Mystical Cats Tarot: Story time and Review

Mystical Cats Tarot
Story time! So at first I thought I wouldn't like this tarot deck, but I got it anyway. Why you ask? Because it called to me. I had just had to put down my familiar and friend, Stitch. I was feeling some type of way because it was the HARDEST and EASIEST decision I have had to make. Why is it both you ask? Because he's no longer in pain, that was the easy part, end the suffering before it went out of control. I mean he was 20 years old! And the hardest because he is no longer laying in my lap, or meowing in my ear early in the morning because he wants food meow! He's not laying in his favorite chair, which he stole from me. Insert eye roll.

That's why it was hard and easy at the same time. But, with that being said, back to the bookstore decision. Thank you Barnes and Noble for having Tarot on your shelves! I could NOT decide when I walked up to the shelf. I, actually, was going in to look for books, but for some reason my mind was hit like a Mac truck and I steered myself towards the tarot. I was 'Ah ha'!

I made my way to the left of the doors, passed the section of toys, and towards the bathroom. I bypassed the "christian" section, because I didn't want to induce vomiting. (If you live in this area you know it is filled with fake Christians, hence why I wrote that. End side note.) And moved inward to the new age section, where all the new age religions, witchy books, and the tarot. I made a quick look at the books on yoga, and chakras and shuffled to the tarot. They where all on the same bookcase so I had to look!
The Priestess II.

There were a lot of tarot and oracle decks that stood out of me. Like the yogic path, fountain tarot, antique anatomy tarot deck, but I saw the mystical cats deck. Now at first, I was not so sure. I was feeling so many types of ways by this point. I mean I just had to have my cat put down, so I wasn't too in tune with my intuition at this point. Say that ten times fast! So, you can only imagine how I was not really "listening" to much at this point. I grabbed a couple tarot. I had limited funds so I made sure it was within a price range. I made my way to find my husband. I wanted to ask his opinion on what deck. I heard him laughing, naturally, and made my way to him. He was on the other side of the store talking with an old co-worker. I swear he knows EVERYBODY. No matter where we go, he finds someone he knows and talks to them. Even if he doesn't remember their name and looks it up later on Facebook. Yup! Called out!

The Priest V
But we talked for a bit and I went to go look at the cozy mystery section and grabbed a book out. I did not get the book suffice it to say. I asked about the tarot, and he was no help. So I went back to the tarot section because the mystical cats tarot was talking to me. I didn't grab that one to show him, but it was still in my head. All of a sudden, when I got back to the tarot section, I knew this was the deck I needed to get. After much hem ha-ing around I decided to get it. I just felt that something was drawing me to it. I mean the cats were kind of cute. I wasn't so sure on it because I just lost my friend and he was a cat. But, I knew this was it. I grabbed it and put everything else back, except the cozy mystery, because that's how I role. We made our way to check out and left.

The next day I was just staring at the deck and became a little confused as to why I had bought it. It didn't look as glamorous as the other decks I had. It was almost cartoonish, and I usually don't go for that kind of deck. It has to be visually stimulating to me. But as I glanced through the cards some more it began to grow on me. I knew I was being a stubborn arse about it. But later on, I began to realize that Stitch led me to this particular deck. I can see why too.

This is such an amazing deck. It speaks just as a regular deck except that the artistic and author use the 4 elements. So earth, water, fire, and sky. The cats are very active and have superb expression to articulate their emotions into the card to express what the card means. It also portrays cats, as cats. All their eccentricities, mischievousness, and brash catness. Not a real term, but it is now! I mean the one card is of a cat on top of the gate to a castle knocking stuff from the top into the street and breaking it! Typical cat. I can vouch for that because my other 2 cats just knock everything over. Jerks! But I love them!

This is a great starter deck if you know cats or are a cat lover like me. It just breathes life into you. I got this deck not sure about it, but I was still drawn to it. I have yet to ask the deck what it can do, but after watching a Supermoon Tarot episode on the YouTube, I know it is for talking to my guides. And most likely to Stitch too, because he is still around me. He was my friend and familiar!

The deck is awesome. It has all of the domestic cats that you could imagine. It has a book on each of the cards along with some fun spreads to use with the deck. The backs of the cards have cut little golden paws with a blue background to it. I have grown to love this deck a lot. I hope you take a look at it! I have linked below two YouTube videos on the deck an unboxing, review, first impressions videos. I found these YouTubers out of randomness for the deck to show you guys, and then I followed them and hit the bell notification! LOL Hope you enjoy and take a look! (P.S. Scarlet Moon has a bad ass intro! Just sayin!) Blessed be!


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