
I have had a lot of experiences with meditation and I can tell you it is amazing! I have gone through many journeys to find my Spirit Guardian. I was so excited when I did he is the Midnight Dragon.

When I meditate now, after I found me Guardian and friend, I always go to this beautiful hillside. It is surrounded by a field of tall grass and woods in the distance! There is one gorgeous willow tree in the middle of the hill looking down on everything like a majestic king of trees. And when I get there I look to my right and i find myself now with my Staff. It's on my hands ready to be used for anything!

When I first started to meditate it was the gorgeous glade with my King of Trees looking down upon me and nothing but grass around, but now there is nothing but grassy field with a forest all around it! And I never used to have my Staff either as well, but now I have it. No matter how hard I tried to have my Staff with me it never showed, but I noticed as I have gotten so powerful as I am now; my Staff has appeared. It really is wonderful to have it with me when I go to this gorgeous world to meet up with my Guardian.

I digress. As I enter this glade of beauty a sense of peace engulfs me as I walk up to my tree, with my Staff and Wand, now, by my side! An extension of me. I walk up to the tree and my Guardian comes out from behind the King of Trees' and gives a shake of his massive head and looks at with me with love, as much love as I have for him as well. He is gorgeous!

He shakes that head and gives a glint of a smile in his beautiful blue eyes. He is all black scales that sparkle in the surrounding star and moonlight gazing down on us. His head is twice the size of me and his body is as tall as half the tree. He sparkles and extends his massive wings. Tendons showing in them and sparkling even more as he opens them.

When I walk up to him I lay my hand on his snout and caress his nose and say hello into those beautiful blue eyes staring back at me with the strength and wisdom of ages gazing back at me. He says his hello and we part as I lay my Staff and Wand down by the tree that will always protect them as I pick up the violin I have always wanted to play.

I start playing and the beauty and burst of colors that come with the vision of this wonderful melody into the dark night shinning all around our glade. Me and my friend start to dance and go with the flow of playful lights and music all around us, full of joy and love in the air.

We take time to enjoy ourselves and move about the glade together until we stop dancing and move back to the Tree. I then lay down the violin and pick up my Staff and Wand and climb on his back. My Guardian then stretches his wings and starts to roar with delight of what we are about to do. He stretches them all the way out, couches down. Using his strong and powerful legs he then pushes off the comforting ground and bursts into the air using his wings to climb higher into the Ether. As my stomach makes a beeline into my throat and then back, full of delight we are now soaring in the air. Riding the currents of the wind. I take my face in the wind feel it on my face cooling it with love and attention as I swing out my arms and he is just gliding through the air until he beats his powerful wings some more to extend higher into the sky above the forests and mountains and hills. He hits the clouds as I am having to hang on tight with each wondrous beat of his severely powerful wings and body.

We are now in the clouds going through a storm. It is a wondrous sight to be held. Each bolt dancing from cloud to cloud, making a light show just for us to gaze at. So we begin to head straight forward and with my Wand and Staff still in hand I begin to play with the lighting and feel its power and affection for us. And then the Midnight Dragon, my Friend does the same thing and sends jolts through me as we go through each cloud dancing in the very sky that is beating the ground below. Each bolt hits us and we send it twirl around us to be send back out to the rest of them dancing in the clouds.

We finally leave this gorgeous cloud and with my Staff and Wand in hand we soar back down to the Earth below and the Forest. We then see an evil darkness on the horizon sucking up all the light around it and we know it is time to do battle together! Not apart, but together.

Guardian Spirits, I have found, are very good companions and friends in battle. You are stronger together then apart embrace each other. Get to know your Spirit Guardian and Guide and you will be all the stronger for it. This vision I have when I meditate is just one of the recent ones I have had, and we have gone into battle and won every time! I don't like to loose and neither do Dragons really. We have had some amazing adventures and I hope you have adventures as well with your Guardian, when you find your Guardian that is, then you will be stronger and more wise then before to be sure.

I say meditation can lead you to soooo many different adventures, but only if you look in the right places. And I say I sure have found it!

I think I will be writing about more of my adventures with my Guardian the Midnight Dragon, a lot more, especially as a story series I think! Because you never know what meditation and Magick can bring to the table. A Hero in your own way no matter how small you think you are, you are most certainly not! You can make a difference and connect with so many things and people that your one ripple in the river has turned into a giant wave of your making. You control what happens with you. But only as long as you embrace all that you are. Meditation and my Guardian have taught me to never give up a good fight and to be all, be able to embrace the good and the bad of myself, because we are not perfect and never will be. One person CAN make a difference no matter how small an act of kindness you do. So meditate and go be a Hero, and continue to Love and protect the Light.

So I will be posting more adventures in a story series form so I hope you all like it!!

Blessed Be


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