Spreads to Advance your Craft

Tarot cards fanned out, art gold inlay, the magician card is below the fanned cards. He is a young man, smiling and holding a wand. Tarot mat underneath the cards on a table, tarot mat has spiders and crows with filigree surrounding them.
Ethereal Visions Tarot by Matt Hughes
Your mind is about to be BLOWN!!!! That's right Tarot and advancing your own personal craft! So first thing is first you're going to need a tarot deck, a black cat, a broom, and your glass of wine. Just kidding on the cat and broom, but you will need a tarot deck or an oracle deck and that glass of wine, because fuck it! Life's hard! So if someone tells you that you need to be gifted one first, no disrespect, but bull shit. Go buy one! Especially during this time, get it from a local bookstore, or small online business! Some links to those below!

But now, how do you use that cartomancy to your help your witchyness? So, grab that oracle or tarot deck and let's get started.

What I have learned, out of this in advancing my own craft, is firstly, do some Shadow Work. It is something hard, but it is a good confidence builder. Because, you are able to get to know yourself a little better. And that is how you are able to gain the inner power and confidence. YOU ARE POWERFUL. That is what this Shadow Work is going to tell you. It is leading you to self-care, because let's be serious, if you are not focused and your Will is low, then your Craft will not work. You just set yourself for self-sabotage. It is going to fizzle out and you're going to be lacking. You are a Beast, so do that Shadow Work to get down your basics. Yes, Shadow Work will needed to be done for the rest of your life, but that is a small price to pay to be able to know yourself and learn about yourself.

I have learned SOOOOOOO much about myself doing this; and, I am able to acknowledge parts of myself, to be able to heal it. If you have not gotten to dive into Theresa Reed's "Tarot for Troubled Times," then I strongly suggest you do. It is full of helpful tips towards self healing. I have only just started the book, but it has helped me journal more. (Hello! Journal prompts are the BOMB.) But also to see myself for what I am all the good and the bad. It is a helpful start and something you can return to for future Shadow Work. We all have a Trauma and that is okay. We are Healers and Survivors. You can do this.

The next thing I have gotten into is a daily card pull. This is what is going to help you get to know your deck. You get to feel your intuition growing. Ignore that Ego! And it allows you to learn something from that day that you can put towards what ever you desire, whether it be tarot, magick, or shadow work. The cards can and will call you out! I mean that last spread I did for myself was like, "bitch please you want some whine with that!" I may have not wanted to hear it, but I needed to. That is the potential beauty of any spread.

You have to be able to do the basics for yourself, to advance your Craft. You have to want to put forth the effort to even start. That is the basics in any Craft. The Work. Do the research, but still put it into Practice.

There are a few spreads, that I just love to utilize, to get that work done. Whether it be my basics or my Craft itself. Maybe I don't know what I want to do for this new moon? Throw down a card, it can potentially tell you what you are lacking, needing, or both. Just depends on how many cards you throw down to get an answer.

The free for all method is what I like to call it. This is where you are using that intuition you have developed out of your Shadow Work, from the basics you are cultivating. Any way you do this, your Craft and Spiritual Work, you are advancing both yourself and your Craft.

Now that you threw that one card down, maybe you got Judgement. I just got told that I am out of balance. This is a major arcana and, for me, I imagine Ma'at and her scales seeking balance. That tells me I should try a spell out on balance. The scales have to match. Maybe I need to do something on self healing, bringing into balance my mind, body, and soul.  Maybe a spell for my Chakra's, one could be out of balance and I need to find a way to heal it. Maybe someone in my life needs a little help. Cast a spell for them to heal and recover. They could be out of balance and having a rough time in life. Or someone needs to come to Justice. Go big! Just depends on what your intuition tells you. You do you boo!

Pentagram with shapes of cards one in the center, two at the top point, and then one card for each other point of the star shape. Description below of what card positions mean.
Witches Spread
Now let's talk about another spread that you can use that is not just a one spread but a 7 card spread. We are going to get a good one in! This spread is legit called the Witches Spread. I found this online and was super excited! (On Pinterest, super love that application!) It is in the form of a pentagram. Below are the positions and what they represent.

  • Present position.
  • Opposing forces or your obstacles
  • Environment
  • Solution
  • Outcome
  • Inner Conflict (Spiritual)
  • Outer Conflict (Material)
Another fun spread that I found is for a Full Moon. That is actually what it is called too! I found it from a website called "The Witches Fix". Super cool site and I will put a link down below. This is a 5 card spread that you can utilize. It is a unique spread. The first position is above positions 4, 5, and 2, while position 3 is below those. Looks almost like a rectangle if you think about it. The positions and what they represent are below.

The Witches Fix store name above the triple goddess symbol. A full moon in the middle with a crescent moon on either side. Waxing and waning. 5 cards and below, position one is just below the triple goddess symbol. 4, 5, and 2 are below in that order, side by side, then directly below is position 3. next to the card forms are descriptions of what the positions mean.
Witches Fix, Full Moon Spread
  • Between the prior new moon and the last what energy has been hindering me?
  • What card represents how I can work with the energy from position 1, to better serve me?
  • What card reflects an obstacle that I need to overcome to realign with my highest self?
  • What energy can I use to better prepare me for what is to come?
  • What is the central lesson to be learned from this cycle?

All of these spreads are great to get to know yourself and your practice. So get out there and just have fun! Heal thy self! 

Posted by: Sean Eblin, The War Witch



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