A New Dawn

Well kiddies I figured I'd write a little more about myself. I am from Marion Ohio originally and I live here in Toledo Ohio now. I love my family and friends so much they are the light in my life. If you are called friend by me boy are you a friend! So deal with it! I used to be a nerd.....wait....still am! I'm absolutely in love with the BBC show Doctor Who classic or otherwise, everyone can tell you that's for sure! I'm so bad I have my very own 11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver. It lights up and everything its quite entertaining. I am apart of a youth group here in Toledo since moving here 3 years ago. And have helped out Equality Toledo once, it was amazing! And was apart of Owens Community College GSA for a time and helped out with the first Born This Way Ball hosted by them and the fabulous Lily!

I have been put the ringer and back before I came to Toledo that is for sure! Some of it I can honestly say it was my fault, but what came with that decision was a horrid nightmare I have fought hard and long to get rid of, it was not a fun experience. But it has made me cautious you might say with dealing with people and wondering about their motives, I have become a powerful judge in that respect. I know who to trust and I can spot a liar. I don't need any magick for that! I was abused all around and I will leave it at that. I am not a victim. I am a powerful SURVIVOR!!

You can ask anyone I am stubborn as a mule, and I tend to over react on some things just because it can get my blood boiling. I am by no means perfect. But I do hold myself accountable and to a certain esteem if you will. I strive for the high qualities. I am very chivalrous, compassionate, and just good. At least I strive to be. I guess I am a modern knight as you will. I refuse to be brought down! And if I go to my lowest, I pick myself up always have always will! I can be very vindictive if vexed, and not so nice when you try to harm anyone I hold dear. Trust me when I say if vexed.....oh just run baby!! Run for the hills! Because I do have a temper, slow to boil, but when it does my cup will run over for sure!

I am an avid reader. I tend to read anything science fiction that involves dragons and swords, and historical fiction at its best as well. I am a romantic and always will be. So if anyone knocks on my door and hands me my favorite flowers (orchids and daffodils) and say wanna go for a walk, then I sure will! My favorite authors include the amazing Laurel K Hamilton. She has taught me through her writing to keep fighting for my happy ending and to learn of myself, follow my path whether it seems hard or beyond my reach. And Kim Harrison who taught me its okay to be an action junkie and save the world, but always let someone once in awhile to take over. Tamora Pierce was my first love and instilled me with this passion to keep on writing and going forth to find new adventures! Elizabeth Haydon who mesmerized me with the depth and passion of the power that music can instill in you. And Jennifer Fallon for making me want to create my own worlds and cause havoc in them! I try and succeed in bringing Light and Love into anyone's life. It's not just a passion but a powerful offering unto the world, because I know Light and Love can defeat ANYTHING.

I not always look to the bright side, sometimes I tend to be dreary myself, but I always break through and become a shining knight! This new and exciting path I am on started since birth, showed up when I was a teen and now has taken hold of me. I was running afraid of my own power, well no more. HERE I AM! I am a power to be reckoned with in my own right and no Evil and Darkness will conquer me. Told you I was stubborn!

This path has lead me to where I needed to be whether everyone agrees with it or not this is who I am you just know that I am gay and a Witch. I am still me and will always be. I know I will loose people on this continued journey, but alas that is not my fault that they don't want to know me anymore. This is okay because they were there for a purpose served and the ties are cut so you can grow and become more then you could ever imagine you could be! I have indulged my love of crystals and stones that I showed at a young age that I loved and looking to the Moon and stars as well and now know that this whole time I could've been listening and showing off more of my writing and Light to the world. I have ignored the Goddess long enough. Sorry but this is my path and I will continue it to its full extent.

It has lead me so, so far now that I am rather powerful and growing in that power. My intuition has grown along with my Vision as well, and my abilities and love of the sky and earth. She has called and I answered! Better late then never. I now have power through myself and the crystals I touch and feel vibrate with such love and compassion and understanding. Granted some don't like me but they are least tolerate me! And I still communicate on! I will soon be trying my hand at crystal oracle readings to advance my abilities even more in that power area. And in my other Power I have what is called Remote Viewing. It is where I can See Present and, now, Past events where there is strong connection. I now can see quite far. Still am in need of more focus and clarity so that I may See even more, but that is what my meditative adventures are for, which I will be posting about as well, maybe even as a story itself hmmm. I am now also an even better Judge as well, it is another power I can tell what is good and evil and who is lying as well. I have had a lot of practice with that over the years without even realizing it until now though, but I have begun to make amends of that!

I love my yoga workouts and my meditative adventures with my friend and Guardian Spirit the Midnight Dragon! We go off and fly through the ether and the clouds. Soaking up the lighting and thermals to throw around and play with. We soar through the clouds battling Darkness wherever it ascends from not letting it get a foot hold and anything or anyone. Oh, the adventures!

I meditate everyday and try to do my yoga every morning and night unless I decide to meditate and or just color! I have begun to color again as well and draw thanks to my dear friend Bernard! He has taught me to love color and just play! Express the side of you that doesn't get to come out much! And to Jon the one who taught me how to trust and love again, help me wake up my power of judgement!

This is some of me. I am ever changing. I am just me!

Follow my work and path as you see fit and I hope there is more Light and Love in your life for reading and enjoying my works of art. I love all of you!

Blessed be! Namaste!


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