Midnight Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

I gazed down at the clock on my radio in my car for like the millionth time it seemed like anyway. It said 7:20 p.m. I rubbed my fingers on my forehead starting to get a little head ache waiting in this insane traffic for some reason. I was on I - 75 going north to get home since I needed to get home fast and change to go out. But, of course, there had to be an accident or something blocking all this traffic since I've been waiting for almost 30 minutes now.

I gazed at my cell again waiting for a text from Clara. Nothing. I had texted her several minutes ago letting her know that I was going to be late going out and I was stuck in traffic.

"She's probably getting ready, like I should be." I said to myself outloud. Gosh, I do that a lot.

I gazed at the radio clock again and said fuck it and turned on my radio. I played with the channels trying to find some good music to play. I hit country station and turned that fast. I have nothing against country, but most of the time I can't stand it unnless I had some Reba playing or some Twain for instance. I looked back up as the traffic started to move at a decent pace again.

I got about 20 feet and then had to stop, yet again.

"Ugh, this can't be happening, I hate traffic. No one know's how to drive here. I swear they got it out of a cracker jack box." I said out loud again.

I turned the station from some white noise and moved on to some blue grass. I turned that fast for sure! R & B. Jazz. Orchestra. Really wasn't in the mood for any of those. I was kind of in a sort of funk lately anyway, I wanted something up beat to change my negative mood.

I didn't know why I felt so much in a funk, but I just couldn't figure out why I felt so stuck! I was just depressed lately and felt stuck. I just couldn't help it. I played with the station some more brooding over my negativity, when I found some Jennifer Lopez, "Tens". Love this song. So I kept it there feeling a little more amped up and ready for the night. Yet, I was still in a funk.

I danced a little sitting in my car, because who couldn't dance to J-Lo anyway? The traffic finally moved yet again and this time a good 40 feet this time. I started to get a little bored and just sat there contemplating more and more. Getting a little bit more depressed again, so I started to look around a little and up at the sky. Moved some more. And more. And more. When finally I made it to my exit to get off of I-75. I turned on my right turn signal getting off the ramp to head back on track to home.

As I drove another fun song came on. I little bit of Lady Gaga at that stage. "Artpop" actually. Feeling a little less down, I took a left onto my road. The route home.

I don't know what it was, but I felt all of a sudden a "spark" you could say of force pop inside my head. It was a feeling that I was being watched. Something just screamed at my sences and I began to slow down a little as I was close to my driveway. I could feel some sort of presence. My intuition blazed to be careful as I pulled into my driveway and started to drive up to my house.

I stopped just short of my garage and looked at my house and all around. The moon was of course blazing in the sky. Full and sexy, but there was nothing that I could see around. I slowly popped open my door and got out still feeling uncomfortable. I wasn't sure what to make of this feeling of wrongness. I just felt, well, wrong. The night seemed "muted."

I continued to get out and look around as I shut my door real quick, just in case something was watching me they wouldn't see my dome light. I then thought it really didn't matter since I could feel like something was watching me and waiting. I didn't like it. I rushed to my door looking around making sure nothing was lurking and lying in wait to spring at me, I had my key in hand grabbed the door handle and got it in the turned and rushed inside still while looking around.

I breathed a sigh of relief, yet the feeling was still strong and there. I didn't like it at all. And being a Witch I knew something was up and I needed to protect myself and make sure everything was absoulutly okay. I went straight to the end of the hall to my altar room to grab my staff and supplies.

It was still I little dark as I started towards the room and that's when I heard a slight breathing noise coming from the room across the hall from my altar room. I walked forward slowly. I had to get some sort of protection at least. I then heard movement from behind a slight creaking noise. Someone was behind me!

I then darted towards the room. I felt a cold hand grab me from behind and pull me back. I screamed and lashed out trying to hit what ever it was that had me. I heard a grunt of pain and knew I hit something. It let me go and rushed to my altar room again. I was so close.

I screamed as something in front of me tried to rush in front of me. It was a man form. I only got a brief view of who it was and it wasn't anything human. I may have been in man form, but it wasn't human. I knew pure Evil when I saw it. It had blood red eyes, glowing slightly. Features from a GQ magazine, but still Evil none the less. It had a long black trench coat, buttoned up black shirt slightly open. The shirt looked like it was moving on its own accord, because it flowed with his impecable muscles. He smiled with such evil malice, but never moved to stop me as I darted into my room.

I slammed the door shut hearing a thudding as I did. The attacker from behind was so close to grabbing me. I locked the door and moved my dresser that was by the door in front of the door as a barrier.

I backed away from the pounding door, breathing hard. The fear was almost debilitating, never since becoming a Witch could I ever imagine being attacked in my own home! Whoever that was had to have destroyed any Protection Spell's I had put up. I didn't know what to do! I backed into my corner where my staff and wand were. My staff was exactlly my height with a cord wrapped around the top with runes of protection and power etched into the small stones.

I want to grab my wand and, well, it wasn't mine. It looked Egyptian with an ankh etched into it with a giant ruby crystal tip. I just stared at it, because it was so beautiful. I seemed to glow in my hand when I touched it. I could feel love almost come from it. Pure power in my hand. I raised it up to the moonlight spilling from my window. It sparkled with intent. Gold inlay running down the hilt of it. It wasn't a wand at all but a rod of pure power. I had etching run all along it. I kept staring and as I stared words started to appear. Running across it. I could see in the very depths of the wand. I could feel myself being drawn and pulled into the words. They kept flowing and manipulating around me.

The rod began to glow a little brighter with the etheral light and as it did it felt like the depths of it stop spinning and swirling around inside my head. I instantly knew a spell that I never knew before, and I didn't understand any of it or the words. It felt so strange. Almost like I already knew this spell and used it before. A sort of deja vu. I felt peace and love and knew that the rod was almost telling me what I needed to do. It was a good thing too because I was scared shit less. I had stared so long that I never realized the pounding had stopped.

I pulled my gaze away from the rod for a minute and came back to reality. Everything I had learned just left me, but I never had any time to look back.

The dresser began to move away from the door. I stood there in utter terror. It had power and was flexing it for sure. The door unlocked as the dresser moved back into place and the door then slowly swung open. I was even more terrorfied as whatever had attacked me first walked in.

The creature, for it was a creature, shuffled in. It was huntched down because it kept moving on all fours as it walked forward into the room. I coward by my altar in the corner of the room, as it gazed at me. It had pure black eyes. It felt like it was gazing into my soul almost, but I knew it wasn't. It gazed at me as it stopped in front of me. Panting with its semi long tongue sticking out of its mouth. It acted like a dog scenting its prey. It's limbs were all gangly and long. Moving and flowing as it walked. It was almost fluid. A sort of darkness was flowing around it. Playing with it. It was a whisp of flesh flowing in this reality. It wasn't here, but it was. I wasn't sure what to be afraid of more that thing or what walked in behind it.

The GQ model walked in with sultry purpose, that same smile of pure evil on its face. It walked in gazing around not really looking. He stopped, for now I knew it was for sure male in origin, stopped next to its pet. He began to pet it as he gazed around. The darkness from the creature met its hand with love and affection. Wrapping itself around his hand like a lover, as the creature seemed to pure with satisfaction.

Its gaze just then stopped on me almost lazily. Still rooted to the spot, I tried to get my breathing in order before I hypervenalated with my terror. I hugged my staff to me and brought up the wand shakily.

Its gaze roved over me and lingered on the wand, eyes flashing in greed. That's when it finally spoke. Its' voice really wasn't of this world and sure didnt match the hot body in front of me. It was deep and etheral almost, with dark intent.

"Hello, Daniel."

"I see that you found my wand. I thank you for finding it. Please give it hear now."

As it talked I felt like I should give it to him, hand it over. I started forward a little to hand it over when I snapped out of it, fast. Shaking my head of the fog, clearing it almost. I felt the wand pulsate with almost pure hate for what was in front of me. It was almost speaking to me, it must have stopped the things compulsion. I felt that it was protecting me and something inside me said that this should be mine.

I stopped short handing it over and jumped back in my corner.

"No." I said, with new determination.

It's smile faltered slightly as I did. He moved his outstretched hand that I never saw reaching out, back to his side. It then looked strtaight at me, knowing that it's spell had failed.

"Hmm, it seems to like you. I was hoping to make it easier to handle, if you had only given it over to me, I wouldn't now have to kill you. How entertaining." As it said that the creature it was petting changed completly into a hound of power and height. It's darkmess streaming and steaming from it, almost like it was on fire. It lunged at me and as it did it all seemed to stop.

I felt a pulsating power in my hands. I looked down and the rod was completly glowing with pure white light, shielding me. The creature pulled back yelping like it got hurt. Mister GQ model's face turned completely dark and evil as it sheilded its face from the pulsating light from the rod in my hand.

I felt the rod then almost speak to me again. I brought the rod up in front of me in a defensive position. Bringing it forth brought more light to the forefront. I moved it a little closer GQ and the hound. They took a step back the hound still yelping and GQ shielding his eyes, now roared with utter fury and hatred. Such pure evil emminated from it almost shield it from the Light coming from my magick Rod. I moved a little forward, knowing that they couldnt touch me while the Light was pulsating and sheilding me. Pure Light Magick.

I took a step towards the door. The, what I knew was a Demon now, growled with intent. I knew it wasn't going to let me leave here alive. I could feel my focus slipping from me, and the Light started to falter. It wasn't my doing though, as I watch the Darkness spread like tenderles from a squid and start to engulf all around me and the room. It flowed from the Demon standing in front of me.

Its power seemed to grow in weight as the Darkness began, almost, soaking in the light coming from the Rod. It poured out and all over the room and squeezing the life out of it. It engulfed my altar as I watched embracing it like an old friend and moving closer and closer to me. The Darkness was what was killing the Light. I wasn't strong enough it seemed.

I began to panic, not knowing what to do! Shit, I thought. I could almost feel the evil pouring from the Darkness. The hate. Emptiness. The void of all Life and Light. It wanted me dead.

I looked back to Rod trying to make it glow brighter, but I just stared at it as it began to form and mold and bring out words again. The same words that were there before when I had picked it up. They morfed and flowed into sight. I knew I had to say them. The Rod wanted me to.

So I did.....

"Quentar. Blestario. Bendtrimium. Sempus. Manifacto!"

As I said the words, I felt the Rod respond. I felt pulled at the stomach almost as if I was being folded inward. Light swirled around me and pulsated. Clustering around me. Engulfing my very being. I looked out as it took hold. I was being transported!

The demon then screamed in sheer rage and hatred and it tried then to rush ahead to grab me before the spell I just uttered took hold. And before I knew it I was gone. The Light swirling, ever swirling around me. It started to dissipated after a few seconds.

I looked out at a gorgeous new world. I landscape of forests all around. I was now standing in a massive clearing with a beautiful weeping willow blooming and sparkling in the moonlight emanating from the heavens in the middle of a hill. I was totally no longer in my room.

I stood there not sure what to think looking around me, with only a whisper, an echo of a Demonic scream of sheer hatred to answer for it.

"Well Toto I'm not in Kansas anymore." I said to the Rod that was now quiet.


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