A New Dream

Well....I had a dream recently, last night to be specific, and in this dream I was nowhere to be found and I was following two people as a third party watching them fall in love and what happens next. It was all of a romeo and Juliet stand point in this dream. It starts with the two love birds having another date where the guy and girl kiss and make out for a rather good while in a school. Still not quite sure what to make of the school not sure if it was a college or a high school to be exact actually, but they where in a back classroom storage area. The classroom was the storage area.

They were just finishing and about to say the magic words "I love you", when they were interrupted with some loud noises outside the classroom, with lights turning on and flashlights all around. They keep quiet and move quickly, thinking they were caught by someone from the school, so they move to the door and gaze out of the small window on the door. What they saw confused them because there were classmates and some faculty members as well outside bringing large items from outside to up the stairs, that were in large black coroner bags.

As they were bringing them in they all pass by and thinking the coast was clear sneak out of the classroom, relived they weren't discovered. As they make their way back down the hallway to go out the way they came, more people start coming through the front doors so they duck back inside another larger classroom. It was auditorium style with chairs leading down to converge on a pedestal in the middle or the room where a professor would speak from. They keep quiet and they peak out the window and see who was coming in and they recognize some friends and the Dean as well from their school entering with some brief cases and some duffel bags.

The guy looks at the girl confused and asks, "What are they doing here this late?" Both of them were of course wondering the same thing since it was about midnight hours. As they all have filed past they moved down towards the pedestal and the other set of doors leading into the auditorium.

Of course at this stage they are caught by whoever was invading the school with weird such items, and the alarm is raised. They then run to the third set of doors leading out to a landing and staircase. The ones that just came in give chase as well with guns drawn and the ones that had the coroner bags brought in find them on the next landing guns drawn as well, so they dash through the emergency exit doors.

They hit the second floor and bolt down the hallway hearing gun shots behind them all the way down. The next gun shot, before they go through to another classroom, hits a ceiling light and makes it explode and shower glass on their heads as they enter. She's holding his hand all the way, because he knew the way around the school the best. They were both new to the school, but he had been sneaking in at night like now and was searching the school and sometimes hiding there for the night, and she found out that that's what he was doing the whole time.

I digress...

So they are in this new classroom that had a nice sized table so he asks her to help him and they push the table against the door to slow them down a little and knock more over. It was a science classroom so they took beakers and stashed them in their backpacks just in case.

The bad guys are at the door so he grabs her hand again and leads her through the set of doors on the other side that leads into another auditorium classroom. They dash in and head up the ramp to the exit doors, but the other guys get there first and come through the door to stop them from getting away. They duck down and run along the chairs while getting shot at, and moved to the doors down the way instead. This lead to another set of stairs and so they begin to go down them this time. This leads them into the back entrance of some kitchens of the school, rather large at that too.

They dash through to the next set of doors leading into the eating area where they see nothing but guns and money. They found these peoples meeting space. "They must be selling guns on the Market or something," says the gorgeous guy. So they move away from the guns not wanting to pick anything up and move on to the doors to escape. They make it through to the hallway and run down it into the theatre of the school this time its more of a peristyle type, with gorgeous columns and beautiful mosaics of beautiful Greek and roman architecture.

They make a dash to the stage and emergency exit stairs leading up, but then they are intercepted by the bad guys and so the guy tells her to go and he turns and fights them off for her. They luckily don't have any guns at all so its easy to fend them off and he manages to knock them out, with a pipe he found on stage still laying there. She gets up the ladder and waits for him, crying now. He manages to get up the ladder and they get out onto the landing of the top part of the theatre seating, ruining to the doors.

As they get through and into the hallway there are more guys waiting for them running down the hallway towards them. So they bolt towards the next set of stairs this time the bad guys have at least one gun, and they are all from their school as well. The guy still has a pipe so he intends to fight them as they hit the stairs, but he wasn't about to tell her until they made it there. So as they hit the stair though he gets shot in the leg.

She screams as he begins to go down and he tells her to run intending to fight them all for her. He shoves her up the stairs to the next landing, as their classmates get to the bottom. He shoves her up and he swings the pipe and hits the front guy in the face. He knew him too a football jock, but he doesn't stop there and gets down to his knees after the swing knocked him there and hits the next closets guy in the front of the knees making him go down. He brings the pipe back up and smacks him in the face knocking him out, but the last one manages to grab him from behind. The guy then smacks him in the face with the back of his head and gets ready to get back up and looks up and her.

He smiles and starts to head up the stairs towards her, but just then they hear a gun shot from behind them. He looks down at the stain of blood spreading over his stomach he then drops the pipe in his hand with a clang.

She stares on at him in total shock tears running down her face staring down at the carnage that was his stomach area. He drops the falls onto his back and stares up and her mouthing I love you as a single tear drops down from the railing shes leaning against onto his cheek. He dies.....

The bad guys surround the body look up and scream "get her!" So she then turns and runs up the rest of the way to the top of the stairs to barricade herself on the roof of the school. Seven flights of stairs later of course.

........And then I woke up after she slams the door behind her, so after that I have no idea what happens at all. I think I want to make a story of this! And I still do not know what this dream I had means either! SO....What does everyone think!??


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