Midnight Chapter 9

It has been a few days. I never felt so tired, sore, and just plan miserable. I didn't realize how hard it was to live in the wilderness. It was really that intense. I always thought the reality TV show's were just faking most of it like they usually did, but, alas, I was wrong again.

I was wrong about other parallel worlds, reality TV, and how to make good tea. I am good with tea now, but I am so not ready for the first two.

I just trudged along beside Midnight. We stopped and ate. Had to find decent plant life, since I was mainly vegetarian in nature. I could never look at a piece of beef again after see the documentary "Vegetarian" it truly was that horrid. But we made due with what we could find plant wise for me, while Midnight went off and hunt like a good dragon should. I was told what looked like a fern here actually tasted a little bit like an onion. While another fruit that was in the trees around us, actually tasted like an apple. It was interesting what plant life, and animal life, that was different from our world to the one I was in.

It was rainy here and there as we headed towards the mountains on foot. I asked Midnight why we couldn't just fly up to the mountains and be done with it, but he nixed it.

"We could do that, but we would be spotted easier," Midnight told me, "our Enemy could very easily have ground forces this close to the mountain now that It knows your here. You do remember the Naga that tried to kill you?" I could tell that last part was sarcasm, trust me I could tell that a mile away, but I knew he was right. The Naga was only the beginning. It knew I was here and with a dragon as my Guardian. It knew what my next move was before me! It only stood to reason it would have scouts and spies not only on the ground, but in the air.

So we just made the most of it and kept on trudging along, up a mountain. I had no idea what was in store for me next, but I knew I had to make the decision to keep up. I knew I needed to prepare for the next fight. And I needed to also win the major one I knew would come. Especially since I was this destined Witch that everyone and their mother knew about but me.

Which is why I asked Midnight to help me train my magickal abilities so they would be up to par. I knew I couldn't do it without him. Which I guess is why he was my Guardian. So I and Midnight kept up with my practice. Every morning when we woke up and got ready to move out, we always made sure I learned a new practice. And I knew practice made perfect.

After the Naga attack I kept trying to master that fireball I conjured in my hand, but I couldn't seem to do it again. Magick, as Midnight explained it, could be called upon in great need when emotion was high. Like panic, anger, sadness, magick was amplified and most people didn't know they were effecting the environment that way. Not saying that emotion was bad, it just helped you gain a hold on what you wanted your magikal energy to manifest. I know it was a good theory and it was proven recently, but I still could not get a hang of it. So Midnight had suggested my meditation practices to help center and focus me. Give me clarity of the mind. I also needed to be in touch with my body, so I also kept up with my Yoga practices that I had been doing in the other world. I had started yoga after I had gotten off of work, but ever since I got more and more work loaded onto me by corporate; I couldn't keep up my yoga practice like I had wanted to. I guess it shows how much you need to take for yourself and say no so you can have time to be in touch with yourself more.

I loved doing yoga it always was a form of meditation itself. I also noticed that when I did my yoga routine and then my meditation with Midnight, I got better at focusing my intentions into the magick and what I wanted it to do. I was finally able to start us a fire. I even got really good at it. Of course, we had to be careful with starting a fire to cook so we made sure that it was in a covered area. There were caves upon caves as we climbed the mountain. So it was very easy to be able to start a safe fire here and there to get warm food. Granted a dragon didn't need the fire I did, but Midnight was also able to Cast a Concealment spell to help make sure we weren't detected by scouts. I was so hoping to learn that useful spell, but he had said, "In due time." So I let it go and was happy about getting amazing at fire building. Guess I had a knack for it.

A few days later, we finally made it to the base of the next mountain. Midnight had said we were only on the outskirts of a small one, but I thought it had been big. Boy I was wrong for sure!

We came out of the forested area onto a small ledge looking out. I stopped in my tracks to look. It was so beautiful. The mountain range spans what looked like miles off into the distance. I could see the snow capped mountain kissing the sky and moving beyond it. Breaking away the clouds with its' majesty. It was almost like an artist capture the exact moment that the mountain ranged touched the multicolored sky. The sun just peeking over the tops. The sky blazing in different shades of orange, yellow, red, fuchsia. It didn't matter it was a rainbow of beauty. My eyes couldn't even fathom.

I must have taken a deep breath in because I could hear Midnight next to me chuckle. Did not know a dragon could "chuckle" but there you have it.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Said Midnight.

I had my mouth gaping open, shut it, and said simply, "yes."

"This is the Yanith Mountains, Teeth of the Denisovan Empire. It is the beginning of that peoples lands. It is like a stop gap. After the mountain range we will come into their lands, and continue on. But in the mean time we will have to travel along this range to get there. They span 150 miles, and 1,000 miles high."

I looked up a little more to the range behind us and said, "wowzer."

"We are going to take awhile to get threw aren't we," I asked.

"Yes," he said simply.

"Well let us get a move on then, wasting daylight."

I stared down the side of the ledge and began to follow the copse of trees. I guess we had to start an adventure someway.


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