Midnight Chapter 6

Me and my new guide walked for a few minutes before a question popped into my head.

"What will happen to us?" I knew that he would protect me and teach me all I needed to know, but there was still a nagging feeling inside the back of my mind. Like what will happen? I didn't want to loose, but if there was a chance of that happening. I needed to know where we would stand if I did loose. Who can we turn to to save the day after me. This was so not a small task to accomplish. I mean I was going to go up against the most evil Entity to have known to exist.

Midnight sighed, "I don't know." I knew he wasn't telling me everything yet, but I knew i could trust that answer. Neither of us knew what would happen. If I was right in my thinking, and I knew I was, then I was going up against something very, very, very old. Something that had been around since the very Beginning of Time Itself.

We walked in silence for a few more minutes in companionable silence. Both of us enjoying each others company. I looked around the Forest. It was beautiful, with the trees swaying gently in the breeze. Almost whispering to each other in the ethereal glory. It was a very peaceful Forest. The path ahead, which I learned was actually a small road, stretched with trees overgrown; making it all a canopy protecting the road.

Sunlight streamed through the branches, gazing down on the vegetation. Ferns where growing here and there under the canopy trail. The leaves where just starting to turn it was fall here in this world. The plants and animals were at peace. A squirrel ran alongside us for a few feet, almost trying to see who we were. It ran up the tree and out of sight.

I breathed in the soft scents of the wildflowers and the ferns. Just basking in the beauty of the place. Then all of a sudden Midnight stopped walking.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know, but everything seems stopped."

I look around and realized then that there were no sounds of birds singing, and the breeze seemed to have stopped. We kept silent trying to hear what was out there. But it seemed like everything was at a stand still. It was almost like a darkness had descended for the last few seconds along the path. The forest seemed almost sick and in pain. It was a fast sudden event too.

"I feel a little sick. What do you think it is?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but I feel a little sick as well, it is the Forest. I think something has poisoned it, and Evil is here. I'm not sure where it is originating and or why. This is most recent too, I was here only before you came." Midnight put his massive nose up and smelled the scents on the air. He took a deep whiff. He sneezed.

"It smells like something is rotting. It is all over the trees, in the brush, in the essence of the very air around."

"I can't smell anything." I said.

As I said that I then smelled a good whiff of something rotten and decaying. It was a rather pungent smell to be honest. It smelled like a rotten corpse. Death. I gagged for a minute and sneezed. It was all up my nose. I rather didn't like the stench. And then it was gone as suddenly as it was prevalent.

"I think something is following us, but I can't make it out. The stench seems like it keeps moving." Said Midnight. He kept smelling the air and moving in circles.

"We are being surrounded." He said. He grazed his claws into the ground, getting into a guard stance. I took my staff in hand and kept a slight touch with my Rod, letting my powers touch it. And as soon as I opened up my powers lie a fist opening, I felt what was out there. It was indeed Death. I felt an Evil Presence in the woods.

"Stupid!" Midnight hissed at me, "Now it knows we are here."

When he said that it really knew we were here, because it showed what it was and it laid no secret of its intent. The wind picked up sending the stench of rotten flesh towards us. We looked forward to see something moving towards us and heard trees and movement all around. Midnight was right we were surrounded. Big time.

We began to move in a circle around each other, Midnights massive body blocking most of me. I could hear a hissing sound and then a ear splitting screech. Ahead was several shambling bodies. They looked like they had a wide range of decay. Some of them had all their limbs but some looked like they were carrying their own arms, about to use them as clubs.

Now I knew about zombies, but I never had the displeasure of meeting one. I had only seen them in horror movies, or my favorite Resident Evil, but nothing on the big screen could have prepared you for what they really were like. The smell was terrible, of course, because they were rotting corpses for shit sake.

I wasn't angry, just disgusted. They shambled forward and then we looked around us and they kept popping up out of bushes and brush, like they were waiting for the chance to emerge. Midnight's eyes grew into sheer horror. I have never seen a Dragon scared, sad, and angry at the same time. It was a sight to be sure.

Midnight looked around, I could tell he was getting angry. He looked back to me.

"These are all the villagers from the village up ahead, I was taking you to. An evil Necromancer has to be around here, we need to leave and quick."

Midnight turned his head and roared his defiance. As if on cue, the shambling dead villagers rushed forward from all sides. Midnight turned to the front if us and shot a blast of raging fire towards the Undead. They instantly went up in flames, but it meant nothing. More were coming to replace the ones blasted.

"We need to turn around." Midnight circled around to me.

"Flee!" He roared. He turned and blasted more fire on the sides, setting trees and brush on fire. He blocked the Undead with fire to block there passage somewhat as I jumped onto his back as fast as I could.

Midnight jolted forward running and plowing down more dead villagers, blasting them left and right. He moved at a speed I didn't know Dragons could do. He charged through the dead hacking and slicing them with his claws and setting them ablaze as I held on for dear life.

"There are too many!" I screamed as the Dragon Fire raged behind, on the side, and in front of us.

There was a piercing screech. An unearthly pitched, ear shattering scream. It was like a sound you heard in the movies that banshees made but more guttural and eery. It sounded something not of this world. Like a car crash we couldn't take our eyes off what was ahead of us. We were surrounded by the zombies, but they stopped moving with that call. The wind slightly picked up bringing with it more darkness. It felt like is was almost dusk, but we both knew it was only like noon!

We stared at what was coming towards us. It had the body of a cat, but its head looked like a jackal, dark flames engulfed it. The flames wavered in and out as it's eyes glowed. I could tell it was stalking us and from the look in its eyes it knew who we were. It had an unnatural intelligence about it. It seemed to almost smile with malice. It moved forward, glowing in its unearthly flames.

"Hold on." said Midnight.

I felt Midnights haunches bunch as he began to spread his wings and blasted a massive electrical charge out of his mouth engulfing everything in front of us. The lighting smashed into the zombies incinerating them, and blasted full force into the unknown entity. It ducked its head and took the blast of lighting, absorbing it almost, but in reality it had a shield up protecting itself.

With the blast Midnight swiftly jumped into the air beating his massive wings, taking us into flight. He smashed into the trees that seemed to try and catch us. He jumped from massive branch to massive branch gaining altitude. He broke into the top of the canopy.

We could hear the scream again, and it was furious. I snuck a look below us as Midnight ascended the trees and saw the creature surrounded by its dead followers, looking at us and starting to climb the trees. I could see its eyes aflame, burning with utter evil and malice and hate. Midnight took of with another screech behind us full of fury. Feeling a heat behind my back I could tell it set the tree we were just on, on fire. It was a dark flame, sucking out the very life in the tree. I could almost feel the tree die.

We had taken off just in time, if we hadn't, even with Midnight's strong hide, we would be dead ourselves. We picked up altitude as high from the forest as we could a soared back the way we had come and away from the shining sun.

"What was that thing." I screamed.

Midnight roared and soared along answered, "That was a High Demon. The Necromancer. It has control of the very bodies of the dead. Truly evil. I never thought it was unleashed, someone has to summon it. When they summon Him the summoner becomes the Demon and dies, gives up their very soul. Someone in the village must have summoned it. We must go somewhere else to finish training. The Village is lost."

"How did it know us? It looked like he knew who we were."

"Yes, he definitely knew who we were." Said Midnight.

"What was the village called?" I asked.


With a stunned silence we soared away from Camelot.


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