Shielding....Your Home!

Protecting your home! That's right let's get to the nitty gritty of it. There are many ways in which you can help protect your home from many different things. For this part of the Protection series we will go over what I do in my own home and what works best for me.

For starters...the Entryway! This is where most people will come into your home. They way that you can keep out any unwanted nuisances is a salt threshold. That's right it's super easy! I sound like one of those terrible Kirby salesmen, but it's true, something simple as that will keep out those baddies. You can even put up fern's around your home too. That is another good one, because they absorb all the bad energies that come through your house that pass through.

They also keep the bad spirits out. But another amazing plant is... Lavender! That is another great plants that works. Just wrapped the sprigs of lavender together with a ribbon of your choice, say a  black ribbon, to keep out negativity, and keep putting that intention into the ribbon. This will keep out negative people.

Another amazing way that I keep my threshold protected is on the other side of the doorway I have crystals on each side of the door. I usually use amethyst, but you can do whatever protective crystal that you want. I set up 2 on bottom of the doorway and 2 on top of the doorway. Then I imagine a "wall" for protection against anyway wanting to knock down the door. And I add in that "bubble wall" too for added protection against anyone coming in and wishing me harm or anyone that I love harm. The bubble just helps me be a little flexible able in letting people in.

Next is a protection crystal grid that I like to use. And I change this up all the time too. Gotta keep it
fresh! I will do a protection grid for the home from any and all harm, like fire, burglary, and physical damage. With another grid I will do protection against psychic attack and people casting magick against the home in general.You can change it up as many times as you like, but make sure you at least tend it every month to keep the grid strong. It is almost like you have an altar!

I love my crystals. I love my crystal magick! So, I will also put them in the windows too! Make sure you use a protective crystal that will not be good in sunlight. Because some crystals will fade in the light. I tend to use some black crystals like Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Hematite. Those are great crystals for negativity. I like to have those in the windows so no one can break those in too! Your doorway isnt the only way into your home! I like to take that extra step!

Next is my main spell that I use to protect the home and anyone in the home too. I like to call on Goddesses of protection. I love to call on my Matron, Sekhmet, Isis, and Nephthys to help protect my home and loved ones. When I do this spell I will imagine a barrier coming up in front of everything window and doorway leading into the house. After I do that I will go to the middle of the house, or as centrally as I can, and imagine the barrier moving up from the ground up to the top of the house. The spell that I use is below:

I call upon Sekhmet, Isis, and Nephthys 
to protect this home and all who dwell inside
from harm, evil, and damage. 
so mote it be.

I will say this as many times as I feel is needed, while imagining the barrier going up. And all I can say is that it works for sure! I tend to use my staff or wand to focus my intention. I hope this is a great way to help protect your home. What ways that you use to protect your home!? I love hearing what works for other people! Next blog post is going to be how to protect your property! Blessed be!


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