Many Different Magickal Ways of Green

Power of Green
Green. The color of my magic the gathering deck. Just kidding! It's not just a color, or card game, but a powerful energy tool. It inspires you to heal, grow, love, and ground. It has many different functions in life. Color magick in general is pretty sweet. Color magick stimulates moods and invoke some pretty powerful spells.

This month is the month of green, March. It's not just about Saint Patrick's day. It's about the vibrancy and calming energy it brings into your life. Nor is it about getting that pinch in when someone doesn't wear green.

The color green has many types of functions in any spell work. You can use it to ease jealousy. Create life in the Earth by planting flowers and bringing in growth and abundance. It's a color that prospers. It uses it's power to bring that abundance into different aspects of your life.
Candle Magick

So let's dive into the different ways you can use the power of green! (Not to be confused with the power of Lysol.) It's a very powerful color because it is used to represent Earth. If you are not sure what green does just think of what the Earth does for you and everything on it. It gives fertility to the land to grow crops. It heals. It prospers in the spring by growing new life. So when you use green in spells, you can increase fertility, your chances at a new job, and healing. Especially a broken heart, because green, is also, associated with the heart chakra.

I love to use the color green in any spell work that involves the heart, or at least healing in general. Pink is an awesome color to heal the heart with too. But I like my green. I usually grab out my calcite, rose quartz, and my color mage oracle deck for some color magick. (I will link that oracle deck below.) When I want to do a prosperity spell for either bringing in some needed money, or to manifest some well needed spiritual healing, I will use a green candle. Or you can wear some green so fairy folk won't get you, especially the leprechauns! Either way you look at it green is a very versatile color to be used. So get out there and get your green on!

Below is a break down from the amazing Magickal Lady Duchess on the basics of Color and Candle Magick:

Posted by: Sean Eblin

Color Mage Oracle Deck:

References used:


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