Tarot Spreads for Personal Growth

During this exciting quarantine time, just kidding you are probably bored out of your own skull at this point, why not just do some self realizations. I am sure you are feeling some type of way right now, especially since you are spending so much time on your own. Why not just do some tarot spreads to help yourself out! Realize some things that you can do to help yourself heal and realize things that you need to grow. Most cases this is called Shadow Work, and I have definitely been doing this very thing recently.

It can be a hard thing to face yourself, but sometimes it is necessary to heal and grow. So the blog for this week is all about that personal growth. The good and the bad. Because let's be real, tarot can call your ass OUT!

So grab your tea, blanket, and tissues for when you do this. Grab things that can comfort you as you work the tarot and right it down. Then I strongly suggest to take a nice ritual bath, use some bath salts and imagine all this to run down the drain, because this can be some heavy stuff. I have gotten to look at myself in a few different ways let me tell you!

So the few tarot spreads that you can do for personal growth are for Shadow Work, your finances, your own job, personal interactions with other people, anything that you can think of to grow personally.

First we will take a quick look at the Shadow work aspect in tarot. There was a few spreads that I found and a few I just went ahead and did myself to take a closer look at myself in the mirror. Shadow Work is a positive and negative thing. The positive aspect is that you get to know yourself a little better before you take yourself on a hot date! And the negative aspect of Shadow Work is that you can get deep into feelings that you never really knew existed. You get so deep into your subconscious that it brings it to the light. So let's discuss a few spreads that have worked for me and their outcomes.

Outline of three cards one lower left, middle is slightly higher, third is slightly lower with text inside the outline. First outline says what you need to release to forgive, second how to regain a sense of balance, third where to find the beauty and pleasure. Snap shot of 3am tarot from instagram.
First is a 3 card spread. The first position the card is for "what you need to release or forgive", second position is "how to regain a sense of balance," last position is "where to find beauty and pleasure."

This was an good spread and here is what I got!

First position the 6 of pentacles popped out and this card was telling me to forgive my younger self and all of the adults that took advantage of me. They no longer serve me and I need to just let it out and forgive my younger self.

If you do not know me I don't talk much about my past or emotion in general and I have trying to do better for myself and other by opening up. So here I go...opening up. I was sexual assaulted in an abusive relationship. I am still going through therapy and it has helped me out a lot. So when the card is telling that I need to forgive my younger self, if you have not been sexually assaulted then you won't know. I will explain more as I go through this spread. My younger self was naive and was taken advantage of, which was not a good thing. This is why I need to forgive my younger self, because I resent him. He was young and innocent and myself now, that has all been taken away. There was nothing different I could have done and that is okay. I survived.

The second card that came up was the 8 of swords. To regain the sense of balance for myself I need to be able to overcome that self doubt. I need to take the action toward that, because swords is all about action and movement. I need to trust myself now and not resent. I learned the lessons that I needed to learn out of life. To better myself and others. I need to do things that allow me to love myself. A little self care will go a long way.

Last position is the 4 of cups. And if you know cups that is all about emotions. To find my balance I need to get out in nature and hold myself inside. Cower inward when there is still so much beauty outside. The Earth can help me center my emotions. The good and bad. And yes it got more intense for me....

The next spread was after I had read the "Symptoms of Being Human", by Jeff Garvin. This was an amazing book! There is a trigger warning for anyone that has been sexually assaulted, but it was beneficial for me to read it. Pretty sure the universe put it across my path to heal more. This was a 6 card spread. This was one that came to me. The top 3 that you draw are the 3 major emotions you are feeling in the moment and the cards that you pull for below each spread is what you can do to accept and heal those emotions that you are feeling so raw.

The 3 emotions that the cards told me about were 5 of swords, page of pentacles, and the 9 of pentacles.

For the 5 of swords my raw emotion I was feeling is embarrassment and humiliation. My body was violated, whether I felt I had a choice or not and that can be humiliating. That safety was stolen from me. I felt that humiliation because I was coerced into having sex. "You know you want it." Will haunt me. And I was even embarrassed that I couldn't even tell anyone. I felt so helpless and hopeless. Those are emotions no one should feel. The card that I drew to help me heal that emotion was the 5 of wands. What I got out of that was that I need to just TELL SOMEONE! Just tell them the embarrassment and humiliation that my younger self felt. The fear, anger, desperation. I need to stop avoiding all those feelings and accept them. Stop resisting them. The genie bottle is open.

Now the page of pentacles, what was I feeling there? I was feeling disconnected. Emotion is hard because I've had to drown it out with nothingness just to get by. I've been closed off. I'm not even feeling the beauty around me in the mundane world! To heal that I drew the Emperor. He is the supreme commander, a Ruler. He is wise, dominate in will power. I need to get up and go outside! I need to accept what has come into my path. I am STRONG. I have the Will Power to do what I want and I need to just accept it. I cannot go back into my shell and ignore my emotions, it's not good for me.

Last was the 9 of pentacles. Here I was feeling complacency. I have just grown complacent in these feelings, and keeping them inside so I don't have to face them. But as long as I don't face them they can fester and make me into something that is no good. I don't want to be that evil persona and I need to acknowledge those raw feelings and treat them with some respect. The card that was to give me balance for this was the Ace of Wands. I need to find something that inspires me! Brings my fire back! I just need to get out and do something new. Or just WRITE! So that brings me to my blog! Writing has always inspired me to get a grasp on emotions or life!

I can describe a good battle. I could draw a picture of a landscape with words. I could breathe ancient knowledge throughout the very text that comes sprawling out of me. It is an amazing thing.

Snapshot from Instagrams ethony dawn. Drawing outline of scales and a drawing outline of the tarot spread to the right of it. 1 through 5. 5 being close to the scales and 1 just above it and 2 through 4 are in a semi circle.
So the last spread we are going to discuss is a 5 card spread. This one is a little more positive, but it will still help you with getting in touch with what you need to balance aspects of your mind, body, and soul. The five questions are "What does my mind, body, soul need for healing." That is all three separate cards. Fourth question is," What self care act am I being called to do?" Last is "What is my major lesson right now?"

For the first question to balance my mind I got the 3 of cups. Here my mind is everywhere. In this instance 3 is a crowd and I need to shut up 2 out of 3! I need to learn to not do so much otherwise I will get disconnected with reality. I need to focus.

Number 2, my body, I got the Knight of Cups. My body needs a little romancing! I need to take a bath, do yoga, break dance, something! I need to find time to do something with my body. Don't stay stagnant.

Number 3, my soul, I got judgement. I need to rebirth myself. I need to stop judging myself so harshly. I need to do all those things that I mentioned before because I am just disconnected and without focus. I need to take that leap of faith. That is what I have been getting in most readings and judging myself or worrying about others judging me is what is holding me back from taking that last leap. I can do it!! I need to get over it! I am being called and I should listen because it will be fulfilling.

Fourth was the Page of Swords. Here the page is telling me about that calling. I need to get my clarity and stop being restless. Mediate, take that soothing bath. Take some time for myself and peace out from the rest of humanity for my self care act.

Last was the Page of Swords, this was the major lesson I needed to learn at that time. Change. I need to start making positive changes in my life to get better in touch with it. Procrastination is very unbecoming of me. I need to take those blinders off and just get a real good look at myself and my surrounding areas.

So, as you can see, Shadow Work can be a hard thing. There was some other emotions and realizations that I came across during each of those spreads, but those are for me. Well, and my therapist to yet work out together. I have made a lot of progress in my life. I have been to below the bottom and now to the top. It can be struggle to remain, but I just have to remind myself to accept and acknowledge the good and the bad. Because you really can't have one without the other. And it isn't always so bad.

Below is two YouTube videos from one of my favorites, Jessi Huntenberg, and how she has utilized Tarot with Shadow Work. Also, a link to the 2 spreads that I found on Instagram and their webpages. Enjoy!!

References Used: 

Posted by: Sean Eblin, the War Witch


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