Midnight Chapter 12

Xi'gian's gates were massive, architectural marvels. The Gates of Time, or so Midnight told me, were just that, Gates of Time. It showed what the Ancient world on Earth actually looked like. It was gorgeous. The sprawling stone gates had beautiful art embedded in the very stone. Golden light amazingly reflecting the sunlight into an intense rainbow off of the falls in the distance, mist rolling. There was a peaceful quality to the beauty of the place and yet I knew the place could easily destroy us all the same. Looks are deceiving, I thought. I had no idea

I and Midnight made our way along the cliff rise down the road to the Gates. We decided to walk like we were meant to be there. There were many people going in and out of the gate that I had no idea existed! There were more dragons, smaller then Midnight, and even fauns, and the very people that lived there. The Denosovians. Slanted eyes, far apart, almost to either side of their heads, bald until about half way up the craniums and then long flowing hair down there backs. Some Denosovians had their hair in unique braids. They had dark skin, and they were rather tall and lean. Most had glistening muscles, some were fat and bulbous. The ones that were fat and bulbous were being carried in litters. Looked like royalty.

The slaves that were carrying the fat Denovians, looked almost etherial in their apprearnces. They had a light air about them and seemed above it all, even though they were the slaves. They looked like an alien race, with there tall lean bodies. They were almost skelatal, long hair glisening in differnt shades and hues. Red, Purple, blue, but they were inhumanly strong since they were carrying the fat diplomat. Because the fat Denovian had to be a diplomat or a very imoortant individual for the guards at the gates to let him just pass, while the rest were stopped in line and questioned. This was going to be interesting

When we finally made it to the Guards of the Gates, they stopped us with hands raised.

"Why are you here." a rather blunt guard asked.

Midnight, of course, took his que, because I had no idea what we were doing here.

"Trade." He replied with a single word.

"Of course," said the Guard, "do you have your registration." He gruffly asked.

"No, that is why we are here to obtain the registration of sale and to start up trade," replied Midnight.

"Very well you may pass."

He then ushered us on in the gates.

"Well that was easier then I thought," I said quietly after we walked passed the guards.

"I figured the easiest answer would." Said Midnight.

"Now let's find our way to the Courtyard and find out about what is going on, because there has never been any registration requirements, or guards and the Gates of Time before, something is definitely wrong here, and I intend to find out what is it."

We made it finally past the congestion of the crowd in-fluxing in through the gates. We made it to a nice Bazaar. Vender's yelling at anyone that walked by trying to sell their wares to the highest bidder, or the easiest, whichever came first.

As we walked down the winding streets of the city, I almost felt a small chill. Like what my grandma used to say when things like that happened, "someone walk over your grave." In this instance I felt like it could be true. I sent a mental question to Midnight. Midnight glanced down at me, and nodded slightly. He knew too. There was someone following us around the city. I was pretty sure they had been following since before my mental cold chill. Whoever, or whatever, it was making my hair on the back of my neck stand on end, and all I felt was something negative, and dangerous. Whatever meant us some sort of harm in the making. I knew we should stop and see who it was, but Midnight kept walking down the main drag. He then made a sharp turn to the right moving down a seemingly side street, still full of people.

We made our way down the street and headed towards the rising crest where the palace seemed to rest. Felt a mental push to keep moving from Midnight, he knew what to do. I just wanted to know who was following. I should just take a peak but I knew then that they would just be part of the crowd, so might as well make the individual show themselves. But I was not sure how to do that.

The tavern we were coming upon was called of all things, The Rusty Spoon, which i thought was just hysterical in my mind. Of course, there was a place called The Rusty Spoon, it's like I was living in some fantasy novel, but this was real life colliding here.

The tavern was so large upon the street that midnight could actually fit through the over sized door. Which I come to find out that it was meant to be in that fashion since the tavern was home to rather large, Giants, of all things, and basically any type of mythical creature and then some in this tavern. This must be a hub for everyone to stop at.

The tavern was almost like a massive cavern, well it kind of was in one, it truly was a wondrous structure. It would make any engineers imagination scream with delight. It had that Arabian feel, but used in a rather diverse setting. Large tables, chairs were set up for the larger clientele, including other Dragons, but none of course as large as Midnight. Well close to it really. It was such a marvelous place to relax and have fun. The jovial atmosphere. With a band in the corner playing a jig so everyone could dance to. And trust me there were dancers, the floor was moving with some of them.

It was a golden palace by itself. Wonder what the palace is going to look like when we reach it, I thought. There was reds, blues, and more shades of gold carpeting, and decor all over the room. It really was an Arabian Palace brought to life, and ironically, it was called the Rusty Spoon. Hysterical! The decor didn't even match the name!

We moved into the room quickly and to an open table that was by the door, and the table setting was good for Midnight to move up to. We made sure we had a good view of the door to the tavern so we could see who or what walked into the door behind us. Before we could do anything, we were greeted by the waitress for the tavern. She was just as jovial and robust as the very decor. She greeted us with a cockney inflection, which was amazing since we were nowhere near England, and gave her name as Rebecca.

I decided on a house beer and Midnight ordered some sort of drink I have never heard of at all, and then she walked away to fulfill the order with that bright, friendly smile she had on.

"What was that you ordered?" I asked Midnight.

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye real quick and said, "A Spineless Breast? It is a delicious drink that Dragons love."

He turned back to the door with his vague answer like he always gives me. I just shook my head slightly engrossed with looking at the door with Midnight. Watching many men and women and anything in between move around the room and in and out of the tavern itself. There was so much foot traffic I wasn't even sure who it could have been that was following us. I had that distinct feeling that whoever or whatever it was was not going to enter this tavern at all. They did not want us to know that they were following us at all.

Great, I thought, it's going to be like this now.

I did not want to have to deal with evil, vile creatures following us, but I knew deep down inside that they were after me. They wanted me dead.

I just wanted to be left alone and that was not going to happen.

We looked over as the tavern maid came back with our frothy drinks. Midnight's looked like it had some sort of body parts pouring out of the steam that was rolling off of the sides of the cup. My beer was in a frosty mug, glistening with condensation. Boy, did that look delicious. I made to sip my mug of beer and was in full delight as the cold rich liquid went down my throat. It tasted like a Meade of sorts, but a mix of solid, good, old fashioned beer. It was delicious. Sweet nectar I wanted to call it.

Midnight took his rich liquid drink right into his mouth, mug and all. Sprouting smoke out of his nostrils and ears, he gave a mighty burp.

"That was delicious." He proclaimed.

"That's good, it looked about disgusting over here," I replied.

If you thought dragons couldn't role their eyes, you are wrong, very wrong. Midnight rolled his eyes at me, hard.

We kept glancing at the door here and there, when finally someone walked in that we could tell was looking for someone specific. And naturally, the someone was us. We knew it instantly. It was pure instinct on our parts, what, well who, was a man following us, but not any ordinary man. As soon as he walked in it seemed like everyone was moving out of his way, like he was parting the very sea itself. We couldn't see his face, but we knew that he saw us and moved to the bar that was close by to the corner to watch us. When he sat down it was like everyone just moved away from him not out of their own volition. It looked like they had no idea why they had to move, but they did. Midnight and I knew instantly that this was something not even close to being a human being. This was someone else in the very skin of this human being. Something......dark, evil.

The only reason that we knew it was male and a bipedal species was the fact that its hands was very masculine, and he had that air about him in his hooded cloaked realness.

I could feel Midnight mentally warn me with a look saying that this may get ugly if we tried to escape. We pretended not to notice the man that was blatantly staring at us from the corner bar. We wanted to make it feel that it thought we had no idea it had been following us the whole time.

Midnight said under his breathe, "That is what was following us since the gate, I can smell it."

"I believe this is what is called a Demon."

"Of course it is, we can't just have one Demon to contend with, but multiple."

"Demons were a race of Good once upon a time, but have fallen into darker roles. There are still good ones, but, like humans, there are good and bad, just like every race in the Nine Realms."

"This one is Evil though, it has inhabited the body of a man."

"Yes, this one is True Evil. It has possessed that body, and murdered what was inside. Stealing it's skin."

"What should we do about it?" I asked.

Midnight looked right at me and said, "We kill it."

We then turned back to looking at the Demon, well pretending we weren't, and contemplated our next move.

I could then feel a hardness come about me. A passionate anger. How dare this Demon murder an innocent person to get to me. I would not stand for this disgusting behavior. This was what Evil was about, just using and creating a Void and consuming that Void within itself just because it could. It was all about Power and Control.

Well I can give it some Control and Power that was for sure. I would not allow this injustice to be left unanswered. The pain and pure evil that this Demon has caused someone that was most likely innocent of any wrong. I hated this Demon with the very core of my being.

Yes, we would stop it. And I thought I knew how.....


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