Tarot...In the Beginning!

A long time ago in a galaxy, far....far...away....there was tarot reader born! If you get my Star Wars reference then we are friends. If you didn't then you are dead to me! Just kidding! But seriously this is about my journey to getting into Tarot today, and how it has affected me in my spiritual practice.

Tarot is a way for me to help others, but also to give reflection inward. I have been doing daily tarot for a few months now. Give or take a few days I forgot to, because I got to busy. I really have enjoyed doing it! I've even gotten in a few spreads that I've practiced.

For the most part, I got into Tarot via oracle cards. I had never touched, let alone used a tarot card deck at this point. Not even an oracle deck either. I remember when I first started on this path to Cartomancy. It was a few years before I had met my husband. I was googling the hell out of anything esoteric at one point after what had gotten me started. I think it was about 11 years ago? My memory isn't what it used to be, or ever really. I'm not sure what drove me to look up "spirituality", but I think it had started with googling about Ancient Egypt. I LOVE Ancient history, and all the empires that came and went, especially Egypt. I was just bored one day and decided I needed to google the Ancient Egyptians. I mean why not? Get those nerdy juices flowing!

I had this insatiable appetite for Ancient Civilizations and cultures ever sense I was in high school history class. We were discussing the ancient civilization of Babylon, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and others. I had this sense that I had been to Ancient Egypt. Almost like deja vu. Yet I had never been there in my young life. (Still haven't sadly) I was just sitting there thinking, what is this place. We discussed them all in class and I was enraptured then and there. Any ancient civilization, whether it was Greece, Rome, or Egypt. I was hooked.

I sat there absorbing anything that my teacher said. I mean, he was engaging, but this set off a switch inside my brain. I needed to know EVERYTHING about the ancient world. I got books on all the gods and goddesses involved in their ancient religion. I grabbed books all on ancient Pharaohs of the day. Grabbing up as many books at the library I could. Whatever fit into my arms, usually a stack, I checked out. I was just in love. This was the point that I had started on my path. Then life happened again, as it does, and I put all of that on the back burner. Until just about 11 years ago, I picked it back up. (Sooo many stories in between, I may write about them later.)

That was the moment that I had the sudden urge to continue and look at this Ancient people again. So THAT's when I googled, because internet was the thing. No more dial up for me! I went from books to googling everything. Thanks google for keeping us up to date on Egyptian religions and Ancient Civilizations!

I then went off to the local library. To where started to print everything off and get more books anyway! I must say I am an avid reader. So it should be no surprise, that I got more then research books! HA! Sorry, tangent! Ah oh!! See what I did there? A dad joke! I can't help myself sometimes!

Anyway, I kept on researching. Mainly because I had nothing else better to do. And absorbed more information then an android! (Now a Star Trek reference. You're welcome!) I then branched and looked up magick at this point. I had read something on Imhotep, the builder of the pyramids. When I read about him and how he was also a High Priest, Vizier, and Healer, I got into it more. He was definitely a jack of all trades! I looked up magick and began to look up spells and other magickal religions, like Wicca. I was hooked line and sinker!

Color Mage Oracle Deck
I then looked up astrology, mandalas, oracle cards, and tarot. Oh my! At first I was more drawn to color magick, still am, and oracle cards. That is when I came upon the Color Mage, Bernard Charles. He is an amazing human being and has an amazing gift that I am glad that he has shared with the world. Because otherwise, I wouldn't be where I am today. He knows his shit on color therapy fo sho!

Scrolling through his website, I saw that he had created a color deck. I about pooped myself I was so excited. The color deck was just beautiful! Not just because of all the 108 colors in it, but just for the love and vision that went into its' creation. I saved everything. I had to get a deck of the color mage oracle. I finally had enough and bought it! I even got the extended version! I was jumping up and down when I got it! It had so many colors in it, so, you know I couldn't resist using it right away! I earned that deck and used it non stop for weeks, months, on end. I even incorporated more color and crystals into my life. I was so happy. Happier then I had been for quite a while. (Crystals is another story!) And, naturally later, I got his next color oracle deck. The Change Your Mood Oracle years later.

But, life happened, and the tower card came barreling into my life. Then all I did was werk, werk, werk. I shut down. I had let people take advantage of me, again, and I was just over it. But luckily that only happened for a minute, because I got a surge of the power of fuck you; and, did what I wanted to do. I started using my color deck again. I brought light into my life again. I had made friends at work and I even got to read for them. They were into it. I found a "witchy" shop. I even met the cutest guy ever. I was on top of it! Even got a new and better job.
Goddess Guidance Oracle

The guy I met was my furture husband. The stalker. I say that because I was working at the local Kroger and every Thursday he was doing HIV testing, at the local church down the road. He came in every time I was working. *insert eye roll* Asking to know where things were or about products. I knew he just wanted to look at my bum ;) Just kidding, I had no idea he liked me or was even interested! But I liked him. He was super nice. That's another story. I will have to write about it sometime! LOL I got a lot of stories, trust me.

At this point in my life I was calling myself a witch. I was doing magick and everything else, but other oracle and tarot cards were still newish to me. So, traveling down the thing called life, a few months later we went to a place called Crazy Wisdom. Now THIS is a store! It has books, tea, incense, spiritual supplies, everything you can think imagine. It's the bomb! Super nice people. Delicious tea. Girl let me tell you the tea! Yum! This place is in Ann Arbor Michigan. So if you are ever there, I strongly urge you to go. Even hit up some of the other local shops too. Now that I inserted my personal promotional blurb, let's continue with the story.

I got there and was just bursting. My senses where in absolute over load. I got all the way to the crystals and was like "Ooo shiny." Then I looked over and saw some more. The cards. I made my way over there, feeling drawn to them. I was drawn to the beauty and the mysteries they held. My gaze roved over the cards, and I saw my, Goddess Guidance oracle deck. I didn't get it that day because I wasn't as drawn to them as I was later. I did wound up getting a different oracle deck. This deck was a crystal oracle deck! I loved it! Still use it off and on, in tandem with my color mage oracle.

A month or two went on and I kept thinking about this deck of oracle cards. I knew I was drawn to it. Or getting drawn to it more and more as it permeated my brain. We finally got back up to Ann Arbor and I rushed to the back of the store. No deck. I was bummed. So I just got a book on crystals. Hone my Crystal Healing skills.

A few more months went by and we went to the local psychic fair. And there they were! I had forgotten all about them, that sexy piece of oracle cards. They were on the table of a vendor at the fair. I held them making sure they were the ones that I needed to get. I asked how much, paid, and ran over to a table. I knew it was a sign! I was broke after, but I didn't care! I was in my little corner of the Field of Reeds and was excited. I opened them up right then and there and began using them. I guess I was called to the goddess energies. My Divine feminine side was kicking in full gear. She was saying, "Hey girl, hey!"

I still use this deck on a regular basis, because it is just so moving! So, a few months more passed and that is when we went back up to Ann Arbor and hit up Crazy Wisdom. See a trend yet!? I am OBSESSED. With going up to that store and that city. It's only a small addiction, not to worry... We got to the store. I did my quick surveillance of the front and quickly made my way to the back. I ran to the cards. After making a quick pit stop to the shiny crystals. Got one. And went to gaze at the tarot decks.

Triple Goddess Tarot
This is where I got my Triple Goddess Tarot! Picture to the left. I was drawn to it. Hook, line, and sinker! Of course, I bought it and a bag for it, and worked on looking at it. Feeling it out. It was wonderful. At this stage in life, I had NO IDEA about tarot or how to read it. I had no knowledge. Then life happened again...damn tower! So I put them away.

I put them away and didn't think about them again. Sadly. About another year went by, where I didn't pick up the cards. I did gain more knowledge and practice with my spiritual path. This is where I began my Pagan journey. Another story later perhaps. I kept using my Oracle cards, but I didn't for some reason pick up that tarot deck. Guess I was not ready yet. I knew it was there. I moved so much I knew I still had them. But I never picked them up. Just continuing down life's path.

I took up my new carrier. Massage Therapy. This is where I began using my oracle cards a little more then usual, because I felt I needed to. With stress in learning and doing a 9-5 full time job on top of full time school, I needed a boost. I even made friends and read for them. Still do. I gained more and more knowledge to the point of bursting. I needed a breather. So, I did absolutely nothing, but read cozy mysteries for the next few months.

Another year passed and I graduated. Took my State Board test. Passed. Became a licensed massage therapist. But, we moved again. Life! We moved and I grabbed up my cards again. I said to myself, and them, I need to really learn how to use you. That is when I began to lightly research tarot.
Olivia, Witch of Wonderlust

I YouTubed EVERYTHING. Mainly because my husband is YouTube watcher crazy at times. This is when I started to watch Olivia, the Witch of Wonderlust. She was using tarot cards in a few of her videos, and they were soooo beautiful. They were definitely fun to use and highly insightful. I wanted to do that. So I kept watching her videos, like binged watched them mind you. I mean I had to catch up somehow! I took some of the knowledge she had graciously shared and put it into practice. Again, the cards in the back of my mind were still there. So I grabbed them and I watched. In one of her videos, where she referenced some other influencer in her practice and life in general, I quickly clicked over to find them. Find them I did!

This particular video led me to the amazing Jessi Huntenberg and Scarlet Ravenswood. These fantastic, powerful women knew some shit. I binged their videos on tarot. Actually, I just binged on their videos in general. But, my favorite for Scarlet was the history of the decks. The decks may be new, but they are all steeped in ancient knowledge. She spoke to the nerd in me and I got to researching! I found out dates of when the Rider-Waite-Smith deck was created. I found out more about the Thoth deck. I researched each of the creators and artist of the decks. It was pandemonium. I was absorbing so much knowledge on Tarot.

I watched more of Jessi's Tarot videos and compared on how each of them read tarot. Getting a feel for both of their awesome styles and insights. Using that guide line, I started to read for myself. Jessi's upbeat and amazing attitude just got me to want to dive in even more! I kept watching her take on tarot. Then going back to Scarlet to read her take. And getting more involved because she was just so knowledgeable on all of the different styles of Cartomancy. I looked for similarities and differences. I followed along and looked at my similarities and differences in reading Tarot, by each deck. By this point I had a few more Tarot decks in hand. I wanted to see how each read. What I got out of it. I watched both their tarot videos. Researching generic meanings for each of the cards. I got some cool spreads from Jessi, and a thirst for more knowledge from Scarlet. They are a perfect team for learning tarot. Between both of their knowledge, I got this in the bank. I am so glad they have shared their light in the world! Wouldn't mind doing both of their Tarot classes at some point!
Jessi Huntenburg

I then branched off. Doing more and more. I gathered more spreads to use. I printed off all of the meanings to each card. Using Biddy Tarot, and began a Book of Shadows to write out the meanings of each card. Major and minor Arcana. I then began listening to Scarlet's podcast with Dan. The Cosmic Keys Podcast. This opened me up to getting T. Susan Chang's book on tarot. This book is A LOT. It is textbook style and is backed with knowledge in Tarot and Kabbalah. It is the best thing since sliced bread, to help you better understand Tarot in the sense of Kabbalah. (Fun word to say, Kabbalah) Such a good read. And that lead me to Susan Chang's podcast. I like to draw my daily tarot and listen. She does each cards meaning and IN DEPTH. It will blow your mind!
Scarlet Ravenswood

Tarot is something that is part knowledge and part intuition. Each question posed to the cards will give you something new each time no matter what it is. It will give you new insight into the cards themselves. They all have a personality. I love it!

I snatched up all this knowledge and have been, now, doing daily tarot for a month straight. (Minus the days I wake up late before I need to be getting ready for my 9-5.) I pull my regular oracle card and set it on my altar, then take a daily tarot card. I set those on the altar. I then journal about what I feel from that card, right before I look up its basic meaning. I have learned a lot doing that. I cannot wait to further my understanding into tarot.

Well that concludes my beginning story into tarot. Hope you were able to follow the random thoughts in between, it's how my brain works. I am going to do quick posts next, on all of the above mentioned people, that has affected me and taken me down my Cartomancy journey! I hope you all have a blessed day! Blessed be!

Post By: Sean Eblin

Links to Influencers mentioned:


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