
Chapter One:

Some amazing stories begin with a tale of adventure and mysticism, even a powerful curse that decimates a town or people, you know like Atlantis. Well, I am here to tell you that this one starts with an annoying ringing in my ears of a truly evil device instead. It causes pure pain and anger to a massive degree that you just have to grab and throw. An evil device invented to be a pure agent of evil.....an alarm clock.

The buzz buzz of the thing woke me up in the morning. I rolled over to grab the thing before it gave me a pounding head ache and shut it off. I looked down to the four legged animal staring at me with big black eyes, my dog Apollo. He is an adorable Chihuahua, miniature pincer mix. Beautiful dog at that.

"I hate mornings too buddy." I said scratching his head.

I role back over for a minute and stare at the ceiling petting Apollo for a good minute or two and then I rolled back and started to get up to get ready for work. Don't get me wrong I love my job. I really do, but today I just didn't want to get up at all.

It was just one of those days where you just wanted to lay in bed and dream of flying or having amazing sex with a crush, but no I Daniel Jenkins, had to get up for work.

I sat up rubbed my eyes, while Apollo got up too to jump in my lap for more attention. Naturally, I gave it to him,

"I have to get ready babe." I told him with his sad, cute puppy dog eyes. He flopped down onto the ground ready to go outside and use the puppy bathroom. I get up and go to the closet. Not sure what to wear, but I grab for now my orange hoodie I got from American Eagle, and my playboy pajama pants. Slipping on my dress shoes I gather my coat up and around me to head outside with Apollo.

We get outside and I just stare at the moon, deciding it was just beautiful. I love the moon it's always had a fascinating quality to it, some mysticism to it almost. It was a wonderful full moon too gathering power and glowing across the field of the beautiful country house I had bought just last year. I finally earned my dream home. A cottage style country home full of wooden floor and gorgeous Egyptian style rugs. I loved Egypt with a passion of course so I couldn't imagine anything else in my home. Well, except my Celtic items and knick knacks. It all came together and made scene I made sure of it.

The home was always warm and inviting, full of color and beauty. I even had a big beautiful trellis with vines gathering all over it, dead now that it was winter, but had beautiful roses blooming on it in the summer. With the sun gazing down on all the flowers and vegatable garden and the herb garden I decided to make. I was great at crafts and gardening, always was my forte anyway.

Me and Apollo walked under this trellis now gazing at the garden for a minute like we always do and the country side. The rolling hills and mountains in the distance. Beautiful. Breath taking.

We move along around the herb garden and out into the open yard so Apollo could do his business and get on with it.

"Hurry up babe! It's cold outside!" He, of course, was trying to find that perfect spot and taking his damn good old time of it. He finally did his last sweep and found that perfect spot to have a good poop. He finished and went back inside. I took off his lead and put it in the top drawer next to my dishwasher. I had a wonderful kitchen. Old and rustic, how I liked it. Mahogany cabinets and intricate back splash that just worked. A Celtic cross here and there making it all pop. Especially with the stainless steal fridge and appliances. I

I went straight to the coffee pot and start up a brew. Can never be without my coffee and doughnuts. I remember going out in the mornings with my grandfather and he took me to the old duke and duchess station when I stayed the night and he would always get a doughnut, the paper, and some coffee. I just seemed to have finally picked up the habit. Guess it's in honor of him anyway. I miss him on occasion. I hope wherever he is now, he was just proud of me. I like to think he is.

I move over to the shelf and get my doughnut down from the cabinet and moved back to the coffee pot. By this time the pot is almost full. I tend to stop and take in the kitchen just contemplating and any old thing, guess I think to much, but at least I think right?

Some days I will just stare off into space not thinking of anything, I have that bad habit to day dream as well too. Gazing off into space and having a wonderful adventure, but it just never happens. A place where I could use a sword and battle evil in every corner, but honestly, I don't need a sword. All I would need is a staff or a wand, or a beautiful rod of power to blast away enemies. I'm not a knight. In reality I am a Witch. I true, natural Witch.

That's right you read it right, I'm a Witch. I do have a lot of power, but I have never mastered it yet, nor have had the time with my job. A Store Manager of a local grocery store actually, a multi-billion dollar grocery chain. I love being in charge it is quite fun.

But back to the whole Witch thing, I do have a staff and a wand. I just made myself a powerful rod too. Magick is normally slow moving, but takes immense discipline. I can though, being a Natural, whip up a Circle inside my mind in an instant and then Cast. I am actually a very good Witch too. I have been through a long and exhausting path, but recently I have just been lost. I've asked my Goddess, Danu to help and guide me. She hasn't responded. At least not yet.

I have just felt stuck. I have everything I was working toward, but something was missing. Hence all the gazing into space that I do. I just gaze and ponder upon my life and try to understand what I need. I meditate on a regular basis, but get nothing in return. And lately my power has been a little off as well, probably due to the fact that I have no idea what I really want to do with my life now. At 28, I'm just not sure what I want. I look like I am 18 though so I guess I have that going for me, and my blondish hair and swimmers body. But no love life to speak of, or no guy to spend any of this with.

Oh, and did I mention I was also gay? Yup I have that as well I am a gay Witch by night and a grocery manager by day. You would think I was Superman or Batman, but nope!

I blink and look at the time. "Shit!" I was gazing off on a tangent again wasn't I? You should've stopped me!

I grab my thermos mug and fill it with my coffee and grab another doughnut out of the box and run towards the door where I left my coat. Apollo trailing behind.

"Bye puppy dog see you when I get home, be a good boy." Apollo gives me those big eyes and ASPCA face with his one foot on my leg. I head out the door and jump into my car. The car I have actually had for a good 5 years. I mean why get rid of a good car that has lasted this long anyway. Dad always said if you take care of the car it will last you. Me and my dad have always been Chevrolet people. Sorry grandpa, but I don't like Fords. They never last for very long, especially the one I had. Kind of broke down within the first two weeks. Stupid buy here pay here places.

I drive down the driveway and down the little lane from where my house sat and down the main highway to work. I look at the time and I was still okay, but I wanted to get to work early today to make sure everything was ready for when Corporate came in for an inspection. Not today! Was only going to be a little late at least, but then again I have to remind myself that I am the "big" boss man  now. I stop at the red light and turn the station again and glad that they were playing my favorite Lady Gaga song, "Love Games". Like for real who wouldn't want to ride on a disco stick, I think it would be quite fun. Smiling at my imagination I grab my still hot coffee and take a little sip of it.

Turning at the next light I look up at the sign of my store. Dillans'. I loved Dillians' ever since I shopped at it. It took me a few years to get into the store, but when I did I made sure I had my own store after that! I wanted to be my own boss and be able to do something for a company that did the most good for everyone, not just for self satisfaction and interest. Granted they did dorky stuff sometimes, but if it's a bad idea and they realize it they always changed it.

Pulling into my regular parking spot I hope out of my Chevy Cruz and head towards the doors. Long coat flowing a little behind me like the wind was kissing me. The wind always did that. It always flowed with me wherever I went.

I am very adept at wind and storms it seems, especially when I'm angry. Storms tended to pop up and the wind howls. I never really tried to control a storm, but one of my abilities I have honed was the wind. I played with it sometimes and had it flow around me and caress me with love and attention. Made it flow out and create a little leaf tornado in the fall and spiral of dust in a dry summer. It was quite fun and always calms me.

I am also what you can call a Light Worker as well, because I also work with the Magick of crystals. I can make a few glow and light up. I guess my best elements you could say are Air and Earth. Being Natural though, I have an effect on all the Elements of Nature.

Now you may wonder what a Natural Witch is, well, basically, in a nutshell I was born this way! Just like being a homosexual, nature selected me to be unique even more so then the rest of you.

Thinking all the way to my office I set down my coffee and head out to begin my rounds to check on everything in the store. Hopefully they come late so I can make sure and double check that everything is all up to corporate code. I see a cute Elsa doll and pick it up and gaze at it, loving it. I'm sorry I can't help myself I loved the movie Frozen. One of my several favorite movies actually. The others are Practical Magic, Rocky Horror, Corpse Bride, and Spiderwick Chronicles to name a few. They always sparked my imagination and conjure some adventures in my minds eye.

I continue on not really looking at anything at this point when an employee pops over.

"Hey boss man how are you today?" We always greeted each other here, it was a happy place to work I made sure of it. Granted some negativity pops up now and again, but I had a good positive team for the most part.

"Not much Justin, just admiring my Elsa doll I am so going to buy." I said smiling. He was a good kid I promoted him not that long ago to Head Produce.

"You really are a nerd aren't you." he said.

"You betcha! So what's up?"I continued, smiling. He was a cute guy with dark black hair and almost Elven features, young looking like myself, Beautiful blue eyes too, you don't see blue eyes much anymore. Like Elijah Wood, he has gorgeous eyes. And Justin had those eyes for sure, it just fit into his face perfectly.

"Just thought I'd let you know that I was behind...again. I know they big bosses are coming in, but I have had a few call offs already this morning." he said.

"Oh, Becky and Dylan again? Yea I am not surprised by that. If you can just call some people in to help." I replied.

"Okay sounds good to me. Thanks!"

"Your welcome, Justin." I said smiling.

He then walked away. I have to admit I had a crush on him for awhile, but being boss did have its downsides. I didn't deem it appropriate to date the lower staff, and honestly a little unethical a little bit and against company policy. If he was at another store I would have asked him out, but alas, nope!

"Cute butt though." I mumbled to myself.

After that I continued with the functions of my day and my job. Thankfully my bosses came in late because they had made a surprise visit to another store, so I was able to get everything ready without too much of a hitch. Here and there I needed some improvements, which I already knew about, so I agreed to change them and we moved on. I went through my daily tasks and by the time I was done it was almost 6 o'clock on the dot when I looked up from my desk.

"Well today went fast." I mumbled while reading my emails.

Just then Clara came in. She was my assistant manger and a damn good one. She was also my best friend in the world too.

"You have that look on your face you know?" She said smiling.

"Oh really what's that face?" I asked.

"Your today went fast and you still feel like you got nothing done." she said taking a seat in front of my desk after closing the door.

"Shouldn't you go home it is after 6 now, Daniel." she said.

I looked at here and stuck my tongue out and she laughed. We knew each other too well she did save my life a long time ago so of course we did. She had auburn hair that was cropped short and a short 4 foot 9 inches tall and small frame too. She was my best friend in the world too. I loved her with all my heart.

"Yes it is I just noticed thank you." I replied throwing a pencil at her and going back to my emails.

"I'm sure you have. You know buddy you should go home and just chill and take a load off you have been working until your exhausted most days. Like for real go get a life! We should go out and do something tonight." She said.

I knew she was concerned I could tell. We could read each other like a book all the time. We were never afraid to tell each other what we thought and if we did something stupid we always said I told you so with a laugh. We could tell each other anything and we could get into trouble together. We were the type of friends if one killed an annoying person the other would just sigh and go get a shovel to help.

We were great together. This was her fifth time asking me too. She doesn't give up either, especially if she thought something was wrong.

I don't know what came over me at that point, but I said "Okay sure where do we want to go then?"

"Well we can got to Atlantis, the new club that just opened up." she said smiling,

I knew I made her happy with the answer and I said, "Cool I can be ready by 10."

"Okay see you then!" She said getting up and heading out.

She stopped in the doorway looking back at me as I was just looking back to my emails. "That means you should leave now Daniel."

Smiling I looked up again and said, "Yes mother." She stuck her tongue out and left, giggling.

I turned back to the computer screen. I still wasn't sure about the compulsion as to why I decided to say yes to her, but I did. I was kind of happy I did, but something still felt like it was pulling me to go out. Nothing has felt this way in awhile so my intuitive powers told me I should bring some crystals just in case.

So I replied to the last email and began to pack up my stuff and head out. I said bye to people as I left and said hello to some customers, and darted out before anyone could page me.

I got into my car and then headed home to get ready for a big night out. Little did I know it was going to be a really big night at that!!

(Here ends the first chapter in my story that I am not going to start to post so hope you all enjoy!)


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