
Well I got to have the pleasure of finally getting to see my family! You never know what you miss until you are almost 2 hours away! The thing is family is a very precious commodity in life, you can either choose your family or your family can choose you, or your stuck with the ones you have. And the major thing is sometimes you luck out and the ones you are "stuck" with are the ones that do there damnedest to make sure you are taken care of and do their hardest to do whats best for you. I have never appreciated this fact for the longest time actually, I never fully understood the significance of family. 

Family can mean many different things to many different people. 

A family of friends.

A family of blood.

A family of circumstances.

All these are signifanct of their own. They have people drawn together for support and love. Love is the key to family. Whether some do realize it or not your family does love you in a way that you may not see yet, but it is there. Right now my blood family loves me and I am SO very lucky to have that, and not all have that pleasure of knowing and loving your blood family in turn.

But, I digress. My family was excited to see me as I was to see them, not everyone understand that my family is very close. When one of us is messed with then you mess with all of us. We may fight with each other like cats and dogs, but we will ALWAYS stand with one another when the time is needed. Especially when something major has happened. We are thick. 

My sister rules. She's smart and quick witted. My dad has a dorky sence of humor, which I seem to have as well. And my mom's over loving, which I miss, because I know she's a mother for sure! I would not have any of them any other way! I love them for who they are, even if we have had our own disagreements. It is a learning experience, especially when I came out to them as gay. They never knew how to deal with this at all. My sister was like "okay cool" and my parents had some trouble at first because, like all parents conditioned to the "norms" of society, thought that it was their fault. 

"What did we do wrong" was the thought process, but they finally realize that it wasnt their fault at all, it was just the luck of the draw. And they feel very lucky to have me. After all of that we have stuck together, even after all of my poor choices in life as well, from my choice to run away to finding an abusive asshole. They have stuck by me and have done everything for me without asking anything in return at all. I am very lucky to have them. And so I was lucky to get to visit them this week. It just reminds me all the time when I visit, that I am SO SO SO SO lucky to have been blessed by my Goddess that I was born and given to them.

My family means a lot to me, not everyone can understand it and most of you reading this do understand hopefully. Whether your birth, blood family disowns you or not, you still have a family that does and loves you for who you are whether you realize that or not. YOU are capable of finding or just having a family like mine. Family can be chosen, or given. Hopefully you have both like I do and if not, well, you have a family! Be blessed by this fact.

Blessed be!


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