Tarot Spreads 101

Okay, spreads, what are they and how do I utilize it! Well that is what we will discuss today on this episode of Tarot Spreads 101! Just kidding it's a blog post, but, I am going to write it and you will get to read it. Then use it for yourself, especially now.

So first what is a tarot spread. A tarot spread, I have come to learn, is where you are using more then one tarot card. You are using a spread of cards! Original, I know, but that is exactly what it is. You can do a two card, three card, or even up to 78 cards! The more cards that you have in a spread the more it can get complicated, but it tells a story. And in this instance, your story, or what it could be. Because no matter how many times you do a spread, or pull a card, it is different. It is that whole free will concept, when you make one decision it will effect the outcome.

3 tarot cards laid out on a mantel. One is of a blue heron with tear drops falling down morphing into a flame, background full of vibrant orange, yellows, blues, greens, and purples like a rainbow, card next to it is of a swan with a chalice sitting next to it, third card is of three swords wrapped in red ribbon together, each pommel a different shape.So let us dive into a few spreads that I have come to use. These I have found online or in books that I actually really like using because it helps you day to day. You can even do a spread yourself! That's right you read this right, you can make your own! It is super exciting!! You can set up yourself whatever spread you feel like using that feels right to you. But, for this part, we will utilize the spreads that are already made up. 

First is the 3 card spread. There are a few ways to do this type of spread, like past, present, and future. The spread that I will use for this purpose is called the "honestly, what the fuck" spread. This is a spread I found on Instagram from 3am.tarot. This is an awesome spread to help you figure out some basic feelings that keep you help up. A good self healing spread. (Website: https://www.3amtarot.com/)

The first question was WTF am I feeling? The second question is WTF do I need? And the last question is WTF should I do? I did this spread and was like, wow. So, what I got for questions one, two, and three were Temperance, Son of Cups, and the three of swords for the final card. I should tell you I used the Wild Unknown Tarot deck for this spread, hence the son of cups. The Son of Cups in most decks is the Knight. Now what did my spread mean!

For the first question I had drawn Temperance card, and in this tarot deck it is of a Blue Heron with two tear drops coming down from its face morphing into a flame in front. When I drew this card I felt I needed to practice some self restraint and not get into any drama. I just need to wait out and be patient with my current "9 to 5" job, and just let the stupidity pass because I have a bright future ahead of me. This is only a temporary job. Which leads me to question number two! The Son of Cups a.k.a. the knight of cups. This card is of a swan with a cup in front of the swan. He is telling me that I am letting it all get to me and my last nerves. And I am getting this card because I am a little jealous of the people above me, because they do not take anything serious and barely work while I do all the grunt work and bust my ass. I just need to let things go! Which leads me now into the last card, three of swords. This card basically told me to get over it and heal thyself. Which I am doing! More on that to come.

Three card spreads can be easy or hard, just depending on the question. This one was a little harder because I had to dig deep into my own inner demons so to speak. It gets in some Shadow Work for sure!

Next let's look at a five card spread! Yes, I am skipping four and six, because I want to look at a semi more complex spread, just to show you how more in depth you can get with a bigger spread. We will come back to those in another blog post.

A five card spread I found online is called the "April Fools Spread." I only did this because it sounded fun, but I still got a lot out of it! This one is a little unique in the fact that you are going to just pull out the Fool card instead of drawing actual six cards. The Fool is going to at as your significator, or the beginning card in a spread, what is starting this journey for you. You will lay out the Fool and place two, three, four, and five around it. Two is on the left, three on right, four above, and five below the Fool. It is now telling a larger story.

The questions for this spread are, "What do i need to know about the path I am on", "What must be let go before I can Leap", "How will I benefit from taking this leap", and, lastly, "What should I be mindful of on this journey." Now these spreads are directly from one of my Book of Shadows for tarot, and I wrote down for this spread. I used my Witches Tarot for this one!
Center card is the Fool card a young man filled with delight as he stands on the edge of a cliff face with a satchel attached to the end of his walking stick as he gazes out over the cliff, card on the left is of a beautiful young woman with golden hair adorned in a holy crown blue dress next to a lion who is almost smiling with delight as she pets him behind the ears, both connected with roses across their laps. Card on the right of the Fool is of a teenage boy juggling two pentacles in the air connected by a blazing infinity symbol behind crashing waves in the distance. Card above the fool is a woman sitting on a golden throne holding a giant pentacle in left hand and a bouquet of green flowers in the right a small dog at her feet, golden crown on her head in a long green dress rosh bush in the background. Below the Fool is a fierce woman in a white dress and blue cap sitting on a blue chair, almost throne like, low back holding a sword in her hand arm raised beaconing the waves about to crash upon her shores, lavender in her lap, a blue jay on the shore next to her, mountains in the background. And a pile of tarot cards next to the lower queen of swords, triple moon goddess symbol on the back of the deck, and a pentagram bag for the cards on the left of the spread. All sitting on a coffee table.

In position two, I drew Strength. This card is telling me that I have an inner strength that I have yet to tap. I am capable of so much more and I am on the right path to "tame" that inner strength I possess. The next position, three, I drew two of pentacles. This card is all about balance. I need to balance my life a little better between the spiritual and the mundane. I need to stop trying to juggle so much in one aspect and try to find that happy medium in both. Position four is the Queen of Pentacles. When it comes to this Queen she is grounding 101. A nurturer, and in complete control of her facilities. She is telling me that I will benefit from her direction and ground myself to better reach a balance within myself. I will get that emotional fulfillment out of that balance. Lastly, in position five, I drew the Queen of Swords. The Swords suit is all about action, and she is the Queen! Werk! She is telling me to be mindful of myself, don't try to self sabotage yourself by not taking the necessary action or actions toward the end goal of this current path. In this instance don't take actions that can potentially through you off balance. That is what I got out of that. And she is right I do have a tendency to get into something and just stop because I get tired of it. Sometimes its best to work through to stay on track and create new growth within.

These are some tarot spreads that you can potentially use in your own practice. There are so many different spreads that you can do. Biddy tarot has a plethora of spreads and so does the 3am.tarot that I talked about above. They are both on Instagram and share spreads that you can utilize towards some self healing during this insanity. We will ALL BE OKAY! We will get through this together. Below is a YouTube video with more information on spreads that I have found useful during this time, It is from Daily Tarot Girl, she has a plethora of information on tarot. I mean it IS her thing! So go check her out and give her a follow!

Posted by: Sean Eblin


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