
Showing posts from 2019

Shielding....Your Home!

Protecting your home! That's right let's get to the nitty gritty of it. There are many ways in which you can help protect your home from many different things. For this part of the Protection series we will go over what I do in my own home and what works best for me. For starters...the Entryway! This is where most people will come into your home. They way that you can keep out any unwanted nuisances is a salt threshold. That's right it's super easy! I sound like one of those terrible Kirby salesmen, but it's true, something simple as that will keep out those baddies. You can even put up fern's around your home too. That is another good one, because they absorb all the bad energies that come through your house that pass through. They also keep the bad spirits out. But another amazing plant is... Lavender! That is another great plants that works. Just wrapped the sprigs of lavender together with a ribbon of your choice, say a  black ribbon, to keep out neg

Triple Goddess Tarot: What's the Tea!

The Triple Goddess Tarot I recently have been using this amazing deck of tarot cards! So....What is the tea!?? This is a unique deck because, well as the title says, it's Triple Goddess. It entails all three aspects of the Goddess. Maiden, Mother, and Crone. So instead of the King in the suits of tarot, it is the Elder. The maiden in this archetypal scenario, is the beginning. The one that is new to the path of life and just starting on their adventure. The Mother is more seasoned adventurer. She is the one that has come out of adolescence and is now more of a nurturer. The Crone is the Wise One. The one that is at their peak and knows the mysteries of life, because she has lived them. This one is the one that won't take no shit! I mean all of them won't, but she is the one you want to go to when you need advise about the secrets to life. What is another unique aspect of this deck is that there are 79 cards, not just the normal 78. Why? Because there are two aspe

Shielding....Your Car!

Shields Up! That's right you can do a shield on your car! I mean why not!? You can do a personal shield and shields for your house, so why not your car? A shield for you car can be beneficial when you are driving around, because it help deter accidents and even people breaking into your car. The way I like to do it is take a sage stick and run it along the inside of your car and then along the outside. Making sure you get rid of that bad JuJu! BE GONE DEMON! Smudge Me! After smudging your car and getting rid of the negativity that it can adsorb, you can now move along to the next step.....Shields up!! Taking the time to smudge your car gives it a good "fresh start" and it can even help it smell good. Especially if you get stinky people in there, or you fart really bad. Just depends on what your jam is. Taking the time to do that will get the car ready. Take out whatever crystals you have that are for protection in traveling and place them in your car. I like

Yuletide/Winter Solstice/Christmas Origins

HAPPY YULE EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yule is also known in the Christian tradition as, Christmas! So those that celebrate that.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It is now the longest night in this hemisphere. For me, I am pagan, so I celebrate Yule. Which is basically Christmas! The origins of Christmas is stemmed in pagan traditions. Like kissing under the mistletoe or putting up a tree filled with lights. Why do you put lights in a tree? Because you don't believe in fire code! Ba da tiss. I'm only kidding. Bad Dad joke, I know, but there is a reason that we don't think of fire code during this time. And I will discuss that in a minute. There are so many reasons, so let's start with Yule. In general, Yule is mainly a Nordic tradition. Yule typically lasts for 12 days. During this time it was to be the wild hunt for the Norse god, Odin. This is where you get the 12 days of Christmas. Sound familiar!? For Yule, in other Pagan traditions, the Oak King and the Holy King trade plac

Elder of Wands

Elder of Wands Today I decided to do a quick drawing for myself and I asked my Triple Goddess Tarot Deck. What do you have for me today? I the Elder of Wands popped out (AKA King of Wands). And with this card it is the Elder sitting on her thrown, with the triple goddess symbol on the back of the chair. She is writing in her journal, with her scepter on her lap. If this wasn't a HELLO. Then I don';t know what is! The king of wands is truly a big court card. She total embodies the fire of creativity. She's telling me to "you do you boo." I'm craving that innovation to do something different. To grow in ingenuity. She is telling me that I have all of this inside me and I should just let it all out. I should just throw up some skittles and taste my own rainbow! I have the Will and Confidence. I just need to tap into it. I have been lax and lazy lately. I mean, don't get me wrong it's nice to just stop and not do something, but I also, need to get


There are many ways to shield and for many different reasons. This all depends on what you want or need. There are shielding for damage to your house, a fire, burglary. Personal shielding from negativity and harm. Even shielding on your car! Energy is energy and magick is energy. The only limit on how to use it, mixed with intention, is your imagination! Think of magick as a type of physics. You use the energy to make an effect on object A, while at a distance of B.  Magick is only a limit to ones imagination. What we use to do magick with is a way to help us focus our intention into something tangible; and, surprise, it works! So for the next couple of weeks we will look at shielding and some of its many forms. First we will look at our own personal shielding. Especially going through day to day life and picking up that bad juju from people. This can help lessons those effects. Especially if you are an Empath and run into a lot of different strong emotions. Empaths' tend to

A Tarot History

Tarot. What is it? Where did it come from? Today it has become super popular. Mainly because it offers mysticism and insight into yourself. So where did it originate? Well it originated as a card game, kind of like bridge, in Italy! It came about in the 15th century. Which begs another question...Why is it steeped in the Occult life, and why does it feel so ancient!? Let's start with the name, because these are a lot of questions that have come to my mind, as I have been delving into the Tarot. It has been an on going process, one part research, the other part intuition. It's original game name was Tarocchi (Italian word), and then it lost it's popularity around the same time, because it was leading people towards excessive gambling. Then in the 16th & 17th centuries it became a popular game in parts of Europe, but mostly in France. And in France we have the word English speaking nations use, Tarot. It later died down, but had another jump in popularity in Europ

Creative Content

For the return followers, you can see that I have changed up my website just a smudge! (That was puny and you know it!) I have added a Creative Content section, with links to a Contact page, along with some inspirational people! I have been on this spiritual path for quite a while now and I have felt the need to find an outlet. I hope this new revamp will allow me to have the outlet, and some pretty sickening content for you! I am hoping this will also be a sage haven for people to leave comments and creative suggestions for others. I will still be writing my stories and poems; but, I felt the need to also add a few extra things to the mix. I will be adding some spells from my own Book of Shadows, along with some Tarot. I have been practicing and learning Tarot and wish to express that on here. And... Shadow Work. I have been binge watching Jessi Huntenburg (Link above, wink, wink) on YouTube for my shadow work, and getting ideas on what I want to accomplish for myself. For Tarot!