Midnight Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

The clearing was full of pristine ethereal glow. Sparkling and mixing with the glory of the crescent moon in the sky and twinkling stars gazing down upon the world. Always watching the story of man and the universe itself.

I wasn't sure what to make of where I was thrown, but I sure wasn't in Kansas anymore. With the OZ reference going on in my head, I was still enraptured with the glory of this peaceful place. The wind breezed through caressing my face with affection. I love the wind. It touched the trees giving them a wave towards me. Flowing through the forest with intent to just spread life through out. The sprawling mountains in the west glistening. Almost winking at me.

I stared in awe at the sheer magnitude of the place. Bracing myself with determination I made my way to the hill and the weeping willow. I just felt completely drawn some sort of deja vu persisted though, making me wonder if there was a memory locked away. I wasn't sure if I wanted to unlock this memory, but I didn't think I had much of a choice in the matter. Considering I was just attacked by a sexy GQ model and something from a bad B film.

I clutched my staff and the Rod that brought me here just to be on the safe side. I made my way toward the sprawling hill, through the soft grass being brushed by the breeze that was almost following me, and that's when I noticed the giant stone by the willow.

I crept closer just in case something was hiding behind the giant rock. I got closer when I finally realized that the giant stone was....moving? How can that be possible rocks, don't move nor what looked like, breathe. I made my cautious way forward brandishing my new found Rod of Magick and kept my staff at the ready.

As I got closer I then realized that the rock wasn't a rock, it had scales and a tail and a massive head. It was a Dragon!

"Holy shit," I muttered under my breath.

I got closer as I then noticed there was a reptilian eye quietly watching me and for some reason looked amused too. I got closer and that's when it fully began to wake up and move.

The head was massive almost like a long snake uncoiling to strike. It rose up to its hind legs stretching to the sky. The Dragon was as tall as the Willow standing in front of me as it rose up. It stretched its massive wings, tendons popping. It stretched high up into the ethereal glow.

As it stretched all along the length of its midnight black scales began to glistening to the moonlight. It started to glow with its own might. It was slight, but was still a wonderful glow. Peaceful and powerful all at the same time. It stretched all of its muscle and got down on all four legs. That's when it roared into the night its glory and power. It roared with happiness and content.

When it stopped it coiled its head down towards me shaking it awake. The dragon locked its greenish glowing reptilian eye towards me. And, again, it looked like it was amused and wanted to laugh at me. I began to get a little defensive. Like how should this creature laugh at me. I did absolutely nothing to make it amused!

It coiled its head towards me and moved forward slightly and slowly. It seemed like it didn't want to spook me so it crept slowly forward towards me. I took an involuntary step back, leery. It stopped just short of me, but I knew if it wanted to kill me it could just snake its massive head out and eat me. I could see a little of its teeth as it yawned at me, looking amused and bored now. But I could tell in its eyes that it was old, very old. It's wisdom seeping out of it. Emanating with power and an undeniable powerful inner will force. I gazed at it not sure what to do, so I just stayed in my defensive position.

I felt a slight tickle then inside my head as it looked at me. Sizing me up.

"Well took you long enough to get here." I just stared.

"Did you just speak to me?" I said. Completely not sure that it did. I was sure that I heard it in my head, because I never saw its mouth move but slightly grin at me.

"Well of course you idiot." I then realized that it WAS in my head that I heard the dragon. I then knew it was a male dragon and it was definitely not going to kill me, I could just feel the love and amusement coming from the dragon like it was imprinting in my mind its feelings as well as its chosen speech.

I got slowly out of my defensive position, with mouth gaping open.

"Wow." Was all I could say at that point. I wasn't sure why I wasn't scared, but I suddenly knew that he was actually waiting for me. I knew him somehow, like the dragon was a part of me in some way or form.

I snapped my mouth shut licking my lips a little. Unsure of what to say next, I just gave him my name.

It seemed to laugh a little in my head and said, "I know who you are Daniel. I have been waiting a long time for you to come to me. I am the Midnight Dragon, Asmeriath. I am your Guardian Spirit."

I was totally floored. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I wasn't what to think, I naturally knew of Guardian Spirit's, but I had never  imagined I would be in this place meeting him. I unconsciously walked forward within range of its massive head and reached out to touch him. I had this force pulling me forward then to touch his beautiful head and glistening scales. I wanted to make sure he was real. Not feeling any threat from him at all, I touched his snout. I felt his hot breath coming from his nose. I had not expected to feel that he was as warm as he was, it was a heat that is just comfortable, nothing threatening. I knew he could breathe so much fire and force from his snout that it could incinerate masses. But I felt nothing but warm love and peace, a sort of oneness that I hadn't felt ever.

I began to pet his snout and he moved his head into my hand with gentle contentment, like he felt the same way. Like he wasn't whole either until I came over to touch him. It was an ancient force at work for sure.

I kept on petting him for what seemed like hours, peace and a feeling of being safe emanating from our touching. I didn't want to give it up. It was only seconds, but I pulled away and looked in his massive face and eye. His head as big as me, possibly a little bigger and knew an ancient bond was there.

"Wow your warm." I said without much thought.

I could feel amusement in my mind again as he said back, "Well I am a dragon after all."

I smiled at him and said, "Smart ass."

He then roared with sudden laughter and shocked the very earth with his mighty bellow. He continued to roar his laughter and I began to join in his mirth. We both felt absolutely happy at that moment that we couldn't contain it.

I didn't want to stop laughing, but we quited down and I began to touch and pet his snout again. Feeling like I always had down that, like we did this for hours just in companionable silence for most of our lives.

He moved his snout away from my petting hand and began to look at me more seriously. I stared at him as he rumbled a little with more affection.

"You are finally here, which means, I assume, you were attacked?" He asked.

I stared at him and came rushing back to reality feeling the terror and fear that the past events had created in me and I looked at him knowing he had the answers.

"Yes, a sexy GQ model and a hound creature." I replied.

He rumbled and looked away to the sky for a minute and began to think a little more.

He turned back and said, "Then they have found you."

I then got a little angry and replied," oh, really? Who the hell are they and why do they want this damn Rod so badly? What is going on!?"

I began to pace a little as he coiled his head towards me to stop my ranting.

"It is yours. It always has been. You are meant to wield it as the War Witch, King of the Elves."

I stopped dead looking at him. I couldn't just believe what I had heard at all.

"What?" I asked quietly, choking on the word a little.

Midnight stared at me realizing that I really didn't remember at all. I snorted a little, smoke slightly coming out of his snout. He then sat down with a slight rumble.

"I think it is best to sit down for this Daniel," he said.

So I plopped down next to him and he sat his massive head down in front of me.

"I can not tell you everything, because you do not have the memories in this life, and that is how the Universe and Goddess work. There are some things you have to find out about yourself on your own. To become the person you want to be. But what I can tell you is what I already have and a little more on what you must face." He said gazing at me with a little concern like I would dart away.

I replied with a little warble in my throat, "okay, so who am I?"

Midnight got a little amused then and said, "Well you are you, of course."

I looked at him, smiled, knowing full well he was being a smart ass again. That was something I usually did, guess we were really meant for each other.

"Okay, I got that, now what was that thing that attacked me. But more importantly why?"

"That was a Demon for the Realm of Hell. It wanted you dead and your Rod actually, your wand. It is the Wand of Light, Mystique. It holds the pure power of all Light itself. If in the hands of Evil it can be used to amplify the very essence of Darkness itself. And it was only a messenger, something that was sent to retrieve you and the Wand. It wanted to bring you back to its' Master as well."

I felt a little cold with all that, I could feel myself accept what just happened finally and got my Will back and looked at my Guardian then and said, "okay who is his Master? Lucifer?"

I had to give him a little smart ass humor back, naturally, but this wasn't a laughing matter anyway. My sarcasm lost in transit, Midnight looked at me with seriousness.

"No. Lucifer is only a pawn as well in this. For you shall meet him. As most legends say he is in fact the ruler of Hell, but only that Realm. What is after you is Darkness itself. I am not sure of it's name though, but it does go by many. On being the Devourer, Destroyer, and in essence Evil. Evil got it's name from this. It is a being that only wants to fill a Void."

I stared at him and looked away a little think and process this information. I wasn't sure what to say or do at this moment so I just sat quietly to think and muddle over it. Midnight was content in letting me, because this was a lot of information to process in a short period of time. I was a Natural Witch, that was it. I thought I had my path in life, but I knew that I was feeling trapped in the life I had now. Stuck. Unsure of who I was, I guess this all made more sense. The epic feeling I had of something more to me then I thought. But was I ready for a responsibility that has made itself known. Was I even sure I wanted this responsibility that seems to have fallen in my lap.

I looked at Midnight and knew that no I wasn't ready, but I was sure as hell going to be!

With my new found courage and willpower I said, "Okay, so I am guessing that I somehow have to stop this thing?"

"No, you can never defeat it. You are meant to contain it. Like you have since the beginning of time. This is your 10th reincarnation to Life." he said matter of factually.

"Hmm, well then, how do I do that I guess?" I said with some trepidation. It sounded like a huge task and why was I the one that was only able to do it? Again, why did I want to?

"I'm not even sure I want to do this." I said out loud with out realizing it.

Midnight looked at me with eternal sympathy and love. "I know." Was all he said to me.

"You do not have to that is the thing, you may let it consume everything. This is your right. You have a choice to do it or not and it will go to someone else. You are still a Natural Witch, but if you do this you will become more then yourself. I am here to help and protect you. I am a part of you. But the Winds of Change are whispering, Evil has made more progress this time, and it may even be too late it's power has grown over the ages. You must understand the world today is in danger because of the ignorance and lack of understanding of everything has brought it power. Because of all this ignorance the very essence of Light is in danger right now, the evil and cruelty as given it a foothold more so this time around."

"Okay so if I didn't do this and if I did. Your telling me it may be a little too late anyway? Well that's reassuring, if that is the case why fight?"

Midnight just then got a little angry. He reared up all of a sudden and roared his anger and darted his head down onto me. He got close and looked at me with glowing furious eyes. Smoke billowing slightly from his snout and mouth.

"Now you listen here you pup! I will not stand for that speech. I will hear anything, but that! To fight this, whether we are to loose or not isn't to be taken lightly! To fight for love, light, and just the beauty of ones inner self and the ones around them is never futile or useless. It is a fight worth every fiber of ones being and I at least intend to put up a fight! I will not be snuffed out into oblivion for nothing!"

He seemed to calm himself down while he was ranting his anger out at me. I was, of course, by then backed up into the willow tree with is snout and eyes, fury boiling out of him and directed at me. I was of course scared. A dragon was yelling at me after all.

"I'm sorry." I simply said.

That seemed to stop his anger dead and he looked at me and said, "better be."

I nodded my head.

"Good. Because I for one want to go down fighting. I don't want to be placed into oblivion." He shook his head and moved back.

"Okay, well in that case I guess I have no choice but to fight then." I said, placing the Wand and Staff up against the Willow.

"What do we do now then?" I asked him.

He circled back around and looked at me making sure I was serious, and deciding I was, said, "We prepare."

I could only agree and, well, we began to prepare.


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