Shielding....Your Car!

Shields Up!
That's right you can do a shield on your car! I mean why not!? You can do a personal shield and shields for your house, so why not your car?

A shield for you car can be beneficial when you are driving around, because it help deter accidents and even people breaking into your car. The way I like to do it is take a sage stick and run it along the inside of your car and then along the outside. Making sure you get rid of that bad JuJu! BE GONE DEMON!

Smudge Me!
After smudging your car and getting rid of the negativity that it can adsorb, you can now move along to the next step.....Shields up!! Taking the time to smudge your car gives it a good "fresh start" and it can even help it smell good. Especially if you get stinky people in there, or you fart really bad. Just depends on what your jam is. Taking the time to do that will get the car ready. Take out whatever crystals you have that are for protection in traveling and place them in your car.

I like to use a few different ones. I have a hematite to bounce any negativity away from the car. Because negativity is like a void, it keeps attracting it! A little amethyst can also go a long way. It will protect against all the electromagnetic stresses that you can be bombarded with. I would put the amethyst on a cord and put in over your rear view mirror or at leas in your center consul.

I would stuff as much Jet as you think you need. It is the ultimate protector! (Next to Malachite) I have a piece of jet on either side of my car doors. Driver side and passenger side. I know if the universe says I need to be in the accident, there is no where it says I can't lessen that blow! That is what my jet is used for.

Lastly, Malachite! This crystal is immensely powerful and perfect for any type of travel. Why not put it in your car? It will use its gifts in helping you protect yourself from shitty drivers on the road!

Now that you know you can use crystals, you can also use spells. That's right! You can gear a spell towards protecting you and anyone that is in the car while it is in motion or just sitting in the parking spot. Spells can help increase the protection of your car. And i would give it some attention at least once a month to keep it up and energized, even the crystals. Cleansing once a month too is really good for the health of your car too. Less things have gone wrong with my car since I have cleansed it once a month!

You may think this is a little over the top, but it has helped me so much in protecting myself against bad drivers. There have been so many times that I have had almost a bad accident that it is insane! And thanks to my vigilance in driving, and my protective crystals and spells, I have survived! The world is always full of surprises. I for one like to be prepared!

Below is some more ways that you can protect your car! Vroom Vroom!

Car Protection by Llewellyn


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