Triple Goddess Tarot: What's the Tea!

The Triple Goddess Tarot
I recently have been using this amazing deck of tarot cards! So....What is the tea!??

This is a unique deck because, well as the title says, it's Triple Goddess. It entails all three aspects of the Goddess. Maiden, Mother, and Crone. So instead of the King in the suits of tarot, it is the Elder.

The maiden in this archetypal scenario, is the beginning. The one that is new to the path of life and just starting on their adventure. The Mother is more seasoned adventurer. She is the one that has come out of adolescence and is now more of a nurturer. The Crone is the Wise One. The one that is at their peak and knows the mysteries of life, because she has lived them. This one is the one that won't take no shit! I mean all of them won't, but she is the one you want to go to when you need advise about the secrets to life.

What is another unique aspect of this deck is that there are 79 cards, not just the normal 78. Why? Because there are two aspects of the fool card. As you know, the Fool card is the one that starts any new path. It is the card that is someone that may stumble, is full of naivety, one that is going balls to wall into the path. Very curious about life. 

The Fool Cards
In both cards it is of the same young woman that is about to fall off the edge of the cliff. She is reach for the stars, not looking ahead of herself and seeing that cliff she is about to plummet down. In the one card she has an orange type dress, with leggings. The other version she has black shirt and pants on. In the one that has an orange dress the background behind the trees is a little darker in the purple that is shows. While in the one with the dark clothing her purple background is much lighter. Both has a little white cat trying to catch a firefly. A little helper along her journey. I mean it is okay to ask for help!

But for all the court cards, the majors, and all the minor cards, there is an aspect of either the maiden, mother, or crone. Super amazing. You can tell that there is a lot of symbolism and wisdom that this deck can offer someone that uses it. Which is why I love it for helping me learn the tarot better.

For the court cards, going back to them, we see that there is NO King what so ever, it is the Elder in the Court cards. There is a version of strength, and that is the Mother. The Hierophant in this deck is called The Teacher, which is super cool.

For each of those they defiantly fit their aspects from a "normal" tarot deck. Because the Hierophant is defiantly a teacher, because the Hierophant is usually a Teacher of Wisdom. She will teach you to connect to a higher source.

While the Strength is fitting, because who isn't stronger then a Mother? A Mother is fiercely protective and nurturing in her wisdom and love to her child. And she's good at stopping sibling fighting too if she has more then one kid. She is a healer.

Another fun difference in the deck is the Devil card. In this she is The Crone. Old withered, but wise and knows how to break free from peoples constraints. She is someone that is set in her ways and doesn't take no shit from no one. The mistress of self-esteem. She may also be withered and old, but she also can be someone that is in her prime and healthy.

This tarot deck is full of small thing, but large in meaning and wisdom. The Triple Goddess is a fighter, healer, lover, seductress, courageous, motherly, wise individual. And she can teach you a lot of things about yourself and tarot that you never knew. The spread that come with the deck is also nice to try out. It is just your basic three card spread.

Card 1: The Maiden: What are you looking to expand upon?
Card 2: The Mother: What lends you stability so you can be fulfilled?
Card 3: The Crone: What can you let go that no longer serves you?

These are very good questions that this deck nails on the head for you. I say try it out! Why not!?

Below is a link to the walk through of the art by the author of the deck!


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