
Showing posts from January, 2015

Cry Out

These words ecscape me I can't hold on I'm neutral free falling Spinning for all its worth I don't feel I don't glisten I don't want to do it anymore My spirit is torn Broken in two All the decisions weighing on my small shoulders Breaking the peace that was there I don't know what to do I can't tell it anymore I'm so numb that I have to bleed I want to feel the razor on my skin Breaking my concentration Slowly dying inside I can't take the negative I want the positive Bending and molding me Taking away my drive Crying from deep in my soul I want to bleed I want to feel the light again So many decisions  So little time to feel I don't know what to do I feel the weight crashing down on me Driving me to insanity I can feel it edging closer Reflecting my actions Driving me to the brink What should I do I feel so alone I'm dying inside Bleeding out Crying from my very soul I can't take it anymore I don't know what to do..... I just don


What is responsibility? What hold does this word have? What ruination can it beholden? I cant fathom it What is it What is this word? This word that holds up time and moves mountains What does this word even mean Can it take you far into the heavens? Into hell? Believe me it is a word But what does it all mean Can it withstand torture  Can it behold Light and Love? Does it make it picture perfect? Blinding you to its illusion Breaking your soul in two Ruling away all Sence of Reality Breaking your heart and turning it to ice Does this Leader of Words take responsibility for its own actions It's own outcomes? Why must we beholden to its forgotten joys Turning you to a cold hearted bitch Why must it shatter you Mold you into a force of disrespect Why does this word have all the power over Creation What can you do But take responsibility  What does it mean? Why can't it help me?

Vampire Love

I want you to make me scream your name over and over again Taking me deep and popping my cherry inside deep Make me chained to your disposition  Make me beg and reach for your hair Make me scratch your back as we scream our orgasm Make me discover your body Rising above me Sending yours eyes deep and tongue searching Make me want it Make me take it all Make me wet with your kisses Take me Make me Break me Just make me love you  As you bite hard Make the whip crack with lust Make me want it Make me beg for it Oh yes make me cry Make me moan your name to the heavens Make it explode all over my chest Oh yes make it worthless Make it Take it Break it I want it Make me scream it all over! Make it ripe and tear Oh yes make it fuck me Make me love it! Make me your bottom I submit to it I submit to your whim I submit your desires I cheat death for it I drink my blood for it I prick my penis for it I want your teeth Make me Oh yes vampire make me!!

The Witch

Think I'm not better then you Well think again because I'm more then you I can feel you inside my mind Feel you screech upon entry Transforming my scenes  Enraptured by your joy Ripping me from my woom Slicing my soul away  Throwing me into chains Tearing off my clothes with hot wax Breaking my skin Making me beg for you But I'll never give in I'll never let you bend me Plowing danger into me I'm more so much more I'm the wick that will light you up Breaking your arosal Bending you every witch way Mind fucking your existence  I'm more So much more I'm your God!


I can't do this I just can't I have to be with you I have to hold you in my arms I have to feel you all over Caress your face Feel the fire that's you under my hands Making you blaze in glory I want to kiss you like a breath Never a second thought between us Me and you against the world Exploring and finding new ways to heat the cold fire Bring you took your brink as I withhold my mouth Breathing you in deeply Holding you tight against my bare skin and never letting go Breaking our hold only to part and Rush back together Just to feel that fire in our veins I just want to hold you I can't do this I just can't I have to feel your body close Pressed against me Feeling your erection Your beautiful passion and fire I have to feel you burn with my touch As I burn all over with yours I need to feel you pressed against me Holding me together Especially as I pull your lips against mine Our breath getting harder with each pull of our lips I want to just feel you burn under m

New Group!

So I have decided to start my own group here locally and through facebook online! This group is made for everyone to come to a judgement free zone from all walks of life! His group has been made to find your inner peace, beauty, and love for yourself and everyone around you! Spread the word of love! My path has taken me here! So feel free to like and follow! The first offical meeting will be on March 1st for online and March 6th for locals! Details will be provided!  Link: P.s. There's a special event in the group coming for locals only in May! Like to get those details my pretties!! :)

Take Me

Your my little whore aren't you Gazing up as I thrust it inside you Rapture in your eyes Taking all of my lushful sin  Plain on your face Taking me all The shudders  The breath of anticipation Can you handle being my whore Feeling your insides burn in flame Pounding inside your ears Taking quick flares of your nastrals Just as you gag on all of your expectations  Take it all Bring it forth Gush and shudder  Breathe deeper and longer Suck the life out Feel the love poar down your face Wanna be my little whore?

I want you

I want you I want you to scream my name I want you inside my throat I need your body tight against mine Every little deep breath is a shudder  Taking my soul higher and higher I need this all night I want you on your back  I need you to breath my name Shudder back and forth Wreathing against my stomach Taking all of me inside you Harder and faster Deeper and deeper Agony taking hold Breaking every word  Tangent in its after math Shining light glittering in your eyes Taking in my life with each thrust The scent of me cascading down your penis Sucking out my very essence Giving me a tremble  Take it all I want you always I want you now

14 Day Colour Challenge!

Today marks the last day of my colour challenge! I'm happy and sad at the same time happy because I have learned about myself more and more during this challenge, which your all wondering what it is and what it was about.  Well it was about finding your inner beauty throught beautiful colour energy and drawing it on paper! Of course you were allowed to draw yourself as many times in that colour or shade in that area! Naturally I drew myself into story mode a few times because that's just how amazingly sexy I am!  This challenge gave me a sort of inner peace more then anything because it allowed me to see my own inner beauty no matter how bad or amazing it is because I truly am beautiful all the good and the bad. I have fought and won so many inner and outer battles, whether some of those battles resulted in lose, I still have become something more, something truly magnificent. The creator of this challenge was my sexy and inspiring friend Bernard Charles, which you can find a l

I am....

I am the breath of life I am not to be disqualified  I am real I am fixed paradox Just like an animal  I'm cabpable of dreams Of aspirations  Of truth-speech I am a breath of death I am fixation  I'm an epic fire Like it or love me I am more I am real I'm something unique  I'm a breath of fresh air I'm the bloody queen I bleed acid rain I'm more then a dream I'm the nightmare howling in the night I'm the insomniac murdering your loved ones. Bringing you to your knees in worship I am the God of judgement The reaper of hearts I'm the one you whisper to in the night I'm the chilly wind breathing on your face I am more then just a whisper More then a shadow to be cast I'm more then sound and the Light I am more then myself Forever and ever I shall reap the benefits I am more I am the love note in the corner I'm the whispered sexual content I'm the phallus to be jealous of I'm the whips and the chain I'm am more then just the monst