Midnight Chapter 8

I woke up to find that the sun was just starting to rise. I could feel the golden hue of the dawn rubbing against my eyes. I woke up to look over to the horizon in a blazing glory. I shielded my eyes from too much of the blaze.

I got up and looked over to where I thought Midnight was, but he was nowhere in sight. I started to panic as I move away from the tree to look up in the morning sky to see if he was up there somewhere flying about. I gazed out above the trees to see if I could see him in between the foliage, but no such luck. I then really felt like I should start to panic. I set out to walk around the tree back into the forest to look at see if I couldn't find out where he could have gone.

Unsure of what I should do, or whether I should start to call out, I just walked around for a second.

"This is ridiculous", I said to myself.

" He has has to be around here somewhere!"



I keep searching and move deeper into the woods trying to look for any sign that he could have flown away in the middle of the night or walked through the forest. No such luck. I couldn't find any other tracks then the ones we had already made the previous night.

"Goes to show I shouldn't sleep so soundly," I said to myself again. I really did have a habit in talking to myself when the need arise. I walked under the trees the sun blazing through the tree tops. Carrying an ethereal glow all about the meadow that we were in. I was trying calm and peaceful. Almost too peaceful actually, I began to look around when I realized that it seemed that the area was a little darker, like a vast shadow full over the meadow. Just tantalizing me. The sounds of the forest, the birds, the bugs, the general wildlife was hushed. It seemed the the forest was scared.

I took my scepter in both hands just in case and began to look around, then I realized I was a Witch, a War Witch, so i had better start making use of my powers. SO i feel around instead with all my scenes attuned to the environment. And, yes! There was a muting of the meadow around me, the forest was scared. I could feel all the trees around me almost holding their breathes in anticipation of something destructive. The breeze then died, almost like the wind knew that something was a foot and it was scared of it also, I moved off towards where I had started in the first place. I moved back to the spot where I woke up Scepter in hand. I could feel the Scepter then start to vibrate with power wanting to be released. I then realized that whatever it was it had everything scared. I felt deep in my powers and found the Scepter wanting to be used against what ever was abroad.

I brought my Scepter up and unleashed a tasty morsel of power. Creating a bubble of power all around myself and the tree I was under. A shield. I knew deep down I had to protect myself. Whatever was out there I knew inside wanted me dead. I was a prize now, and quite honestly I was going to make it damn hard for them to kill me.

I sent out a mental distress call to Midnight. Hoping he was in the area to hear my silent call for help and a warning that their was danger close by. I then felt the air around the area get cold and colder. I focused a little more and increased the layer of the protection bubble. I knew whatever it was, was in fact powerful. I was still learning so let's hope I had it in me to fend it off until Midnight got here.

"Whoever you are, I refuse to go down easy." I screamed out into the forest.

All of a sudden I heard a twig snap, and then a blast of frigid air hit my protection spell. Crashing into it and knocking me down to the ground destroying what I had up around me.

"Gooooddd I ppllaaanned on having ssssum fun." Said a hissing, guttural voice.

I got back to my feet instantly and looked around. Scepter out front to protect myself. Now I was scared. Whatever it was obviously was so not friendly...

" My Massster wanted me to ssssay hellooo."

Just as the voice said that I heard a hiss above me and I looked up just in time to dodge a giant snake coming down the tree above me. I rolled off to my right side and darted towards the rest of the forest, not bothering to look back. I knew I had to get to shelter or try to get to somewhere where I had enough protection to fight it off until Midnight got back.

I dashed to the tree line and past listening behind me to the guttural scream of anger behind me. I kept moving pumping my legs as best as I could. I knew the snake creature had an advantage and was obviously faster then me. I made it to behind the thicker foliage in the air diving under the bushes around me. I look behind just in time to see what was trying to kill me crash through the trees.

It was defiantly a snake type creature. It's upper body though was human like. What I thought was the face was the creatures javelin. Bigger and sharper then my Scepter for sure, I was pretty sure I had nothing to defend myself from that. It was covered in scales from head to foot. The upper torso was male in nature, all abdominal's bursting from obvious use of a giant javelin. It was almost beautiful if it was not trying to kill me. Wherever it touched, well slide across, was starting to die. It almost seemed like it was actually sucking the life out of everything around it.

I looked on as it roared. It's mouth opening like no human's should open, with an amazing rows of teeth, razor sharp. It looked around trying to scent me out with its tongue darting all over.

"I know you are here."

"I will find you soon enough, Witch. And then I will have the bounty from my master."

It kept darting its tongue out I knew I only had a limited time to keep moving along.

"I know your here I can ssssmell you, Witch."

Fuck. I knew this was going to be the end getting killed by an ugly ass snake and a javelin. It is just what I needed.

I kept low and moved as quietly as I could under the bushed to move into the trees some more so I could keep running. I knew that it could smell me, but I was hoping that it couldn't figure out where I was just yet. I was hoping the dark foliage around would mask my scent for now. Hoping the snake-man creature couldn't see very well, I moved towards the end of the tree line to hide behind some more shrubs. I could hear the monstrosity crashing it's way through the trees and uprooting them as it passed on by. I knew I had to think of something quick before it decided to actually find me, and mainly before dark. I figured since it was half snake it would be able to see better at full dark, with the whole infrared thing most snakes have going for them.

I still wasn't sure where Midnight was, so I sent out another silent plea for help. I made it to the tree's edge before I came upon the next glade.

Think, think! I repeated in my head. I had to know a spell or something that could help. And then a light bulb went off in my head all of a sudden, I knew what I needed to do.

I dove deep down in my magical center, concentrating, and pulled a little bit of power out into my hands. I brought my cupped hand up slightly and brought fire to life in the palm of my hand. I could do some distraction. I sent the ball of fire soaring off into the deep of the forest. I sent a silent sorry to the trees around me as I made sure a tree off in the distance got hit. I peeked out from the tree I was behind and saw off in the distance that the tree caught light and was up in a blaze of glory. I looked behind me and saw the snake-man hiss and dart towards the flames.

Yes! I thought, it worked!

I knew I had only a small amount of time before the creature knew I wasn't there at all. So dove towards the inner forest heading back to where I had started before the mad case to the glade area. I knew I could only pull off the distraction for a small amount of time.

I ran as hard as I could. My breathing ran ragged and my lungs burning uncontrollably. I knew I couldn't stop until I got back to where I was and beyond. Hopefully Midnight showed back up and made an appearance.

Al of a sudden I heard a scream of immense proportion. It hurt my eardrums. It's inhuman rage apparent with scream. I could feel the very hate from it. I knew my time had ran out. I pumped my legs harder. Darting towards the glade I and Midnight were in. I knew I would have a chance if I got past that glade and into the farther tree line.

I could hear crashing then, and another roar of rage and hate so close behind me. I risked a glance behind me and knew I had ran out of time. The creature was already crashing through the rest of the tree line and I could tell the Beast saw me. It was light out but it got my scent.

I ran for my life. Not sure how else to describe that sensation of self reservation that takes over. It came from the tips of my toes to the very top of my head and beyond. I heard a roar of triumph behind me as I got to the destroyed tree. I felt something cold and as I turned back to look a wall of ice shot up in front of me. I hit the ice wall at a dead run. I flew backward, blacked out momentarily. Stunned i sat up and looked behind me again as the snake-man came slithering towards me. A triumphant gleam in it eye and an evil smile on its face. The creature I thought was being gorgeous, was not so gorgesous now. Its' illusion gone.

I crawled backwards to put my back up against the ice wall. I wanted at least somethign behind me so it wouldn't slither up and around. I wanted to come staright at me. I braced myself against the wall and got up. Sore and tired now I made my last stand.

Well I guess this is it!

All of a sudden I could feel the ice wall behind me shake. I looked behind me as I felt the ice melting and turning into water. The snake-man stopped in mid strike. It looked at its' wall in disbelief. It got hotter and hotter. I could see something red hot melting it through like a drill. I jumped out of the way just in time as the wall of ice exploded. Sending shards every which way into the glade and striking the snake-man with a chunck of it, knocking it backwards. I uncovered my hands from my head to look up and see what could have made the giant hole. It had shocked and scared me!

I looked on in complete hope. Midnight. My Spirit Guardian. My Guide. My Friend.

Midnight smashed his tail to the left and destroyed the rest of the wall sending more shards toward the snake-man. I whooped with happiness as Midnight engaged the snake-man.

He was briliant! Midnight, after smashing the rest of the ice wall, rammed his head into the stomach of the snake-man; sending him flying back into the tree line, destroying some trees in the process. With a massive roar of rage, Midnight ran after the snake-man. He roared and went grabbing for the javelin first destroying it in one massive bite. He continued to swing his tail back around at the same time smashing the snake-man up against a giant tree. Sending the snake-man through the tree in the process.

I made another roar as he charged. The snake-man had recovered quick though and decided to rear up and strike like a natural snake. It was fast as it reared up and smashed down with it's fists on Midnight's head. Midnight was knocked down to the ground but not all the way rearing up himself he went to bite the side of the snake-man. He used his claws and teeth like a dragon could, but the snake-man was faster. It dodge out of the reach of his teeth and smashed his head again, this time sending him to the ground. Midnight landed on his side and tried to get back up as the snake-man started to coil on top of him. He coiled his lower half around the dragons tail and started to squeeze as Midnight went for another bite.

This time Midnight hit the mark and bite down and tore out a piece of the snake-man's side. The snake-man scream as it wound itself around the belly of the dragon trying to do what a constrictor would do. It wanted to coil and choke the life out of its prey. Midnight would have it though and was able to keep his claws out and ready. The dragon clawed and scrapped into the creature tearing gore from its side as it screamed against the pain.

The snake-man stopped coiling and was trying to speedily unwrap itself to slither away. I knew then that Midnight was winning. The dragon went in for another bite to try and tear himself free faster. The snake-man was hurt and screamed it's pain even more loudly. Midnight got his tail free and smashed it into the snake-man, hard. It went crashing into another tree, hurt and bleeding everywhere. Midnight went in for the kill this time and he reared up and slashed his claws down on the neck of the creature. It began to scream bloodily. It gurgled and thrashed all over the ground as Midnight brought his great maw down around its neck. Effectively killing it as it thrashed.

Midnight moved back. Blood dripping from his maw, he licked his lips, and shook himself all over. Midnight turned towards me, and began to walk to me slowly. I knew he had saved my life at risk of his own. I loved my Guardian more in that moment. I full out ran towards Midnight. I didn't know I still had it in me to run, but I did. I ran to him and threw my arms around his great neck as he came to greet me as well; hugging me back with his long neck.

"I'm so glad to see you." I whispered to him. I knew I wouldn't have survived without him. I was starting to shake then, knowing I was in complete shock of what happened. The adrenaline completely gone. As I hugged him I felt a great rumbling in his chest and knew he was purring against me. Dragon style.

"I heard you call to me. I feared I would not make it in time to you. You did good."

"Thanks, thought you wouldn't make it either." I said drawing away from him so I could look into his eyes.

"I'm glad you did make it." I said smiling.

Shaking his great head, like a lion shaking his main, I knew he was smiling too.

"Do you have any idea what that thing was," I asked, as he sat down, with a thump.

He looked at me, "It was a Ice Lamia, a species of Naga." He turned his gaze towards the north. "I am not sure why it came all this way from the cold mountains. It must have been ordered here by the Demon."

He turned his gaze back to me. "I did not even know that there were any in league with the Demon. It is unheard of, they are usually a peaceful people in these parts. It is very concerning to say the least."

He rumbled a little and said, "We need to move."

I couldn't have agreed more and I said it with feeling. I went over and dug out my wand from the wreckage of the tree we were sleeping under and went to stand beside him.

"I guess it's time for me to learn some more."

Midnight gazed at me and said "Yes, we need to train faster."

We started to walk off into the treeline making our way north, and I could not agree more. No more almost getting killed by Mythical creatures for me!


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