The Nightmare Chapter 1

"Well, well, well if it isnt four eyes." I inwardly cringed. Why can't they make up better insults. Must be their limited knowledge? I turned around to see Bobby Newman the town jock and football scourge of all the so called "nerds" in the school. The ones with the brains always seem to get beat up on or bullied and yet we are the ones that get all the money. I guess I felt a little jaded beccause I was stuck in senior year high school and not making it in the world. Some day I would put these jerks into their places. But today was not going to be it.

Bobby came up and smacked the books out of my hands as he walked by spitting in my face. I guess he couldn't make up new material. I still could not understand why bullies even existed. At least get me a antagonist with some pizzazz! Bobby and his friends laughed as they all waked by kicking my books away from me. I just kept on gathering them up as a book moved into my line of face attached to the most gorgeous hand I could even barely comprehend.

Alex Micheals. I could just breathe him in all day. He was the most sexy guy I ever met and he alwasy made me laugh and just have a good time. Shame he wasn't interested, and had a girlfriend. Oh, and did I mention he was one of my best friends? I know it's pathetic and cliche that I fall for the straight guy with dark brown hair, gorgoeus blue eyes, and phsyique that could make you melt. He was the schools champion swimmer on the swim team. Won major medals for our school for the last 3 years.

We met just like this actually, Bobby Newman came along with his jock friends teasing me and harrasing like they do, and when they left Alex came up and helped me pick up my papers and books that they had made a mess of. It was the best day ever, I made a friend. I had the most major crush on him since. But alas, he was dating our mutual friend Alana McGreggor, star of the Mathletics. She was a major mathematician. And of course, as usual, they were on each others arms when they met up with me to pick up books that were knocked out of my hands.

I couldn't win. I just wanted someone like they had for each other, I couldn't help that I had the crush on a straight friend.

"What are their deal today," said Alex.

"I'm pretty sure they lost the football game last night," said Alana.

"Great, that just means I get to deal with this in between both periods now," I said. I so did not want to deal with stupid today.

"Don't worry I don't think they will be that bad today," said Alana. Leave it to her to give the positive side to, well, everything.

"I just want to get throught the day and go home." I said taking the papers from the floor.

"Don't worry bud you will, your stronger then you look," said Alex smacking me on the back, " are we coming over later to study for the final tonight?'

"Yea, I was looking forward to it actually because mom will be home from California and plans on fixing her famous peacon pie." I could just feel the delcious pie go down my gullet. I loved my mom's pies'! They were the best this country had to offer. Glad she also owned her own resturant/bar and bakery. Because she was an amazing chef. Which was why she was getting back from California.

"Oh yea!" Exclamed Alex.

" I love her peacon, and cheesecake, and bannana breads. Yum!" Rubbing his stomach as Alana and I laughed. He loved to eat. Put food in front of him and he wouldn't stop no matter how full he got.

"Yea, and this time can you leave some for me and Gabriel?"

"Yea, because the last time we had to chase you down the street!" I said, laughing.

Alex had a fake pained look on his face as we said this grabbing his chest, "I am wounded."

Alana smacked him on his shoulder, "Your a goob."

Then the bell rang, I rolled my eyes.

"Off to art class." I dreaded art class only because, one I couldn't draw worth a hoot, and two the teacher hated me for some reason. Not sure why a grumpy 80 year old needs to teach when they hated children in general, but I guess the education system in Ohio was desperate, for low paid teachers.

Alana and I hugged and I smacked Alex back, parting ways. I headed to the art class from Hell. The rest of the day went smoothly and about as boring. Then I finally heard the last bell in my foggy mind, listening to my american history teach drone on about the 1920's, to go to the next class; Granted I absolutely loved history, especially the 20's, but this teacher just had nothing but monotone as he read from the book. That was all he did. Nothing ostentatious to report here! I hated this class too for the mediocre-ness of it. You might say I was your typical 17 year old teenager. Hating school in general.

Until I got to my Ancient History class. Mr. Jacob McIntosh. The hottest teacher to grace this side of the State of Ohio. He had the ass to prove it too. But besides his dark hair and green eyes you could drown into, he also made the class excited. This was a rare commodity here in this High School of mine. He always reinacted and had us help when it came to the classics in history. We got to replay all the famous battles in history like the Battle of Troy. And we even had learned about the gods and goddesses of Greece, Egypt, Messopotamia, Babylon, India, all over. He made an amazing Zeus. Even with the toga. I sighed inwardly, such a great class.

I also loved my Chemistry teacher. She was eccentric to be sure! She loved to blow things up and melt stuff. I loved her. She took no crap from anyone either, especially the dreaded jocks of the school. She had special discipline for them. Sweet and sticky! It was super funny a few weeks ago when she "helped" them with their sticky substance combination to learn how to make glue. That made the class laugh hard for sure!

I didn't completely dislike the school experience, but I just wanted to be done already. It was my senior year, and with mom opening her new resturant in california it gave me an opportunity to leave Ohio and go to Cal-State. I had fallen in love with the place when we went to visit colleges. But I was also torn about it because I also loved the atmoshere of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. That place had an atmosphere where I felt I could thrive too. I had options, and I was glad about that. Still was leaning towards Ann Arbor. Just because I also loved the shops and townsfolk. Did I mention I was an avid reader of all sorts of knowledge. I absorbed books. From the works of Plato to Harry Potter, I had a photographic memory; even learned about Latin and Hieroglyphics.  Since I was little I had that great recall of memory. Which was the envy of some people in my school. And it did get me into trouble when I contradicted Mr. Hubbs.

Another bell sounded and it was finally time to go home. The happiness in the school with that last bell was fighting a pack of wilder beasts, everyone bolted out of their last class and to the lockers to get their stuff and get out. There were those after school activities to be had too, but for the most part everyone ran. This last bell was my cue to run to my locker and get to the pool to start my homework and wait for Alex to get out of swim practice. This was also another reason why I was not in swim class because all of the boys and my out of control teenage hormones getting the better of me. I will stick with my book and homework thank you sir!

I got to the pool just in time for the swim team to start practicing. I looked and found Alana on the other side of the bleachers so I got to her as the fist whistle sounded and the mad dash to the other side of the pool took place.

"How was your American history," Alana said with a smirk.

"Oh fun," I said sarcastically. We laughed knowing full well that both of us had Mr. Stubbons for American History and how boring the class can be.

"Did you get calculus today, because I will honestly say I did not understand it at all." I asked.

"Oh yea of course," replied Alana. Leave it to the mathematician to explain to me, because I was no good at math. And most times I got confused, I was always terrible at word problems.

Alana explained a few bits and peaces as we talked about my moms' new resurant, and her parents divorce, just boring, real conversation. I loved my friends I could talk about anything with them, well most anything, and they wouldn't judge me.

We kept working on the math homework a little also, then moved onto our Anient History paper, as Alex came out of the locker room.

"Hey babe," he said kissing Alana on the cheek. "We ready?"

"Of course," we both said.

We made our way out of the school to my car after grabbing our coats, since it was winter in Northwest Ohio, and made our way.

"How was swim practice, you seem to have gotten even faster I thought," said Alana.

"It was good and you think so?"

"Yea, we thought so," I said. Alex puffed his chest out slightly all proud and masculine. Kissing Alana on the lips this time. They always rode in the back of the car, just to make out. I rolled my eyes looking at them in the rear view mirror as I made our way down 65 towards home.

Grand Rapids, Ohio was truly home for me, I loved the shops here just like I do in Ann Arbor. Especially all the antique shops, I could find the most unique pieces there. Our parents paid for us to go to Perrysburg, but we all lived in Grand Rapids, because our parents said that Perrysburg was the best school for academics. They were right, trust me I looked that up, but it still had its downfalls like any school. Damn bullies. But we liked our lives for the most part, being seniors and everything,  but we still were so ready to move on to college and start our own lives.

Creeping down south 65, I noticed that it was getting a little foggy, because only in ohio could experience bipolar weather, so I went a little slower, since it was night out too. I hated night driving, but it got dark by 5 in the winter. Alana and Alex were cuddling in the back when we made it to my house.

Finally home! I loved my mom's house. It was a early 20th century one story colonial. Red, with a light grey roof. We had a beautiful garden in the corner lot, with vines and flowers galore, it was something out of the home garden magazine. With it small pond, and humming bird feeders by the windows. My mom loved to see humming birds.

We got out of my old Oldsmobile from like 1989, maroon, it was an awesome car, but it was a pain to start in the winter sometimes. We got in the house and I called out to mom, who was, surprise, on the phone, as we walked to the back to my room. I opened the door throwing my bag on my bed in the corner.

"So, what should we work on first? I say math." I said, plopping down in my computer chair. Alana hopped on my bed, and Alex sat on the floor by Alana.

"I second that notion, I suck at math."

Alana rolled her eyes at us, "okay."

She grabbed out her math book along with the rest of us and we started to get cracking. I could smell mom was cooking in the kitchen, because her wonderful spaghetti squash was wafting through the very walls and probably down the street. I loved my moms cooking, hell she did have her own restaurants, one in Toledo, Perrysburg, Indianapolis, and now California. San Francisco to be exact. I loved San Francisco, it was an amazing place. I always felt calm an tranquil there, well California in general. If we ever moved I hoped it was to San Francisco.

**And so ends this quick excerpt of the beginning of my novel I hope you enjoyed and I hope you will look for the finished product. Trust me, I will let you all know when it is done! Happy Reading!**


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