Midnight Chapter 10

We kept walking throughout the mountain range for the better part of a week before we hit the home stretch. I guess we were making good time, or so Midnight said.

"Are we there yet," I said, with a sardonic smile.

If dragon's could role their eyes then I say Midnight sure did. And of course he also ignored my sarcasm. And you know why can't dragon's role their eyes. I mean they did have facial expressions in comparison to that of a cat. I could always tell when Midnight was so over me. We really were a perfect match in the sarcasm department.

I kept going over my morning meditation and yoga routine in my mind. I wanted to add some variations to it. And maybe a few times meditate in my mind under a waterfall. I had even gotten good at conjuring a fireball. Finally I could conjuring a good one enough to send flying into the distance. I still had not mastered anything else. I knew I needed to have better concentration and feel for the magick itself. I had come to realize that going into adulthood I had just became jaded in a sense. Our culture on Earth was so self-centered to a point that we couldn't see the beauty that blossomed around us. I mean I had always stopped and smelled the flowers, but I could never have imagined to stop and actually look and smell the flowers too. Well there you have it something so beautiful. Midnight had even caught me actually looking at the Aura of that flower. That Aura of life. Magick was not just something to be conjured, but a true Energy Source that was all around us. We just had to get our heads out of our asses to even see it. The color's seemed so more vibrant and powerful when you actually Saw it. I knew I was still a little jaded in that sense because my mind was always looking for the science of it, but what nobody realized was that magickal energy was a science of it's own. It didn't need to be understood just felt. And, boy, could I feel it! I could even tell that Midnight was impressed and happy at the same time. I knew he knew that I could feel the Connection to this World. And he was very happy with it. Maybe later I would ask him why it made him so happy.

This place was real. It was alive. I guess there really is other forms of life out there. This Spirit World had so much Life!

We kept on walking along sometimes stopping and smelling the flowers or a new form of plant I had never seen in my life that smelled disgusting, but I was intrigued. It kind of smelled like a fart full of manure, but it looked beautiful. It had vibrant lavender colored petals and what looked like a human circulatory system emblazoned with oranges and reds throughout. I almost felt like I was in Wonderland.

We came to the base of a mountain where there was a ledge we had to walk along. Luckily it could support a dragon to walk along it. The mountain rose above us and it had a sort of lip above it and water came streaming down the side. It seemed like we would walk under a waterfall too. The going was a little slippery and I didn't have claws like Midnight but I made do using the balance from my Scepter. I felt like forever as we walked along the ledge under the waterfall. I could feel the refreshing spray on my face. The water was clear and blue in color. It seemed to have it's own luminescence to it. I could tell it was a long drop down to the river below us. I doubt I would survive a fall like that. Good thing I had a Guardian Dragon to alleviate the pain of falling. He could just jump off the cliff side ledge and catch me mid-fall. I always had a fear of heights. This really did not help at all.

I had to keep myself from looking down, and I could tell that Midnight knew I was a little afraid of the fall. I could ride a dragon, but gods help me I could not stand on a cliff under a mighty waterfall. I can do this, I thought. It's not so bad if I don't look.

"Are you okay back there," I heard Midnight ask. He had to throw his voice by my ear, I could feel his magick involved. I looked up and nodded seeing his neck snake behind to look at me. I hadn't mastered my magick enough to use it in that fashion. Midnight snake his head back and walked slowly in front of me. Probably making sure no one was in the front that could hurt us. He had mentioned that we were outside of the Denisovan's Realm.

I was not sure about this group of people that we were about to meet either. Midnight had gave me a brief rundown of their social structure. And what kind of people that they were, and what I would see in their city. He said that the cities name was Xi'gian. So from what I understood was that they had the same kind of social structure as the Ancient Chinese and Mongolians. So was not sure how I felt about that. I never had been to China or Mongolia or any Asian cultural place on Earth. I hoped I didn't offend anyone or said something stupid. I hope they also spoke English, otherwise I don't think I can understand them. But Midnight said he can speak their language and would, obviously, let me know what they say. Which I was very grateful for, but he also warned me I would be surprised with what they looked like. I guess he was wanting to surprise me. He at least warned me that this was a great city of commerce so I would see everything and every different creature, possibly, from this World.

I hope I don't stare too much, I thought. Really don't need to offend anyone.

I almost slipped as we made it to almost the end of the massive waterfall ledge. I caught myself on a rock above me as I fell. I knocked a small set of rocks over the side as I grabbed on for dear life. Turning a little green as I watched them fall, and fall, and fall to the very bottom. I got my balance back and kept following behind Midnight. He had stopped and looked at me with some concern in his eyes. Looked like he was ready to jump over the ledge and grab me if he needed to. He continued to venture ahead as I got my balanced and moved forward. We were almost there. I could feel my hope building for solid ground again. Damn all of these cliff sides. Midnight even warned me we would be doing a lot of cliff sides since the Xi'gian was actually built into the mountain we were travelling along.

We came to almost the end of the cliff, and past the waterfall, when we start to feel a rumbling in the very earth we were on. I held onto Midnight's tail since I was close enough. Gripping onto him for dear life and my Scepter. Midnight arched his massive neck around us, trying to find the source of the disgruntled shake of earth. And then we both looked up as the sky began to get dark, a shadow descended around the area of the cliff. And of course I could not believe my eyes.

It was what looked like a massive dragon. It blocked out almost every source of light, like it almost was absorbing it into itself. It's scales where the size of a miniature horse. It talons looked like glittering sliced guillotines; they were the size of Midnight's head almost. It glided lazily over the waterfall looking straight ahead, luckily, because otherwise it would have seen us looking up at it flying by. I was so not prepared for this. It was the size of a small mansion it was so huge. It was all black and glittered with its inner light. The scales all shimmered and shined with a dark light. I was sure that this was not the kind of dragon that we needed to deal with.

We stood their keeping our gazes locked on the dragon overhead to make sure it didn't see us. We made sure we made no sound, not even breathing. I wanted to make sure it had no reason to glide back around. It moved off into the distance giving us some sunlight back to us. It really did feel like it was absorbing all the light in the very air. It had an oppressive feel. I so did not like it.

I made a quick glance to midnight, as I felt his head snake towards me. He looked at me and gave a slight nod to let me know we could move now. I could still see the massive entity moving off into the distance as we began our pace again. Faster.

We made it to the end of the ledge, and went off into the forest area again. Thankful for the tree cover. I kept my hand on Midnight as some comfort. I was a little more scared now. That was not a regular dragon.

"What was that," I whispered to Midnight. He heard me, of, course, so he stopped and turned to me.

"That was a Dark Dragon. It is Undead."

I stopped and stared and Midnight making sure I heard correctly.

"A what?"

"A Undead Dragon, also known as the Dark Dragon. It can absorb the very Life and Light out of the air. It is a very powerful and evil being. The evil of my species."

"Oh." I said. I was so not sure what to make of it even first hand. I just was scared. Terrified. I was so not ready to take on something like that.

"Where do you think it is going," voicing my earlier thoughts out loud. Focus on something else besides the fear. Fear will get you no where. I have learned that fear and hate go hand in hand and can destroy nations. Especially if History has taught us that. I was not going to give into my fear, just accepted that it was there and move forward. No need to waste my energy!

Midnight shook his large head slightly. "I think it is headed for the city." He said that sadly. And I thought Midnight's head was massive, I thought. And then sudden dawning on what he said slipped in. It was headed to the city.

"You mean, it will attack the city?" I said with some panic for all those poor people.

Gravely, "Yes I believe so, and there will be nothing either of us can do. We are not strong enough to take on a Dark Dragon. Its' Power is too great."

My heart broke right then and there. I could not abide suffering of any kind, no matter in what world i was in. Nobody should have to suffer. My heart went out to the people that were about to be killed or worse. All the men, women, and children. I hope there would be people left.

"Is there anyone in that city that could possibly defend it. Or at least keep most of the city intact." I asked.

"Yes, possibly. The Council of Heaven is there. They may just be able to defend the city enough until it moves on to another conquest. The Dark Dragon's live for Death and Destruction only. It is like there treasure." Midnight said it all with a small glimmer of hope.

"What is the Council of Heaven?"

"The Council of Heaven is the group of Lords that the Emperor has installed to protect his vast kingdom. There is the Council of Heaven, the Guardians of the Light. the Council of Abundance, conducting routine inner Realm business for the Emperor and his people. And then you have the Terra Militia, the warriors of the Realm."

"I see." I knew I had a lot to learn so I was happy that Midnight was here to help. Otherwise I would have no idea what we would be going into. The Denisovans' seemed like an interesting bunch. I loved different Government's and philosophy as a general thing. History and learning is what I lived for. I couldn't wait to meet what was left of them.


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