Tarot Readers That Inspire Me: Part 1

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot
This is going to be a 3 part scenario. First part is the Tarot readers, or the ones that gave me inspiration, to continue on with my path to reading Tarot. Second part of this is the ones that kept inspiring me to learn more and start learning spreads. The last part is the ones that I found doing general readings. These are the ones that you want to watch to see how to read in a spread setting. To get better acquainted with the Tarot and how to read a spread, because you want to see how each reader does a reading. So you can find a way that you want to do it and are better able to articulate a reading. It gets you more in touch with the cards to be a better reader. And just because you read for yourself, doesn't mean you shouldn't get a reading. Always get a reading for yourself this way you can learn more about yourself and how to read a Tarot spread. You want to get better acquainted. Have someone help you call yourself out on your bull shit! These 3 parts will be short, sweet, and to the point!

So let's get into part one!

There are two people that got me going and tickled my inner nerd. These are the two that got me into Tarot more. I was reading Oracle, but had never done tarot. When I first started I was getting drawn to it more and more as I progressed in my Craft and in my spiritual practice.

The first bad ass is Olivia, the Witch of Wonderlust. She got me into more of my Craft, by getting me inspired to learn a little more. She is fantastic when it comes to anything that is Witchy. And she is an awesome human. She's getting me to want to do some pole fitness! Especially in bad ass heals!

I first found Olivia by just googling things like, "Witchcraft 101." I was in the process of learning and doing better in my practice. I was wanting to learn more! So, I found her via google. Thanks again Google! I followed the link to her YouTube video and was hooked. I binged watched most of her videos, subscribed, hit my notification bell, and followed her on all social media, like some crazy stalker person. She is very insightful and articulates what she is saying with an eloquence that allows you to better understand what information is being presented. Olivia has such talent and is super creative when it comes to anything that she sets her mind to. Love watching her videos, because it's like she's there in the living room talking to me and not just on a television screen. But she is the first one that lead me towards my Tarot excursion, by watching tipsy tarot! I had been watching her for a while before she came out with Tipsy Tarot, but it was goofy and fun. It made me want to learn some more! Which that video is below, and the video that lead me to my next inspirational Tarot aficionado. (On top of everyone on her list. If I wasn't already following them!)

That was Tipsy Tarot with Tally! First episode. I strongly advise watching the next ones! They are fun! Next is the video that lead me to Scarlet, Jessi, Shonneta, and others!

For the next creator, that inspired me to do tarot, she spoke to the nerd in me. Scarlet Ravenswood. She is a plethora of historical knowledge on the tarot. She is able to teach in a way that get's you engaged and thoughtful that just has no words. She got me started to looking into the history of tarot to better understand what I was looking at. All of the Tarot that you see today stems from the templates of the Thoth deck or the Rider-Waite-Smith decks. They all gave the basis for creators to use. AND the Tarot has not been around for forever. It has only been around for a few hundred years, but it has knowledge from thousands of years ago. It just blew my mind. It got my inner nerd excited for sure! I love history, it's super exciting to me. So she spoke to that side, and I feel that this helped a lot when starting tarot. I was able to better interpret the cards in a better way as a reader. Below is that episode that got me delving into Tarot's history.

Hope you enjoyed part one! Come back for part two next week!

Blessed be!

Posted by: Sean Eblin


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