
There are many ways to shield and for many different reasons. This all depends on what you want or need. There are shielding for damage to your house, a fire, burglary. Personal shielding from negativity and harm. Even shielding on your car! Energy is energy and magick is energy. The only limit on how to use it, mixed with intention, is your imagination! Think of magick as a type of physics. You use the energy to make an effect on object A, while at a distance of B. 

Magick is only a limit to ones imagination. What we use to do magick with is a way to help us focus our intention into something tangible; and, surprise, it works!

So for the next couple of weeks we will look at shielding and some of its many forms.

First we will look at our own personal shielding. Especially going through day to day life and picking up that bad juju from people. This can help lessons those effects. Especially if you are an Empath and run into a lot of different strong emotions. Empaths' tend to take on that energy easier.

First ground yourself. That is the main important part. Use a sage stick or palo santo to cleanse your aura of energy and then pop a squat and meditate. Ground yourself for the next step.

For me, I like to imagine my root chakra taking root into the Earth. Branches going out and digging into the ground. AS the branches are rooted in the Earth, feel the energy of the Earth beneath you moving up your roots into your root chakra, then into each of your other chakras. Once the Earth energy hits your Crown Chakra take a moment to extend out into the Universe and connect. Become a channel for the energy and feel yourself just grounded in yourself.

After I ground myself, I move onto the next step. Shielding! I usually imagine this bubble where all the negativity and harm that could potentially come your way, bounce right off. I then take it further. I imagine a light coming from me expelling all the negative energy that is around me. It takes your own personal energy to do all of this, especially daily.

There are other ways to help yourself shield. I use crystals on the regular! I have crystals for any aspect that I need in daily life. For this, I use amethyst.

Amethyst is a great crystal to help you augment any harsh energies coming your way. And even some psychic attacks that you may not know about. It helps you create that natural bubble around you to stop all that nastiness coming at you.

Remember this is the way I do my thing. Each individuals practice is there own. Do some research and see what works best for you and your practice!


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