feeling to look up the significance of the number. I found that it is an "Angel" number, but I am not Christian by any means, so I kept looking for the spiritual significance, and the sum of it is, that my Higher Self is telling me to pay attention to this. I am supported, and awakening into more of my spirituality. I am taking this as a qu...