A Chilling Dream

A Chilling Dream: Chapter 1

By: Sean

He stared out his window, pondering upon the rain splattering on the sill. His thoughts turned dark like they usually did wondering, always wondering, if he screwed up or hurt someone without knowing it, but still not sure why he even thinks upon those thoughts in the first place. The rest of his thoughts were, most times, of his suicide, but, luckily, he was a coward when it came to that. He thought of it and hurt himself at times, sometimes the people around him, just like they hurt him. He always seemed to pull through no matter how bad his twisted and painful pondering took him.

He continued to rove over the landscape taking in the highway just at the end of the road. Gazing at the rain as it began to flood the yard and staring at the flashing sky. He had always found a fascination with the lightening and the sky and the blissful wind and rain. He always had hope when he felt the rush of the wind upon his face, making his insides glow. Sometimes he thought the wind was helping him more than the rest of the people in his life were. They were all just trying to win him over when all he wanted to do was win him back.

He sighed as another beautiful blaze of white fire streaked across the sky. He loved the blaze, but today he could care less. He felt something very wrong was going on. Boy I wish I could feel the wind upon my face, he thought. But he had to stay inside with his dog, she hated storms anymore. He always thought she would never get old with the passing time, but here she was....old, falling apart. He always thought. He sighed again as his dog, Mandy, came to lick his face and rub against him, wanting comfort from the storm. He knew it didn't help with his curtains open, but he wanted to watch a storm like he used to, even with his best friends again would have felt nice, but every time he got to see them they would leave him out of the little group, like he didn't matter to them. He did know that two of his best friends thought he mattered, but he still would feel left out. He didn't want to tell them because he would be afraid that the other one would turn it onto him and blame him like he always did and his other friends would feel bad. He didn't like it when he made them feel bad over something as trivial as this. He knew when he finally dated the one he wanted to date more than anything at this point then they would begin to feel that he was ignoring him. So it would be pointless if I said anything, he thought sadly.

He closed the curtain and moved on to his computer and turned it on as he got dressed in his favorite bed clothes; his Sponge Bob pants with his yellow tiger shirt. He slipped into his pants and went over to his computer again and began to connect to the Internet. As he began to connect and put his shirt on the lights flickered as a loud thunder clap shut the power off all over the house. Mandy jumped off his bed and made her way over to him and rubbed up against him shaking like a leaf, petrified. Another thunder clap rent the air outside and made the while house shake with vigor. He almost fell down.

"That was not weird at all," he said with a tone of sarcasm and shock.

He went directly to his window, Mandy on his heels, and opened up the curtain to see outside. He could tell, somehow, that the darkness outside was even thicker than before, after the thunder claps. This is very weird, he thought. He just stared out the window as he noticed lights coming down the road, a car. Yes it was a car, hard to make out first, even with the lights set to bright, it moved down the road at an insane pace and then it turned on its turn signal to pull into his driveway. His parents were home. But before he moved from the window he noticed a second set of lights and saw that it was a van, a van that his aunt owned. That van also turned its turn signal on and came into the driveway at the same exact pace as his parent’s car.

He knew something was wrong when he rushed downstairs to see what was transpiring outside. He definitely knew now that the night air was deeper and darker than it usually would be, even with the full moon shining. It was darker outside than usual and in his book that didn't bode well, not at all.

He heard doors slamming outside as the occupants of the car and van rushed out of them and to the house to get inside. He ran to the door just in time to open it and see a white faced Anthony coming at him.

Now this is really weird, he thought, my parents would never, ever have his best friends with them, at all! He was truly shocked and definitely knew something was up. As Anthony came upon him his other two best friends, Anna and Kevin, came around the bend with Max close behind. He heard more doors slam shut and racing feet and raised voices rending the air as his parents, aunt, and cousins came behind his friends. He noticed something....different....about them, but he wasn't sure what. He did notice their pail faces looking at him and ragged breathing.

He opened the door just in time for his friends to pass through and ask, "What's going on?"

His heated reply from Anthony was a, almost, "shut up its nothing" sort of reply he always used in any serious conversation, so he didn't push the issue with him as he rounded the corner, pail as a ghost, into the living room, Mandy behind him. He then turned his attention to his other friends and asks the same thing, but they couldn't tell him. They said it was "nothing really." so he ignored them and turned to his parents to ask them why they had his friends with them.... AT ALL!

The only reply he got out of either of them was "Because you need them."

Now that statement really shocked his senses and making his curiosity perk even more than it already was at this point. He didn't even try asking his aunt and cousins because he knew that they would have a similar answer to all of the ones he already received in the first place.

He closed the door on the last of the weird group and went to follow them into the living room. He stared at their faces and could tell they were shaken to the core their faces were practically bleached white.

His parents and his aunt were on the..........giant couch? He just noticed that it was distorted. The couch was distorted? His thought began to spin and so did his head. He felt dizzy all of a sudden. He fell down, flat on his face. When he fell everyone’s attention turned to him in a flash and everyone wondered and asked if he was alright and all of them at once tried to pick him up. His fall seemed a reflective relief. A reprieve from what they heard, what they saw, what they knew. It was a burden that they would not tell him at all.

"I'm alright," he said, picking himself up off the floor.

"Good," everyone, practically, said in unison. Now that was even weirder, he thought, what is going on! His thoughts screamed to know what was going on, but something say to keep his mouth shut, just for a little while at least.

He picked himself up and everyone went about doing whatever pleased them. His friends, sister, and cousins all went upstairs, while the adults went back into the kitchen. He looked around back to the couches and could see that they were still a little big, but they looked smaller than the last time he looked at them.

Seriously what is going on, his frustrated thoughts asked. He had to find out, but no one seemed to want to tell him anything, anything at all! He had to find out.

He thought about going upstairs and fined out from his sister, friends, and cousins because they always at least listened to him, well not Anthony, but he still tried, but he thought better of it and went for the kitchen. He noticed too that the sound in the rooms of the house was distorted. It had sound running through it, but only muffled sound, even the decreasing lightening outside was muffled. He could feel the vibrations of the storm, but only slightly too it was decreasing he could feel it. Good at least the storm will be over in a bit, he thought before adventuring into the kitchen.

As he entered he saw that the adults were talking in low voices as it is, but they stopped as he entered. He saw something truly foreboding in their gazes so he just went to the fridge and nonchalantly got out a bottle of water and opened it. As he opened the water everything was in a tense silence as he started to make his way out. The air seemed to be holding its breath.

As he began to leave he finally asked, "So.....What's going on with everyone?"

He looked each of his parents in the eyes then his aunt to find any answers, but saw only anger and terror, unpronounceable terror; he had to find out what that terror was.

He just got stared back and sweet, fake, innocent smiles out of them and a, "its okay Sean nothing’s wrong."

He knew the tones; he wasn't going to get anything out of them so he just left to go converse with his cousins, sister, and friends upstairs. He slowly walked upstairs trying to hear them discussing anything, anything at all that would help his cause of finding answers.

He heard them talking in low tones, almost sounding like they had a secret that wasn't meant to be overheard. He slowly walked upstairs catching tidbits of "what are we going to do?" and "Should we actually do something" and "Should we even tell him" and "what would happen if we didn't, we have to do something or all is lost you heard what........." He made the stairs creak with his silent movements.

"Damn it," he muttered before he entered the now silent room.

As he entered he did get tender smiles from his friends, sister, and cousins that were a change, a nice change, but a disturbing one at that. He wanted to know what was going on, but he probably wouldn't get a thing out of them either. He just smiled back and asks, "What's up?"

They all said a little too tense and fast for his tastes, "Nothing!"

They all looked to each other almost as if scolding each other. Now he was bound determined to get some answers out of them. He also just noticed that the lights were finally backed on. Okay this night is turning out to be something from the damn Twilight Zone, he thought in anger.

"That's it,” he screamed," what the fuck is going on!!?? I want some answers now!"

As he ranted all their faces turned paler than they were before they entered the house, all except Max's face, he just turned away in shame at least. They were definitely hiding something from him. Their faces were even scared too. Something was terror ably wrong with all of them.

Anna was the first to answer, “We can't tell you because we don't know what's really going on ourselves. We were just told something that scared us and stuff. We really aren't sure what has happened. We aren't even allowed to say anything at all to you, Sean. I'm sorry"

She said her "I'm sorry" with an air of civility to it, but with real emotion behind it. He knew, truly, that what she said was true to the core. They had no idea what was going on at all. But something didn't add up to what he had heard them say when he was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Then what should you tell me," he asked with emphasis on "should."

They all looked to each other, but Anna was the first to speak, yet again, for everyone in the room. "Sean," she began gently, almost too gently, he thought, "we ran into some trouble......all of us we were all caught in the rain at Meijer and your parents and aunt were both there, including Max," she said pointing to him.

"We were all caught in the rain when something very strange happened. A bright flash of white light, nothing like a real lightning bolt, but a white light none the less. It happened to appear a lady, a scantily clad lady," she said, trying to make everyone laugh, it didn't quite work so she continued on with the story.

She continued nervously," She had wings, Sean, wings!!!!"

"She said that you were the one and all of us had to protect you until the time came and that none of us would be hurt in the process, hopefully," she said with nerves twinging," she said that you were the One or something. That's all I can say, I'm sorry, but we rushed home, compelled to come to you. We did run into some trouble on the way here as you probably noticed out the window."

Sean nodded his head. He knew well what she was talking about that part makes sense. The lightening destroying the electricity and the immense vibrations and the thick night air. That came together, but he wasn't sure about everything else that he just heard, it made no sense what so ever.

"Sean that's all we know okay," she said with a little pleading in her voice.

He just said "okay" and walked out of the room and into his sisters. Pondering yet again on his thoughts. This truly was a Twilight Zoney night, he thought, something will happen soon I know it, but I'm not sure what it will be or when it will be. I just hope it doesn't come soon, he thought strangely.
A Chilling Dream: Chapter 2

Sean stood in his sister's room while all his friends were in his room discussing his absence more than likely. He just stood by her window looking out at the chilling night air and the rain that he could still hear, but only slightly and the blinding lightening. He really didn't care what they were thinking really he just stood there and stared, thinking of nothing, nothing at all.

He was worried about what was going on, but he wasn't sure what to even make of it. He was scared, terrified even. He wasn't too sure what to make of this event. He finally stepped away from the window and sat on his sister's bed and puzzled some more. As he decided and thought Max came into the room slowly.

"Knock, knock. Can I come in," he asked. Sean just nodded his head ever so slightly, not really acknowledge him at all. Max walked over to Sean and sat on the bed and hugged him close. Sean just leaned into his strong form and not cared what would happen any longer. He wasn't sure if he cared at all anymore. He was just so out of it. He was tired, not physically, but spiritually and mentally. He had just about enough of all the bull shit that was happening in his life. To add this complication was to destroy him and he was damn well close to letting it happen too.

Sean leaned into Max and finally truly realized he was there, holding him with care and love. He knew he had found his match, someone who would truly care for him no matter what the conditions were and he felt that he would easily do the same thing for him as well. He was falling for Max and nothing seemed to stop that. He truly felt he was beginning to fall in love with him.

He just sighed and held Max back, close. He nuzzled against his chest and laid down into his lap and almost fell asleep as Max stroked his head ever so gently. He felt that Max felt the same way, but wasn't sure, now he did. He sat up and looked Max in the face and saw this beautiful person sitting next to him with concern, like no one else would. He loves me too, he thought. He just sat there and stared into Max's gorgeous eyes, twinkling with happiness and soul inspired beauty. He truly knew that they were a match made in Heaven.

Max stared back at Sean with the same tenderness that Sean was showing him and knew that he would never be hurt by him. He was safe. They both were lost in each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity until they leaned in. Sean leaned forward first and Max went the rest of the way, both sets of lips touched and an explosion of love erupted.

Sean reached around Max's neck as Max reached around Sean's side hugging him even closer to him. Sean reached up and began to run his fingers through Max's soft, curly hair. Sean had always loved Max's hair and now he had a chance to touch its beauty. Max just moved his hands up and down along Sean's spine making Sean jump.

They pulled away long enough for Sean to giggle at the tickling.

"Tickle," asked Max softly.

"Yea, but it feels nice," replied Sean as they went back to kissing.

They leaned into each other making the kiss a passionate one, not a tender loving one as it used to be. They were comfortable now. They went slower than faster each worrying that one will not like it, but both did. They laid down on the bed kissing gently yet passionately now, both never wanting it to end between them. They held each other tight loving each other like a whole new passion. They now knew they loved each other very, very much.

They let their passions carry them into the next chapter of their lives, their love. Max moved his hands along Sean's body feeling his heat, his heart beating with the passions of love. He began to lift Sean's shirt as Sean began to lift his over his head. They broke the kiss and giggled all the way as each other took their shirts off and exposed themselves to each other.

Max went back in to kiss Sean and feel Sean under him, his heart thumping faster and faster just like his. They didn't know where this would lead, but they knew it would lead somewhere as amazingly beautiful as they went. Max undid Sean's pants and began to move up and down on top of him, both breathing faster with each kiss, each thrust. Nothing could be better than this. Max slide Sean's pants off and threw them in the corner of the room, their love and passion taking over.

Sean finally got the chance to undo Max's jeans and slip them off just as fast and both began to feel each other over and over again love entwined and so full of passions that they just went with the flow of where it was leading them. Leading them deep into the night.

Sean awoke to find a soft, warm body snuggled beside him under the sheets they shared the next morning. He looked down at Max and kissed him on the head, smelling his sweet scented hair. He held him closer and Max snuggled tighter.

"Morning sweetie," said Sean.

"Morning hottie," replied Max with a chuckle.

"Very funny," said Sean with a big idiotic grin rampant on his face. They shared a deep, gentle kiss and snuggled back into each other. Max within Sean's protective arms, content and happy just like him. Both remembered last night well and with deep love sheltered in it. Both knew they loved each other and it was the most magickal night they could have ever imagined.

Both were too content in each other’s arms to even leave the bed and get dressed in the least. Both just wanted to stay together all day long, but both knew they had to get up before anyone sees them together, naked too. They had to find out what had happened in the past day or so.

Sean leaned down and kissed Max on the head again," I think we should get up my love."

Max nodded, sighed, and groaned his consent," Yea, I guess we better get up."

Max looked up and kissed Sean softly, passionately on the lips again then got up so Sean could get up and ready like he needed to do. Sean got out from the bed feeling the air around him as he went to get his underwear from the lamp in the room......wait.....lamp? Sean froze in place and wondered how a lamp, of all things, got into the room......his room?

He looked around frantically not knowing what to think of this at all. The last thing he remembered was being in his sister’s room, not his room. They should be in his sister's room! Max sensing his lover's distress came over to him and hugged him from behind.

"What's wrong," he asked.

"We are supposed to be in my sister's room, not my room," he replied, voice a little too high.

"I know I carried you to this room when you feel asleep," replied Max.

Sean slowly shook his head; thinking of the lamp that wasn't supposed to be in that spot, especially if it wasn't even a lamp him owned either. He puzzled over this for several seconds feeling Max waiting for his answer.

He shook his head and said, turning around to hold Max again," Never mind, I guess I'm not fully awake yet."

Sean kissed Max again and both went back to put their clothes on again. I know somethings wrong our clothes are all over the place; he thought quickly, something is very wrong. He thought and thought of what happened when they awoke all morning long and into most of the day and into the next thinking about who he should be trusting and what was truly going on. All the while his friends, lover, and family were all under the same roof. He tried asking again, but no answer came into his possession. He was truly worried about Max too, for Max had no clue what was going on either and still didn't know how he got dragged along. He and Sean were both glad he was, but both wondered why. Sean knew something was going on and his parents and aunt knew more about it than they all did. He truly had some thinking to do about how and who to approach to find the answers he sought.
A Chilling Dream: Chapter 3

Max and Sean went about their daily business like nothing had happened, but still wondering what had happened the night before. They had no idea how they had come to be in Sean's room when they were in a completely different one altogether. Well Sean wondered. Max seemed to know what exactly had happened, but Sean wasn't so sure; and he wondered why Max thought he knew. It was clear Max had been a little perplexed when they awoke together in each other’s loving, caring arms. He just, still, did not understand what was going on. He really truly wanted to understand what was happening in the world.

His friends and family still evaded the questions that he asked over and over again. Still none would supply him with any clues either. Max did not help any more than the others did, he had no clue as to what was going on any more than he did seemed to be in the same boat as each other. It was frightening considering Max had every clue as to what had happened with them and him waking up in his room without Sean realizing anything at all as to how. It was truly strange that Max knew and he didn't. Something must have happened to his memories or Max's and that's what scared him the most out of everything that has happened so far.

Sean and Max joined everyone at the dinner table to eat some breakfast. And as they entered the kitchen Sean and Max noticed that all of them were getting along with each other, talking like they were all old friends just having a chat. Even stranger, thought Sean.

He stalked over to the table and sat down next to Max.

"I wonder what is going on here," he asked Max, holding his hand.

"I do not know," he replied, holding Sean's hand back.

They just sat and watched them talking and going about like they really were old friends that have not seen each other for quite some time. It all seemed very strange to the both of them, especially to Max. After what Sean was saying about his friends and what his parents were doing to him it seemed very strange indeed. Max felt exactly the same way as Sean did with all of this.

After what seemed like an hour of breakfast time, Sean's mom and dad both said, "Okay everyone time to get to work!"

Sean's dad clapped his hands together as he spoke and he walked over to the door as everyone began to get up. Anna, A.J., Kevin, and his cousins were the first ones out the door, while his dad held the door open for them. They all finally filled out of the kitchen and into the garage for no reason what so ever, thought Sean, that was until he went into the garage after Max.

Sean stared at his transformed garage. There was no room that was being built in the right side of the garage. It was supposed to be an exercise room, but it was never finished and it was now a storage room for miscellaneous items throughout the garage and the house. Sean was not sure what to make of his strange garage.

It was his garage in all sense of the word, but something was truly misplaced. It was rather bigger as you entered, but when you did enter it seemed the same size as ever. There was a mugginess or blurriness to the senses as you stood there in the garage. The garage had everything in the same place but it seemed tidier, cleaner. There was strange equipment in the workbenches on the left side of the garage. There were no cars, which was strange because he remembers his parents putting the cars into the garage and he had not seen or heard anything during the night like he would have if they had moved the cars back out. It was truly a foggy memory now. He was not sure what to believe anymore. Sean's sense of reality was frayed, drawn out to a thin strand. He was not even sure if he was sane at all!

He stared around the garage, Max at his elbow, ever his Redeemer and Pillar of Strength, nothing seemed the same, but it was all familiar. Max and Sean just stayed out of the way of everyone and everything not sure what to make of anything.

"My parents did park their cars in here did they not," asked Sean, in a careful tone.

Max just stared out in amazement, "Yes they did."

Neither was sure what to make of what was about to happen either. There were several workbenches prepared with strange implements all scattered in a nice, orderly fashion. Some looked to be hot-iron pokers, some looked like torture devices. His friends, sister, and cousins seemed to know what to do with each and every one of the instruments at hand. They began to pull out metal sheets from below the workbenches and began to take each tool carefully and start to use them lightly.

Anna took up her crocked iron poker into her hands and began to scrap along the metal sheet making a screeching noise that hurt the ears, terribly. While Anna continued on with torture looking device, Kevin took up another device. It looked to be a large pair of scissors, except that the scissors were crimson as blood. Kevin took the scissors and began to cut the metal sheets. The scissors looked as if they were not even able to cut the metal, but somehow the scissors did is as if the metal was tissue paper.

While all his friends used those kinds of tools his cousins used the most grotesque pieces of instruments imaginable. His cousin Derek picked up what looked like a curved blade made of diamonds. Sean and Max was not sure what the use for that instrument was for but they found out soon enough. Derek took the curved-looking blade, which was very much deformed, and just began to lightly cut down the length of the metal as if he was carving a wooden figure. His cousin Dustin used what looked like a clever, but far shorter. He took the blade across the metal and the metal turned instantly red hot. While it turned red hot, his cousin Brittanie took up her instrument that, actually, looked like giant tweezers. She used the tweezers to pick up the red hot metal and place it on the bench in front of his sister. His sister, Stacey, smashed a hammer-like object down onto the hot metal, molding it. The hammer had a sharp point on the end of it, Sean and Max was not sure what the point was used for, but they found out as Stacey smashed the point down into the middle of the red hot metal sheet. As the hammer point struck sparks flew and what was left was a hole in the middle as big as the point. She had put the point through the metal in one stroke. She did not even break a sweat!

Sean and Max stared on wondering what they were making in the first place. It did seem like weapons, but the finished project was turning into more like the tools they were using to make the metal sheets into. Sean and Max stayed out of the way as Sean's dad, mom, and aunt stood around surveying their handy work and giving instruction when needed. As this continued for some time Sean and Max felt it was time to leave the garage and go outside into the blazing sun.

It was noon as they walked outside; it was only 10 a.m. when they had went into the garage. That was even stranger, but they did notice that Sean's friends and family were making, whatever those tools were, at a good speed. It almost seemed as if they were watching for some hours, but they weren't. Something was not right with the world today and Sean and Max were determined to figure out what that something was.
A Chilling Dream: Chapter 4

Sean and Max made it out to the play ground in Sean's backyard. They walked hand in hand. Sean looking to the sky and its beauty. A beautiful blazing blue sky full of God's creatures. Max looked to, but he looked all around the yard and into the field on all sides, just to be sure. Max wasn't sure why, but he felt that something would try to hurt his Sean, and he wasn't about to let that happen at all.

Max stayed close to Sean as much as he could while they made their way to the playground.

"Something’s wrong don't you think, sweetie?" asked Sean, as they continued their trek.

"Yes very," replied Max.

Sean and Max climbed up onto the playground with the swings, facing the beautiful landscape of the field. The field was full of color as autumn started to come around, it practically glowed with golden beauty. Both Sean and Max loved the outdoors, especially when it was this beautiful. It relived stresses in each other’s life, Sean more so, and Max knew that.

They got onto the playground and just laid there, holding each other, not risking letting each other go. It is called love, thought Sean, I'm in love!

This made Sean smile right then and there with that thought and Max caught it.

Max smiled himself and said, "What are you smiling about?"

Sean smiled mischievously at Max and said in his cutesy voice, "I'm in love my bitch!"

They both laughed hysterically at that comment and just loved each other even more. Sean bent down and kissed Max full on the lips, gently and caressing. Max just kissed back enjoying Sean's loving embraces. They went back to cuddling with each other. Max's head on Sean's chest and Sean's arm wrapped protectively around Max's shoulders. Sean and Max just stared at the blazing blue sky, basking in the soft breeze. Both were thinking of mostly the same thing; "what was happening here?"

Max drove his thoughts towards what everyone was keeping from him and, better yet, Sean. He wasn't sure what Sean had to do with anything that was going on but he felt that it must be important to keep the information from both of them. It seemed to be well protected, he thought.

Sean kept thinking of why no one would tell him in the first place, especially this morning when he and his love woke up in his room together when he was in his sister’s room, and Max not having any clue as to why they were there. Even weirder was Max's insistence of them being in his room the whole time, which seemed off.

Neither of them knew what was going on, but they both made their own plans to find out just what it is. Max snuggled closer to Sean with those thoughts pondering in his mind. His thoughts were practically exploding inside his mind, like it was for Sean. Both knew what they had to do to get the information they needed.

"What do you think we should do to find out what's happening here," asked Sean quietly.

"I'm not too sure, but I think it's time to go do some espionage to find out," replied Max.

"True that sounds like my thoughts exactly," said Sean, smiling slightly.

But they continued to stay where they were, looking at the glorious sky, enraptured by each other. Holding each other tightly, contently, both fell asleep in the gentle breezes swirling around them. Both became lost in their dreams of what to come, of what might happen, and of what they thought could happen. It was all relative anyway, thought a dreaming Sean, nothing mattered more than Max.

Sean still didn't know what to do around him. He wasn't sure if Max truly wanted to spend time with him or not or if he was just tolerating him. Sean doubted the toleration part, but with past experiences he wasn't sure anymore. I guess I'm sure enough now, he thought, and that's to hold him tightly and lovingly like I truly feel. God I love him, he thought. I hope I don't mess anything up with him, he thought sadly, kissing the top of his head.

Sean stared at his Max, still asleep in his arms. He bent closer making sure he didn't disturbed his sleep and smelt his fragrance, his beautiful sent. Max smelt like "axe" mixed with a scent of a meadow on a spring morning. He smelt like what Sean thought he was a god of splendor. Sean just felt the cool breeze on his face rustling his and Max's hair. Max's curly, blondish hair, ravishing, thought Sean in ecstasy. I am so in love!

Sean laid back down and felt Max cuddle closer and smiled to himself. He would protect him with his very life and at all costs. He just had to. Sean continued to look to the sky as it began to cloud up. He wasn't sure how long he had slept and how long they had been outside in each other’s arms, but both never cared. Both were enjoying the other's company and love, glorious love.

Sean sighed as Max began to wake up. He stretched into Sean and moaned slightly as he woke up. He looked to Sean and smiled.

"Thank you that was the best nap ever," Max said kissing Sean, while Sean just laughed.

"You’re welcome, sweetie," said Sean, smiling warmly.

Max nestled into Sean's chest and Sean wrapped his arms around Max. They just cuddled there wondering what would happen to them next. Wondering what they had to fight for next.
A Chilling Dream: Chapter 5

Max and Sean began to walk inside. As they walked Sean took hold of Max's hand and made Max smile lopsidedly. Both got within several feet of the fenced in area when they heard something on the air, a kind of whining sound, something twirling in the sky. At one point it sounded like a helicopter, but it had a distanced sound to it, a high kind of whistling sound; a deep growl so low you could not hear it otherwise.

Sean stopped dead in his tracks upon hearing that...familiar sound? He was not sure how, but it indeed seemed familiar. It caused no fear. It caused something inside the pit of his stomach to tense up with admirable love? It was a very strange sensation at that.

Sean looked to Max to see if Max had heard it too when he stopped and it seemed he did because of the familiar look himself on his face.

"What is that sound it seems familiar doesn't it," asked Max, looking to Sean.

Sean nodded and said, "Yes, yes it does indeed sound familiar and it's getting louder. We better get inside quick anyway."

Max agreed to that and both raced for the house. They passed through the opened gate and straight onto the porch, but before both got to open the door the sound began to be a loud roar of terrible quality, jarring in its intense...hatred? It was a spiteful cry at that. Sean and Max could hear it over heard, but the sky was still clouding up and you could not hear much at all. Sean and Max kept trying to look at the clouds to see what could be up there, but still could not see anything, especially with fog rolling in.

While they looked to the sky Sean's mother came racing out of the house almost hitting Max with the door and bowling over both of them in the process of her haste.

"Get inside," she screamed as she looked to the skies in utter terror. She whirled around literally dragging both back into the house as another roar issued forth from the very skies.

So bewildered was Sean and Max that they could not speak thus upon entering the house. Something was wrong and it was time Sean got to the bottom of it and demanded answers to these pressing questions. Sean and Max were dragged back into the strange house. The house was back to normal this time with its two large green couches. One by the picture window that was not normal size, the length of the couch, and the other in the middle of the room touching the corner of the other couch. Everything was back into its normal space.

Sean could hear laughter upstairs like they could not hear the thing over head screeching in a very strange, yet familiar, voice, one that was truly spiteful in its existence. Now was the time. Sean was getting very, truly angry with everything and everyone at the moment and his fury and rage needed an outlet now.

He jerked his arm out of his mother’s hand and stared her down in all his righteous fury and indignation's. He did not care who watched and got his wrath full on either.

He stared at his mother, her seeming not to notice when she was only ignoring, ignited his anger even more.

"What the Hell is going on! I demand answers and I want them now," he ranted in a high screeching kind of voice. He could feel Max right beside him backing him. Max was also upset, he was tired of not knowing either and he would back his love up at whatever costs, especially his life, just like his Sean would.

Sean's mother just sighed at his anger infusing it with new clarity. "Sean," she began, "it has nothing to do with you it is safer that you do not know. Just trust me I'm just trying to protect you."

Sean just shook his head and said very slowly and with utter venom, "You will answer me because I think that it does I am not stupid, mother."

She just sighed and shook her head, but before she could open up her mouth Sean screamed, "You listen to me! You will answer me and you will answer me now! I do not wish to be in the dark when it concerns me and my Max! Do you hear me woman!"

And with that outburst everyone seemed to come out of the wood work to see what all the fuss was about and just watched the confrontation. Sean's father entered the room from the bedroom and moved over to have his say.

"Sean this is for your own good. We are just all trying to protect you from dangers."

"No! You’re just keeping me in a prison," he screeched loudly. He stared down both parents and stomped upstairs to his room, Max in tow. Max just followed Sean knowing it was futile to have his own say yet, so he just kept his mouth shut and followed Sean to his room. They entered the room and Sean just vented even more, ranting and raving about it all being unfair to him and Max.

Max was not sure what to say he knew Sean would be unreasonable in this state and he did not want to agitate the situation, so he kept silent. Sean paced back and forth in front of his bed, daring not to speak anymore. He got up, paced, and sat back down, all the while Max watching patiently. Max was fuming himself at the indignation of not having questions answered. Well then, he thought, I and Sean will have to find our own answers then.

Max took Sean's hand and sat him back down holding him in his arms, tightly, making sure he stops his venting and gives him his plan. Max knew they needed these answers and, for some reason, they needed them soon or something terrible would happen or could happen. Max was not sure how these feelings cropped up, but they sure did and he was going to follow them, like his love did. His love did find Sean for him; so it must not have steered him wrong yet!

Sean quieted in Max's arms, but still mumbled to himself about the indignity. So naive and innocent. I love him so very much, thought Max briefly to himself.

"My sweet, I have an idea," said Max quietly.

Sean stopped dead and looked into Max's eyes. Sean was full of anger and hate that it almost stopped Max's heart wanting to take away all that dreadful pain that was inside his heart. He could not breathe through his own pain to take away his lover's pain too. We can take away each other’s pain, he thought, we can fix each other.

Max could tell that Sean was waiting for him to continue into his thought process for his plan to take effect. They needed to be ready for anything to happen too and they might just well be.

A Chilling Dream Chapter 11:
By: Sean
Sean went upstairs to his room to think things through and make his plan of action. He thought what he should take and what he should do when he go to his destination. Egypt. Giza is to be exact and go to the one that is guard by the Sphinx. He just had to get to Khufu's memorial. He had no idea why but some of his answers would be there waiting for him to figure out. And with that he packed his things and went to leave the life he knew so very well and safely. Everything, for Sean, was shattered. Time to move on. Time to find a new path and destiny. But I'll be back, he thought, yea I'll be back. He nodded and went to back some essentials. If the world was like this here then it would be like this everywhere. A constant fog, a constant foreboding. He knew he was being watched, but he was being watched by two entities that's what he was sure of, it was a gaze not a constant stare.

He had his mission and he was going to do it to peak efficiency. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and went to his sister’s room and saw his sister and his friends for the last time sleeping peacefully. He then made no sound as he went down the stairs on the left and turned around the corner to see his aunt sleeping and his mom sleeping on the couches his dad was on the cot. He stared and made a silent farewell. He went out the door and didn't look back. He made his way down the road and towards Columbus Ohio and its' airport. He knew he needed a plane he just didn't know how he would get it to fly or get someone to fly it for him to get to Cairo. That's okay I have time to think about it along the way.

He made his way ever so slowly he knew he was on a time schedule he could feel it in his soul but he had to think of something to do when he got to the destination. No money. No credit card. No nothing but to offer but the truth. And he wasn't sure that would do it.

"Yea, I have to go to Cairo because I have to find my lover and save this world because I was something in a past life. Yea that would not sound crazy at all." He said out loud to the air. He then stopped on the highway and took a drink of water from his water bottle. Sighed. Moved over to sit down. He then heard a noise in the fog and he just stood still and decided it was his imagination playing tricks. Fog had a tenacity to play tricks on people’s minds even animals. It was a rather deceiving fog too, he thought.

He then continued on and heard the same noise again. Something is out there, he thought, I so should have brought a weapon. Berating himself he stopped dead in his tracks to stare into the fog and try and figure out where it came from. He looked to the left and right and nothing showed its ugly face, but he heard it again and this time in a different direction. Whatever it was sounded like it was surrounding him and moving in closer. Sean stood there fear driving him almost mad. He just stopped and listened intently maybe he could jump out of the way if he knew what it was that was around him. He hoped it was just one thing and not several. He had no weapon after all.

He waited patiently full of terror.

Here was an small excerpt from a story I am writing hopefully you want to read more of it! I will keep going and post some more of this story at some point soon!


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