Green for Luck

Four Leaf Clover
Green for Luck! There are many different kinds of luck you can have. Money, bringing in pleasant dreams, a lasting life, anything really. I have not done too many luck spells, but I have done some to bring in money.

So first thing is first in a luck spell, is confidence. Without that confidence of, "yes, money will come to me," then the spell will either not work, or not as well. Either way you got to bring in that confidence.

Next step is tools. Gather items that will work for you. This case make sure it's green! Think pot of gold realness, if you're wanting to bring in wealth. Or good luck for health, maybe use a crystal that is associated with healing. Could be mental, emotional, or spiritual good luck. If you want that money to come in then visualize the money actually coming in. Try using a bowl filled with coins and place a crystal grid around it to bring in the cash flow. You will need to find what fits with you. Burning a green candle could work too.

Green for Luck! In some instances you don't even need a spell to bring in green good luck. Sometimes you just need a good horseshoe or four leaf clover! Maybe a lucky rabbits foot. There are many ways to bring in the luck. Herbs, different species of plants by your front door. Whatever you want to use to bring in the luck!

If you are not sure on how you want to bring in luck, then go to your local library or bookstore and get a book! Or use YouTube! There are a few on YouTube you can watch to better understand the power and basics of a luck spell. Below is one such individual that knows some stuff! Her name on YouTube is Magickal Lady Duchess! She has been around for a long time and has some good ideas and instructions on her channel. Enjoy!

Posted by: Sean Eblin


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