Tarot and Witchcraft

My Altar
Starting out in the vast journey we call life, I had no idea I can mix tarot and magick! You're probably thinking right now, "Wow." But I assure you my mind did not put two and two together, but maybe some of you reading had no idea either!

Even after all of this, I knew that energy is just energy. It is all limited by your imagination. That leads into a whole other story time there. Why have you limited your imagination. Even if you grow up and are a writer, you still loose a piece of imagination that you had as a child when you grow up. What made you jaded to your imagination. Gosh! Stop me! Okay back into it!

So this post ties into my review of the Witches Tarot, and from that post I mentioned the spell work in the back that you can do with the cards! I had two recent deaths in not even a month and I have felt some type of way. Initially I had the death of my familiar and best friend. I did the broken heart healing spell in the back of the book for that, but now I had my cousin pass from the Flu of all things. After all that she went through the flu got her. I have not had ANY time to process either deaths from how busy I have been. Self-care is Self-love. I will be taking time to heal some more, but in the mean time, I wanted a boost to help me heal my heart. So I tried out the spell, with my own twist to it.

Instead of some of the suggested tools, I went ahead and did a crystal grid on my altar. I added my matron goddess, Sekhmet for healing and Bastet for protection. I placed them both over looking my grid and I set up the recommended cards for the spell.

The 3 of swords, hanged man, and the star are the cards that I used. Spoke the spell verse that was given, because I loved how it was worded. Then, I also incorporate a goddess for the day as progress in my healing, and I still do my daily tarot draw. I set it up to heal my broken heart and it is working. Why? Because I have the intention that my heart is going to heal. That's why a spell works!
My Altar

Now in the book it says once done put the cards back in the deck, but for me I felt the need to leave them out for a little bit. Soaking up that energy. I did this during the Super Moon too. But something felt right just to leave it out. And from what has recently happened I now know why. My Higher Self kind of knew something bad was going to happen. I am glad I listened!

So with all of that being said, I feel the need to do more Tarot Spells! Since I know you can use Tarot in a spell, I need to do more research into tarot and each meaning of the cards to better get acquainted with the decks to use them in my Craft. This is going to be fun!

Next month I will go into more depth and I will be trying out a new spell with Tarot and let you guys know what is up! The month of March is all about the power of the color Green.

Posted by: Sean Eblin


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