That One Dream Ritual


This picture shows all of the color oracle cards that are in this post. Indigo (deep purplish blue), white, Dragon (deep green), canyon (light brown), luna moth (a lime greenish color), sekhmet (a muddy orange), and pale pink. It has a tip of my journal that I was using, open, and words blurred slightly. On the right hand side is my laptop and next to that is the witches bottle for the subscription box mentioned. All of this is on my table and my skull mat that is black and white. Table cloth on my table is black with colorful flowers all over.

I mentioned I was doing a Dream Ritual right? If not, I did it. I did this for 7 days using the spell bottle I got from the Witches Box Subscription. I wanted to do this to talk to my Shadow Side and get to know him a little better. I set forth my intention every night before bed and asked to better communicate with my Shadow Side. So here is my journey!

I JUST noticed this as I was reading through my dreams. I kept waking up and for the dates I kept writing the number 10 each night. Mind you, I did this ritual while it was a full moon in February! Not October! I was so confused, I crossed it out and wrote 2 instead of 10, but I had the feeling to look up the significance of the number. I found that it is an "Angel" number, but I am not Christian by any means, so I kept looking for the spiritual significance, and the sum of it is, that my Higher Self is telling me to pay attention to this. I am supported, and awakening into more of my spirituality. I am taking this as a queue to pay attention to the dreams on those days and take some time to decipher what they actually mean in my endeavor to communicate with my Shadow. What are they telling me? And how can I use those interpretations to be able to communicate with my Shadow side?

I am so excited!! This should be interesting on what they all mean! I think this first Dream magick that I have performed is so worth it! Sorry about that, had to write that out before I didn't! You are taking a glimpse into my random mind. Hope I have not scared you off too much; but, anyway, back to this post!

After I got my altar space set up for this dream ritual, I pulled some cards from my color mage oracle deck. I asked what each day can provide as long as I stick with it. I drew for Sunday to Saturday; Indigo, White, Dragon, Canyon, Luna Moth, Sekhmet, and Pale Pink. Of course, each color means something, along with each day, trust. I did my research!

Sunday is for healing and protection, to use the day as a base for Strength. Monday is for sleep and peace. Tuesday is Courage. Wednesday is for bringing the subconscious to the conscious mind, and study. Thursday is for Expansion. Friday is love and reconciliation. Saturday is for longevity and communication. 

For each color, and what the day signifies, is what I have determined what each can provide for me and what type of communication will help me grow and understand myself. Shadow work is not easy to say the lease. It is a MASSIVE journey towards self discovery, the good and the bad, but it is so worth the effort. You have to be ready to do it and be in the right mind space, but when you are, you will learn so much! 

So Sunday is for healing and protection, I got indigo for that day and that is clairvoyance. What I took out of that is, I am getting started with communicating with my Shadow. Here is my beginning when I start to set my intention and begin to understand what I need to do.

Monday is for sleep and peace. I drew the color White here. White is Light. From the dream that I had it was basically nothing but a peaceful start. I had woke up several times, but I never remembered to start writing in my journal, so I only remember one dream. I was an Avenger. You know Marvel Universe. That is what I get for watching it the night before! I had one night of peace.

Tuesday is courage and I drew Dragon. Dragon is power and legacy. Here is were I knew I needed the courage to continue; because, I was not even sure I wanted to continue, but I persisted. Fear is what can stop you. But Courage, like a Dragon, will keep you moving forward!

Wednesday I drew Canyon. Deep Perspective. Wednesday is the day for bringing in your subconscious to your conscious self. This dream, well this one's for me and me alone. It was for sure DEEP. This is also where I started to write the number 10! I did this until Saturday night, the last night of my dream ritual. 

Thursday was Luna Moth, or the Goddess Ishtar and Fertility. Thursdays are for expansion. What better way to expand then to be fertile! Let's get it on! Sorry, Barry White popped into my mind...

Friday was my matron Goddess, Sekhmet. Side note, she is the one that put me on my journey and gave me my Title, War Witch. That I will write about later! Back to this, Sekhmet is Warrior Spirit and Fridays are for love and reconciliation. Here is where it may confuse you. I got Sekhmet the Goddess of Revenge, Plague, and War. Well she is also the Goddess of Healing. What better way to reconcile then to love yourself no matter what. Love is such an expansive concept that it encompasses a lot of attributes, including Self-Love. Self-love can even be a fight itself. How to love yourself and fight off that hatred for yourself. Sekhmet is a good option to fight that bad inner voice and be able to face it and ask it why. Why are you telling me to hate myself? That is Shadow Work. Being able to face why you tell yourself to hate yourself. 

Saturday was Pale Pink, or Gentle Love. Saturday is Longevity and continued communication. Pretty sure this card is telling me to keep loving myself no matter what, but be gentle about it. Don't just ignore that inner voice that is telling you an insecurity. Look at it and find out why and accept it as a part of you. I know easier said than done, but that's why Shadow Work never ends!

If you ignore yourself for so long it will build and build until you self destruct. Hence the concept of self destructive behavior. When do you stop and talk to yourself and say, "I see you, I love you for you. You are Enough." Because guess what? You ARE enough. You are truly amazing and never forget that reader. You are a joy to write for and that is therapy in itself. 

With love,

Sean E. The War Witch



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