Tarot Spreads: What I like

So if you have been following this months posts then you know there are a few tarot spreads that I have done and liked! But what are my favorites? And why? Well there are a few that I loved using, just for the main reason of that, they are just cool! That's right they are just fun to do! So why not do them!

Tarot doesn't have to be all dark and twisted during this time. There are a few that are positive. But then there are a few that are both, and a few that are negative that can be good. I will do a count down to my 5 favorite spreads that I have found or made up on the fly!

5. This is a three card spread turned 6 because I made it up on the fly! This one is mainly for shadow work, but it still can be a positive thing because it will help you heal from past wounds. I made this up after reading "Symptoms of being Human" by Jeff Garvin (Shameless plug for an amazing read), and it just came to me. I had drawn 3 cards for the 3 major feelings I was feeling at that moment and then I drew 3 more cards for a way to accept and heal from that particular emotion. Now if you need to elaborate more then feel free to draw more cards for that particular part of the spread. There is NO WRONG WAY of doing tarot. The only time would make it "wrong" would be if you will the cards to have an outcome you wanted. Don't forget to check that Ego at the door people! This is something you do have to watch, but there really is no wrong way. You could even draw all 78 cards plus a whole oracle deck if you want. The cards are telling you your story. But that is my number 5!

4. This is a fun spread that I did from 3am Tarot. It is a 4 card spread. It was for Aries rising season to bring in some Aries power! The first position was for the Moon. And the moon is all about feeling, so it is moon: I feel. The next position takes you to rising. How is the moon feeling rising, what is it projecting. So Rising: I Project. Third position is mars! This is what you crave. So Mars: I crave. Last is the Sun position. That is what makes you, you! So Sun: I am. This is a lovely spread because it tells you what you can do to rise up and become something more. It helps you get in that touch of Aries moon rising!

3. This is a fun one because it is a funny spread. It is called "honestly, what the fuck." That's right you read it correctly. What the fuck. Just rolls off the tongue doesn't it!? Like come on how could I NOT do this spread. The title is perfect! This is a spread for getting your shit together. I mean at least that's what it said! This is another spread from 3am tarot. (Can't tell I like them can you? LOL) But just think, now IS the time to get your shit together so when you go out into the big bad world, with a new buzz cut, you can get rid of some baggage while you're at it. So the 3 positions are "WTF am I feeling?", "WTF do I need?", and lastly, "WTF should I do?" All good and valid questions, so get the fuck out of there and do it!

2. Another from 3am tarot, I mean why not. (Really can't tell now that I follow them religiously, it's almost bad for my health, but I don't care! LOL) This is called a spread for hope! During these fucked up time we all need a little hope in our lives, this is the spread to do it with. You can really do any of these more then once! I would keep a journal and track your progress so you know yourself a little more. This is a 3 card spread and the first card to set down is "something beautiful I've forgotten." Wonderful isn't it? Just wonderful. That is a question we should all be asking ourselves in this doldrum time. From this one card that you are about to set down will be profound because it will tell you just what you need to know. Makes you think on why have you forgotten that beautiful thing about yourself, or around you! It shows you what you are missing. LOVE IT! The next card to land is "something magickal I should embrace?" That is a good card question too because it can show you how to expand on your own personal practice. Why not try something new! Lastly is "something useful I can do or offer." That one is a good one too. It can show you what you can do to make your life better or someone else. Especially right now. Everyone needs a good little pick me up!

1. The most favorite one I have done so far is..... drum roll please people! Is not from 3am tarot! LOL! Shocked I know! Just kidding! But it really isn't from 3 am tarot. It's from a hashtag I follow on Instagram. #tarotdecks It just popped up and I was instantly drawn to it because it can help you get back on track for sure! It is called the April fool's day tarot spread by @rosegoldtarot. This one is a keeper to have for any occasion because it helps you get back on track. It discuss this spread in detail in a previous post, which I will link below. This spread is unique because you are using The Fool card as a starting point. You are just pulling it out, because the Fool is a card about new beginnings, BOOM! there you go! Spots 2 through 5 are about the current path that you are on. Number 2, not to be confused with poop, is about what you need to know about the path you are on. Spot 3 is about what you need to let go to leap on this path full force. Gangnam style! Fourth is about how you will benefit from taking the leap you just danced on. And last spot is what you need to be mindful of on the journey you are on now. It will call you out on that last one,a t least it did me in the last post! If you are your own saboteur then you need to realize that and accept it, so you won't ruin a path you will be amazing at!

That was my top 5 favorites so far! Hope you enjoyed! Below is 2 awesome tarot people that I fan girl over that have shared some favorite tarot decks! Kate and Scarlet! Maybe you can use one of those decks to do one of the spreads above! So sit back, relax, get a gin & tonic and watch a few good YouTube videos! Blessed be!

Posted by: Sean Eblin



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