Midnight Chapter 11

We broke over the crest of the rise, to look down at the valley city of Xi'Gian. It was beautiful. I couldn't believe my eyes. The city stretched most of the valley. The mountains almost hugging the city in its massive arms. Moving along both sides of the mountain range, to the neck of the valley where the mountains split into opposite directions. And the mountains stretching off into the distance. A slight fog was gliding across the distance.  A giant wall moved around the city up in the mountains, encircle the city even more with protection. The wall was surrounded with forest on each side. The city was nestled within the trees of the forest. It was a sight to be sure. I had no idea of the beauty that I was going to blessed with. It stretched even my imagination. Especially the giant Palace that engulfed the middle of the very city. Trees still stroking the very edges of the Palace. It was massive. I could tell that the city was also in the very trees themselves, for the trees were massive. Almost like the Redwood forest in my world, but bigger and more tropical in nature.

All this beauty of course was mulled by the massive dragon attacking the north west wall. It looked like it was wanting to break it down. It couldn't get close enough with all the catapults aiming for the dragon. Along with what looked like battle magick. A shield was up against the wall, stopping the dragons apparent assault. It looked like the dragon was smashing it with it's tail and hitting it with it's own magick. I saw blazing fire from its jaws smash into the shield. I could even hear horns in the distance, calling in reinforcements, because it looked like the shield that was erect was about to fall. And then possible the wall. The dragon knew what it was doing, it definitely looked like a surgical strike. And I even said this to Midnight as we kept watching.

"You are right, but I have no idea what it's end game is in damaging the wall. I have no idea what is going on," said Midnight.

"I wonder if it is in league with someone."

Midnight turned his gaze to me, with a slight realization in his eyes. "That may be it. It may be trying to briege that wall to give way to Demonic troops."

Midnight turned his gaze back. And we both watched the pitched battle now. More catapults fired large arrows from along the wall as the dragon did another devastating blast of its' fire. We watched as the shield broke and fell. Now it was up to the people along the wall. It almost looked like they were all ants from where we were. The dragon came for another pass, but before it could unleash more fire, an arrow hit its' goal causing the dragon to roar in pain. It was a terrible screeching sound. It made me put my hands to my ear it was so loud. The dragon reared up in the sky then and pulled the arrow out of its side. Throwing it back down into the trees it began to climb in the sky. It roared its' anger and then kept going up and up. It glided overhead of the wall, climbing up the mountain range. Injured it flew away off into the distance, giving up.

"Well that was a fast battle. Why did it fly away like that, not sure it looked that hurt."

"It wasn't hurt that bad," said Midnight, "I think it just wanted to weaken the wall."

I looked again at the wall and sure enough it was damaged. Not sure it did all of that damage in the fast battle, but it looked like it also wasn't the first time they have seen battle on that side of the massive wall. It encircled the whole city, moving along both mountain ranges and then going down the mountain to the front of the neck of the mountain valley to enclose the beautiful city.

"I agree, it was just trying to weaken the wall. And look, the front of the valley, it looks like it has been weakened too." I pointed off into the distance towards the head of the valley where it looked like one of the walls turrets was crumbling.

"I wander what is going on." I said out loud.

Midnight nodded and said, "yes, me too. I feel like we have come into something."

We looked at each other. Touching Midnight's leg, with my new scepter in my left, hand I stepped up onto his bent leg and clambered onto the base of his neck. I held onto one of his scales and we made our way down the mountain towards the road to the city.

Xi'Gian here we come.


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